Kambodža razkriva novo kriptovaluto, ki jo je izdala banka, imenovano Bakong PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Kambodža razkriva novo kriptovaluto, ki jo izdaja banka, imenovano Bakong

Kambodža razkriva novo kriptovaluto, ki jo je izdala banka, imenovano Bakong PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Cambodia is another country that is heavily reliant on the U.S. dollar. Tired of its dependence on USD, the country has launched a centralized, bank-issued cryptocurrency, hoping that people will begin to utilize it for payment purposes, and thus far, the results have been rather positive.

Kambodža je predstavila uradni CBDC

As it turns out, El Salvador – which has been in the news quite a bit as of late – is not the only country out there that depends heavily on USD to operate and run its economy. Cambodia is another one, but things are moving in a different direction in the Asian state. El Salvador, for example, made headlines ne dolgo nazaj when it decided to make bitcoin legal tender for the country.

While the nation has not fully turned its back on USD just yet, El Salvador has permitted residents to pay for goods and services with the world’s number one digital currency by market cap, a decision that has been controversial to say the least. Institutions such as the World Bank refused to offer help with El Salvador’s bitcoin agenda, claiming that making BTC legal tender was a risky and dangerous thing to do given the asset’s volatility.

In addition, while claiming there were positives to the maneuver, Bank of America was also quick to dismiss El Salvador’s decision as “risky.”

Kambodža se je odločila, da ne bo napredovala pri pridobivanju zakonitega denarja BTC za državljane države. Namesto tega regulatorji upajo, da bo njegova nova CBDC (digitalna valuta centralne banke) v naslednjih mesecih in letih nekoliko napredovala. Valuta, znana kot Bakong, ima že nekaj manj kot šest milijonov uporabnikov, kar je glede na starost komaj eno leto precej solidno.

Things really picked up in 2020 when the koronavirus was running rampant throughout the country. This is when the asset picked up most of its users, though things continued to improve into 2021. Thus far, Bakong has been used in more than one million separate transactions, which amount to more than $500 million spent per data from Nikkei Asia.

Sledi stopinjam drugih držav

This is not the first time a country has rolled out an official cryptocurrency for its people. China was arguably the first, unveiling the digitalni juan back in 2019. After a pilot program that saw it used amongst various fast-food stores and retail outlets, the currency was provided to a small group of individuals that were part of a second testing phase. The asset is now being prepped for general rollout.

Kar je še bolj impresivno pri položaju Kambodže, pa je, da se država ponaša s približno 17 milijoni prebivalcev. Tako je število posameznikov, ki uporabljajo Bakong, enakovredno približno tretjini prebivalstva države, kar nakazuje, da je premoženje v kratkem času res prišlo daleč.

Tags: Bakong., Kambodža, El Salvador Vir: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/cambodia-unveils-a-new-bank-issued-cryptocurrency-called-bakong/

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