Bitcoin 2022: Dobrodošli v revoluciji PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Bitcoin 2022: Dobrodošli v revoluciji

One plebs journey across the largest Bitcoin event of all time, finding signal and the pulse of an ongoing revolution.

In the time since last year’s Bitcoin 2021 we’ve seen the world change in so many ways that, if we were to list them here, I’m confident we could give Gladstein or Breedlove a run for their money on the length of the read alone. Hardly anything comes as close to accurately describing what’s been happening in the world as referring to it as a “phase transition.” I am fully confident that we are experiencing the rumblings of the Bitcoin prehodno stanje.

Bitcoin 2022 was the confirmation.

Arriving in Miami International Airport and seeing the adverts for all things Bitcoin around (seemingly) every corner was enough to really send the shock and awe home — the excitement was real. After getting to my temporary domicile on South Beach, I set off to do some brief reconnaissance (aka, I walked around to find the coffee spots). Even a few days prior to the official opening of festivities, I was hearing conversations scattered throughout the area centered around Bitcoin, and yes, a lot of “crypto” projects as well — the point being that Vice City, or at the very least, South Beach, was completely absorbed with the revolution that Bitcoin has been the vanguard for over the last 13 years.

But what shouldn’t be discounted, or lost, is the nature of this revolution; the implications of what went down, and the manner in which Bitcoin 2022 was carried out.

Vse je bilo ljubezen in zabava. Ne zaradi navdušenja nad tehnologijo povečanja števila (NgU) ali strmoglavljenja vlade, temveč zaradi skupščine naših najljubših spletnih osebnosti, na katere smo bili brezpogojno prilepljeni. Še več, ob prihodu osebnosti ni bilo nekega javnega spektakla (vsaj, kolikor sem osebno opazil). Kar sem opazil, je bil pravi občutek normalnosti, pomanjkanje pedestalizacije. Ni bilo rdeče preproge, ki bi pozdravljala premožne posameznike, ni bilo paparacev – točno tako bi moralo biti.

Dan pred

Bitcoin 2022: Dobrodošli v revoluciji PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
"Dan pred"

Pred dnevom industrije sem izkoristil čas v South Beachu za srečanje z nekaterimi meni najljubšimi ljudmi na Bitcoin Magazine medtem ko so se zbirali pred dolgim ​​dnevom sestankov in priprav na dogodek.

Prepričan sem, da se to ne sliši preveč za tiste, ki so bili najbolj zainteresirani za praznovanje, vendar naj vam povem, da je 24 do 36 ur pred začetkom streljanja najpomembnejših. To so odseki časa, kjer vodstvo in priprava resnično zasijeta. In z mojega zornega kota mlada ekipa pri Bitcoin Magazine bili hladni in zbrani — odličen znak za nadaljevanje, ki bo potrebno v dneh dogodka.

Mislim, ko sem se srečal z njimi, so bili vsi zakopani v svoje delo! Lahko ste prepričani, da sem poskrbel za zdrav odmor v tišini tipkovnic in utišanih pogovorih o logistiki, s svojimi motoričnimi usti pa sem govoril, kako razburljivo je bilo videti vse na enem mestu.

Dan industrije

The Bitcoin 2022 Industry Day provided an opportunity for companies to not only arrive and get established for their presence for the following days of chaos and unbridled energy, but also allowed for a few speakers to get words in with their colleagues. The only downside that I would list for Industry Day was that the general chaos of the dozens of teams arriving to get situated resulted in a sapping of energy and excitement. The general consensus that I deduced among industry participants was that the whole day (generally) ended up focused on setup.

Bitcoin 2022: Dobrodošli v revoluciji PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
The Bitcoin 2022 main stage being set up.

Splošni sprejemni dnevi

Now, for the content hosted across the general admission days of Bitcoin 2022, I will simply cover a few of those that I attended, as the chaos was at its peak, the excitement was maxed and my attention was redlining for 16 to 20 hours each day — brought to you by a concoction of coffee, espresso, sunlight and an average of walking 10 miles each day.

Jeff Ross Unleashed

Znan tudi kot "Makroekonomska pokrajina” je en del vsebine na odru vključeval priljubljene v industriji Marka Mossa, Prestona Pysha in Jeffs – Jeffa Bootha in Jeffa Rossa. Če ste prebrali peščico mojih člankov za to revijo ali celo le preleteli naslove, brez kančka dvoma veste, da bi bil prisoten na tej razpravi.

Česa pretakanje v živo in snemanje gledalcem ne pustita izkusiti, je občutek elektrike v občinstvu, medtem ko se ta Svet makrov napaja v strokovne teme drug drugega.

Zaključek panela se je pravzaprav začel s tem, kar je imel Moss povedati o cikličnosti tehnološkega napredka skozi stoletja, medtem ko je Booth dobil priložnost razpravljati o prenosu omrežja in o tem, kateri dogodki se morajo zgoditi hkrati, da bi podprli nadgradnjo (bodisi posodobitev programske opreme ali zamenjava strojne opreme).

Po tem pogovoru me je Pysh resnično razvnel, ko je začel luknjati v vse druge projekte »kripto« in digitalne valute centralne banke (CBDC), ki se zbirajo pod krinko »decentralizacije« v tem, za kar bi trdil, da je največja goljufiva kampanja v človeški zgodovini.

Cynthia Lummis: Politik, ki mu lahko zaupamo?

Obožujem tega senatorja. Mogoče mi bo v prihodnosti žal, če bom rekel, da cenim politika, pri Cynthii Lummis pa bolj dvomim.

Senator Lummis izgubil nič minut, da bi zagotovil nekaj potrebnih pojasnil o problematičnem okolju v politiki. Lummis je s priznanjem verjetnosti, da bi kongres res lahko "to zamočil", razbil površinsko napetost okoli teme, tako da ni predlagal, da bi bil ameriški senat vseveden ali vsemogočen, in outlining her vision for Bitcoin legislation that would encourage and foster innovation in the U.S.

Lummis continued to provide responsible insight into the road ahead for bitcoin in the political and regulatory environment with simple admissions of expecting pushback and the general back and forth between governmental bodies around the processes for formulating bills, receiving feedback on bills prior to introduction, and then the exchanges that follow to continue refining policy to the best of their capabilities.

Ultimately, Lummis instilled confidence in the future of bitcoin as moving as fast (and slow) as is necessary in order to ensure the best possible future for the nascent technology and industry.

Jordan Peterson: Mirno in hladno

One of the most recent inductees into the Bitcoin flock, Jordan Peterson took hold of the same space in a largely different manner than any of the other speakers.

Tam, kjer so Štirje jezdeci Makra napolnili prostor z razpravo o tem, zakaj je mračnost bližnje prihodnosti bleda v primerjavi z radikalnimi izboljšavami, predvidenimi za naslednja desetletja, je Peterson poskrbel za občutek umirjenosti in zavzel nasprotno stran istega kovanca. Kot je njegova metoda, je Peterson poskrbel za zelo hladno in zbrano Razprava in a similar approach to the many Bitcoin discussions heard across applications such as Clubhouse and Spaces since 2020, while adding his own jabs with the precision that his brand has been so strongly built upon.

Jack Mallers, Over The Crowd's Head

Bitcoin 2022: Dobrodošli v revoluciji PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Strike’s Jack Mallers delivering an announcement at Bitcoin 2022

J. Mall is understandably a favorite face in Bitcoin. With the charisma of a rebel leader and the energy that seems only comparable to the Energizer bunny, it is quite near impossible to contemplate just how this guy accomplishes what he does. Jack Mallers’ Objava was my favorite of Bitcoin 2022, far and above all of the others for one very simple reason: It was undervalued.

Obvestilo je množici povsem šlo čez glavo.

Lahko bi začutili pričakovanje, skušnjavo in vznemirjenje ogromne množice, ki se je zadrževala na vsaki besedi ... le malo žvečila, da bi slišala izgovor "Apple.” Ko je v resnici njegova uradna objava Strikovo partnerstvo z Blackhawk Networkom in NCR je bilo za red velikosti večje od dela na nečem izključno z Appleom, če ne še več.

V veliki shemi stvari je to nedvomno boljše od neposrednega partnerstva z nečim, kot je Apple, v tem trenutku. To, kar je Mallers naredil s Strike v tem najnovejšem razvoju, je zagotavljanje izbire za veliko večjo raznolikost državljanov, da izkusijo izboljšave iz prve roke, brez omejevanja mrežnega učinka samo na odjemalce Apple.

Mallers continues to stick to the Bitcoin ethos of getting as many people on board as quickly and responsibly as possible before the curtain falls on the petrodollar show.

Revolucionarni uspeh

The conference this year was a success for a multitude of reasons. But ultimately the success was that, amid a sea of question mark projects, the scope of the event still felt true to the Bitcoin community’s tendencies: high signal and high spirits.

Prepričan sem, da te stopnje navdušenja okoli nečesa, kar je finančne narave, ne boste našli še zelo, zelo dolgo. Če se letos niste udeležili, ste zamudili nekaj, kar je bil spektakel. Ne zaradi prizorišča, govorcev ali glasbenikov, ampak zaradi množice ljudi, ki so bili prisotni. Zelo sem prepričan, da bi lahko dogodek, če bi se skupnost tako odločila, organiziral po konceptu, podobnem Woodstocku – ne bi bil lociran v urbanem okolju v središču mesta – in bi bil uspešen.

Plebs je letos poskrbel za dogodek. Govorci so naredili zelo malo — kot se spodobi.

To je gostujoča objava Mikea Hobarta. Izražena mnenja so povsem njihova in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc oz Bitcoin Magazine.

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