Coinbase tekmuje z Lidom? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Coinbase tekmuje z Lidom?

25. avgust 2022 / Unchained Daily / Laura Shin

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Coinbase tekmuje z Lidom? Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Kaj je Poppin?

by Juan Aranovich

Včeraj, Coinbase razglasitve it would be launching cbETH, a liquid staking derivative of ETH.

“Keeping Ethereum secure and decentralized is critical to Coinbase’s mission and our hope is that cbETH contributes to that cause,” je dejal kripto borza.

Under Ethereum’s current state of Proof of Stake, if you decided to stake ETH on your own, your tokens would be locked up until the Shanghai upgrade, which will happen only several months after the Merge.

Here is where liquid staking comes in: It allows you to stake your ETH and earn rewards while still being able to use the funds. The most widely used liquid staking token is stETH, the token that represents staked ETH with Lido. Lido’s power has been addressed as a concern by community leaders because of its market dominance, which threatens the decentralization of the network. This topic was covered extensively by Unchained tukaj in tukaj.

Coinbase laid out a whitepaper explaining all the details on cbETH:

  • Coinbase Wrapped Staked ETH (cbETH) is a utility token that represents ETH2, which is ETH staked through Coinbase.
  • cbETH will use a cToken model, first introduced by DeFi protocol Compound. Under this model, the tokens represent ownership of the underlying principal plus any rewards accrued on that principal, minus any penalties.
  • Three examples of use cases for cbETH:
    • Exiting staked ETH.
    • Using it as collateral in DeFi applications.
    • Transferring staked ETH.

One important thing to highlight is that cbETH is not supposed to be pegged on a 1:1 ratio with ETH. This was one of the major misconceptions about stETH when it “de-pegged” a few months ago. On this issue, Coinbase explained: “ETH and cbETH are not pegged or expected to be interchangeable 1:1. In fact, as the underlying staked ETH continues to accrue rewards, each cbETH token is expected to represent more staked ETH, which may result in divergence in prices for these assets over time.”

As for whether or not it is an alternative to Lido that could prevent Ethereum from becoming centralized, at least one community member believes it will not resolve that issue. Ethereum investor Ryan Berckmans tweeted, “Lido’s stETH is monopolistic and erodes Eth’s decentralization. Coinbase’s stETH is highly centralized and in the US. Rocket Pool’s rETH is neither.”

On a related note, Coinbase addressed the issue of slashing (the topic of yesterday’s newsletter). The company stated that it is taking measures to mitigate the risk of breaking the rules of Ethereum’s consensus mechanism to avoid getting slashed, such as client diversification, node operator diversification, and geographical diversification.

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Stephane Gosselin, soustanovitelj in glavni arhitekt Flashbots, in Uri Klarman, izvršni direktor bloXroute Labs, sta se pridružila Unchained, da bi razpravljala o vsem o MEV, ki je še posebej pomembna tema zdaj, ko prihaja Merge. Pokaži vrhunce:

  • kaj je MEV, kako deluje pod dokazom o delu
  • nekaj primerov MEV, kot sta vodenje in arbitraža
  • kako je MEV zajčja luknja, polna pošasti
  • vloga Flashbotov v industriji MEV in kako so Flashboti omogočili znižanje pristojbin za plin za uporabnike
  • kako deluje MEV-geth in kako je povezan z dražbenimi sistemi
  • kako bloXroute, Urijevo podjetje, sodeluje z MEV
  • kjer se Stephane in Uri ne strinjata glede MEV, čeprav se strinjata o mnogih temeljnih stvareh
  • kako se MEV spremeni z implementacijo Proof of Stake
  • kaj je MEV-Boost in težave, ki jih rešuje
  • kaj je ločitev med predlagateljem in graditeljem in motivacija za to idejo
  • ali bi DeFi bolj cvetel, če ne bi bilo frontrunninga in zakaj MEV-Boost tega ne prepreči
  • kakšne zunanje učinke bi MEV-Boost ali ločitev med predlagatelji in graditelji (PBS) rešili za uporabnike
  • kako MEV obstaja v drugih panogah in v tradicionalnih financah
  • zakaj bi lastni vlagatelji Flashbotov raje trgovali na poštenem zaporedju kot na Flashbotih
  • kako se je število ekstraktorjev MEV zmanjševalo in ali bi to končalo s centralizacijo MEV
  • ali je izkoriščanje določenih vrst MEV nezakonito
  • kako druge verige poskušajo rešiti problem napredovanja, kot je Osmosis s šifriranjem praga
  • kateri so vzvodi, ki jih je mogoče potegniti za rešitev MEV, glede na Uri
  • kako lahko izkoreninjenje MEV pozitivno vpliva na ceno ETH in za koliko
  • ali validatorji potencialno lahko delijo dobiček MEV z uporabniki
  • kako ugotoviti, ali ima omrežje dobro dobavno verigo MEV

Posodobitev knjige

Moja knjiga, Kriptopisci: idealizem, pohlep, laži in ustvarjanje prve velike kriptovalute, ki govori o Ethereumu in ICO maniji 2017, je zdaj na voljo!

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