Bitcoin: Why in This Bull Market Periods Between New All-Time Highs Might Be Longer PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Bitcoin: Zakaj bi lahko bila obdobja med tem bikovskim trgom med novimi najvišjimi časi daljša

Bitcoin: Why in This Bull Market Periods Between New All-Time Highs Might Be Longer PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

On Tuesday (June 8), popular crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen commented on the current Bitcoin bull cycle.

According to a report by “The Daily Hodl”, Cowen had this to say to the 457K subscribers of his YouTube channel:

“Each cycle, it’s going to get harder and harder to push it up the curve, and the reason, again, is because the market capitalization is growing, [and] it takes exponentially more volume to grow the price…

“I always speculated that we needed institutions to go to a $100,000 Bitcoin in the first place. This is the volume that’s needed to get us there. Again, this is the cycle of institutions, and I’ve always been skeptical that every institution known to man is going to FOMO (fear of missing out) into Bitcoin in 2021, and we’re all going to sell in 2022 and come back in a couple of years. I don’t think that’s how it’s going to work. I think a lot of institutions will continue to pour in and this cycle is going to be somewhat different from any other cycle we’ve seen…

"We’ve made a lot of comparisons to the 2013 cycle. I do think it’s similar to the 2013 cycle but elongated significantly. I think the main thing is that the time between various moves has changed in this current cycle compared to the one back in 2013… In fact, we have come back down to ROIs lower than the last market cycle...

„Mislim, da bomo imeli podoben pogled na svet kot leta 2019, kjer se bomo za nekaj časa bodisi spustili bodisi postrani. Imeli bomo to konsolidacijsko fazo, nato pa bomo nadaljevali naslednji del našega potovanja, in to bo le še ena odskočna deska za nas, da pridemo tja. Končno se to dogaja. "


Pogledi in mnenja, ki jih je izrazil avtor ali osebe, omenjene v tem članku, so zgolj informativne narave in ne predstavljajo finančnega, naložbenega ali drugega nasveta. Pri vlaganju v kriptoasete ali trgovanju z njimi obstaja tveganje finančne izgube.


Photo avtor “jaydeep_”Prek pixabay


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