Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Celzij: Ponzijeva shema?

8. julij 2022 / Unchained Daily / Laura Shin

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Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Kaj je Poppin?

By Juan Aranovich

Thursday afternoon, the anonymous account 0x_b1 je pokazala, his identity and accused Celsius of some shocking practices. He said his name was Jason Stone, he had worked with Celsius, and he was suing the crypto lender.

His company, KeyFi, started providing services to Celsius in 2020. According to Stone, he was deploying DeFi strategies for Celsius, and was handed the private keys to the accounts that he managed for the crypto lender – all on a “handshake” deal. The funds that were managed by KeyFi were, in the end, customers’ deposits.

Celsius was supposed to be monitoring KeyFi’s strategies and hedging them against impermanent loss (when you provide assets in a liquidity pool and there’s a loss in the value of the assets).

However, in February 2021 Stone says he discovered that Celsius had been lying to him and that “the entire company’s portfolio had naked exposure to the market.” In light of this discovery, he says he decided to terminate his company’s relationship with Celsius.

After more than one year of disputes, Stone finally sued Celsius. In the Tožbo, he alleges that Celsius used customer’s BTC to pump the price of the CEL token and that Celsius failed to hedge against KeyFi’s trading strategies. He also said that Celsius did not perform basic accounting practices which resulted in a loss of $200 million that the company “did not even understand.”

In addition, he accused Celsius of being a Ponzi scheme. For example, Stone alleges that once it had a preponderance of customers wanting to withdraw their ETH, it began offering double-digit interest rates to attract new ones. He also says Celsius borrowed $1 billion from Tether at a 5% interest rate, but it offered its customers much more than that. Furthermore, the lawsuit describes how Celsius had massive liabilities to depositors denominated in ether but had not maintained ETH holdings equal to those liabilities.

Celsius was one of the many crypto platforms that had to freeze its customers’ funds. “The recent revelation that Celsius does not have the assets on hand to meet its withdrawal obligations shows that Defendants [Celsius] were, in fact, operating a Ponzi-scheme,” said the lawsuit.

The accusations came only hours after Celsius had odplačan its entire debt to Maker, and had started showing some positive signs towards its recovery.

As of press time, no one from Celsius has yet responded to the allegations made by Jason Stone.

Priporočena branja

1) Hasu on MakerDAO Governance:

Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
2) Frederick Munawa and Sage Young on Block Builders and MEV:
Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

3) Zee Prime Capital on improving community distribution:

Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Na The Pod ...

Celzij: Ponzijeva shema? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Amir Haleem, izvršni direktor Nova Labs in ustanovitelj Heliuma, govori o primerih uporabe interneta stvari (IoT), kako blockchain in kripto pomagata zgraditi decentralizirano internetno infrastrukturo in kakšna je prihodnost Heliuma. Pokaži vrhunce:

  • kaj je helij in kaj poskuša rešiti
  • kako je po večletnih težavah uvedba kripto žetonov končno pomagala Heliju pri rasti
  • kdo so uporabniki Helija in v čem se med seboj razlikujejo
  • kako je Helium zrasel na milijon naprav po vsem svetu
  • kakšni so izzivi in ​​primeri uporabe prostora IoT
  • zakaj se je Helium odločil dodati nova omrežja
  • zakaj Helium uvaja posebne žetone za vsako od novih omrežij
  • kaj je dokazilo o kritju in zakaj je koristno
  • kaj je odprtokodno mobilno omrežje in kako bi delovalo
  • ali obstaja potreba po centralizaciji omrežja
  • kakšen je Helijev načrt in kateri so glavni mejniki za prihodnost

Posodobitev knjige

Moja knjiga, Kriptopisci: idealizem, pohlep, laži in ustvarjanje prve velike kriptovalute, ki govori o Ethereumu in ICO maniji 2017, je zdaj na voljo!

Kupite ga lahko tukaj: http://bit.ly/cryptopians

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