Bitcoin lobi izgubi: Senat zavrača revidirane določbe o davku na kripto v infrastrukturnem zakonu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Bitcoin lobi izgubi: Senat zavrne revidirane določbe o davku na kripto v predlogu zakona o infrastrukturi

Bitcoin lobi izgubi: Senat zavrača revidirane določbe o davku na kripto v infrastrukturnem zakonu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Senat je zavrnil spremembo, ki jo je zagovarjala industrija kriptovalut, ki izvzema kripto akterje, ki niso skrbniki, obveznosti poročanja o davku na kripto, ki je vgrajena v račun za infrastrukturo v višini 1 bilijona dolarjev.

The amendment failed after Senator Richard Shelby attempted to tack on $50 billion in military infrastructure spending to it.

The original language of the bill changed tax reporting requirements to define certain actors involved in digital assets as “brokers” for tax purposes. This would require them to file 1099 tax forms with the IRS on behalf of customers, even if they did not have access to such information.

Zagovorniki industrije kriptovalut so trdili, da je jezik zakona preširok in bi ohladil inovacije.

After putting forth rival amendments last week, the senators behind those amendments agreed on a compromise on Monday morning. The Toomey-Warner-Lummis-Sinema-Portman amendment made clear that non-custodial actors such as Bitcoin miners, validators on proof-of-stake networks, wallet providers, and protocol developers would not be included in the bill’s reporting mandate.

Ker pa je bila razprava o zakonu o infrastrukturi že zaključena v nedeljo zvečer, je bila sprememba v predlog zakona lahko sprejeta le s soglasnim soglasjem; en sam glas "proti" bi ga potopil in poslal izvirni jezik zakona jutri na glasovanje.

Senatorji Pat Toomey (R-PA), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) in Rob Portman (R-OH) so glasovali za kompromisno spremembo, prav tako senator Ted Cruz-ki je predvideval, da bodo nekateri govorili v nasprotju.

That didn’t quite happen. Instead, Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) tried to piggyback consideration of his own amendment, which would have added $50 billion in military spending, to the crypto amendment. Sen. Toomey, who had risen to ask the room for unanimous consent, allowed it, but Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would not. Sen. Shelby then killed the cryptocurrency amendment.

Sen. Cruz then rose to offer his own amendment—which would strike the original cryptocurrency provision altogether—for unanimous consent. Sen. Shelby then asked for his amendment to be included in the Cruz amendment; Sen. Cruz said no, wanting a “clean vote.” Shelby then objected to Cruz’s amendment, ending all debate on the matter in the Senate for now.

The Senate is now scheduled to vote on the bill on Tuesday. If the bill is approved by the Senate, it will then go to the House of Representatives.

Editor’s note: This story was updated after publication to provide additional details regarding the day’s proceedings in the Senate.


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