BlockDown: Prvi festival Web3 na svetu, ki podpira NFT PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

BlockDown: Prvi festival Web3 na svetu, ki podpira NFT

BlockDown is returning this May for its first in-person festival in the coastal city of Sibenik in Croatia for the world’s first gamified NFT-enabled festival.

This year, the event will focus on the eksplodirajoči fenomen Web3 — widely seen as the next evolutionary phase of the internet — with a particular focus on the metaverse, NFT’s, Gaming and how DAO’s will play an increasingly large role in our lives: how we work, play and socialize.

Experience Blockchain & Web3 like never before

NFTs will function as tickets for the festival, and will unlock an array of experiences among the event’s many "kraljevstva" — območja festivala z lastnim videzom in občutkom, bodisi futurističnim in kiberpunkom ali mističnim "pravljični gozd". Dotted around the BlockDown site will be pop-up experiences, performances and art installations to bring the potential of the metaverse into the real world.

“We have been inspired to host a 3-day festival celebrating all things Web3 culture as we
believe there is a need for a different type of event in our industry,” pravi Erhan Kohallier, ustanovitelj festivala BlockDown. “Unlike existing industry events, our plan is to take our attendees on a three-day trip into another universe, where the excitement and energy of the Web3, NFT and metaverse worlds collide in a feast for the senses.”
block down - coin rivet
“Getting involved in an event like this was an obvious choice due to the legendary nature of being the first-ever NFT enabled Blockchain conference,” pravi V Ray, ustvarjalni um, ki stoji za večino festivalskih izkušenj. “BlockDown gives me the opportunity to offer people a taste of the real-life metaverse, and what a world that integrates digital and physical experiences could look and feel like. Imagine a real-life video game where the physical and digital weave together seamlessly.”

Kaj naj pričakujem

Dogodek bo združuje več kot 3000 udeležencev iz več kot 50 držav, 45 speakers, 10 keynote sessions, presentations, panels, exhibitions, prizes and networking sessions hosted by selected industry leaders. BlockDown Festival promises to be a packed 3 days of innovative discussions and networking, bringing together a wide network of professionals, entrepreneurs, regulators, major industry executives and investors.
BlockDown: Prvi festival Web3 na svetu, ki podpira NFT PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Informacije o vozovnicah

There are 3 ticket categories available for the event.

  • Ultra imetniki vstopnic bodo nagrajeni s pop-up izkušnjami, galerijami NFT, vitrinami projektov, predstavami, razstavami ter informativnimi paneli in delavnicami izjemnih strokovnjakov Web3.
  • Končni imetniki vstopnic bodo imeli na voljo tudi težko pričakovane odmevne glasbene nastope znanih glasbenih izvajalcev.
  • Universal imetniki vstopnic bodo vino in večerjo v edinstvenem VIP Loungu 'Mystical Forest' ob vstopnici za najbolj vročo vstopnico v mestu, koncert v živo na trdnjavi sv. Mihaela, zgodovinskem srednjeveškem gradu v središču mesta Šibenik z osupljivim pogled na hrvaško obalo.

Vse vstopnice so na voljo preko rumenega srca.

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