Brezstično udobje: pogled na trende, ki oblikujejo plačilno industrijo leta 2024

Brezstično udobje: pogled na trende, ki oblikujejo plačilno industrijo leta 2024

Contactless Convenience: A Look At the Trends Shaping the Payments Industry in 2024 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

As digital innovations reshape customer expectations around transactions, the payments ecosystem is set for a profound transformation in 2024. Speed, transparency, and integrated mobility characterise the next era of payment experiences – underpinned by ground-breaking developments in contactless technology. Based on emerging advancements within the fintech landscape and shifts in consumer demand and expectation, Traderoot’s Jan Ludik looks at some key trends that will impact the payments industry in 2024.

Brezstična plačila na višjo raven

Brezstična plačila s kartico »tap and go« so med pandemijo pridobila na veljavi, vendar še vedno praskajo površje, če upoštevamo število nakupov po vsem svetu, ki se še vedno zgodijo osebno.

The proliferation of near field communication (NFC), radio frequency identification (RFID) and innovative near proximity visibility (NPV) sensors in payment devices, retail terminals and vending machines will drive exponential growth in contactless adoption by consumers and merchants through the year.

Brez trenja, a varno: preverjanje pristnosti brezstičnih plačil

Ko se primeri brezstične uporabe tapni in pojdi širijo, postaja zagotavljanje varnosti transakcij še bolj ključno. Toda dodajanje korakov za preverjanje pristnosti uniči uporabniško izkušnjo in povpraševanje potrošnikov po hitrosti in priročnosti.

The solution? Built-in biometrics. Fingerprint, face and iris scanning sensors are already becoming ubiquitous in mobile devices and, as a result, mobile payments and banking platforms. Looking forward, this technology is likely to begin being utilised in payment cards and POS devices, enabling seamless verified user authentication at the point of sale.

»To bo ohranilo udobje pip brez trenja brez ogrožanja varnosti,« pravi generalni direktor Traderoota, Jan Ludik.

Renesansa mobilne denarnice

Odkar sta bila Apple Pay in Google Pay uvedena pred skoraj desetletjem, je sprejemanje plačil z mobilno denarnico zastalo in ni doseglo predvidene vseprisotnosti. Vendar se leta 2024 temelji popolnoma uskladijo za množično uporabo mobilne denarnice.

"Naši podatki kažejo, da se več dnevnih transakcij preusmerja na brezstično," pravi Ludik, "kar kaže na to, da se stranke začenjajo navaditi na plačevanje z dotikom iz telefonov."

 Medtem ponudniki denarnic, trgovci, PSPS, banke in druge zainteresirane strani v industriji začenjajo sodelovati na globlji strateški ravni, da bi izboljšali integracijo in zagotovili privlačne nagrade za uporabo.

"Prehod na odprto bančništvo vpliva na filozofije v plačilnem sektorju," pravi Ludik, "in vidimo, da vse več naših strank sprejema rešitve, ki temeljijo na API-jih, da bi omogočile integracijo."

Nosljivi izdelki in dodatki kot plačilni katalizatorji

Drug vidik, ki spodbuja uporabo brezstične mobilne denarnice, je pojav in sprejetje nosljivih in modnih dodatkov, ki omogočajo plačevanje.

“These devices have already had a profound impact in bypassing many adoption hurdles,” explains Ludik. “Smartwatches, rings, bracelets and other devices seamlessly sync to bank accounts and integrate with digital wallets and virtual cards, enabling contactless transactions to happen effortlessly and often unexpectedly by simply passing applicable terminals or sensors. Think about the impact this can have on public transport, retail and other sectors where we no longer have to queue at a bottleneck till-point.”

Do leta 2024 in kasneje bo normalizacija koncepta »pasivnih« plačil ustvarila navade, ki bodo koristile širši uporabi mobilne denarnice in brezstičnih plačil, ter zagotovila večje prihodke ponudnikom plačilnih storitev in trgovcem, ki sprejmejo to priložnost.

Brezstična prihodnost kripto in CBDC

Blockchain delivers the backend rails for scalable, secure digital transactions, while contactless devices offer a seamless physical interface. The combination of these two technologies is likely to bridge the gap between crypto or Central Bank Digital Coins (CBDCs) and real world usage. Spurring mainstream traction, integrated biometric sensors are likely to erase security concerns around direct P2P crypto transfers via QR codes. Meanwhile, contactless national ID systems synced to government CBDCs could introduce new embedded or automated payment event triggers based on credentials or past transactions.

"Do leta 2024 pričakujemo večjo uveljavitev kripto plačil na rampah in izven njih," pravi Ludik, "kot tudi pojav več stabilnih kovancev, CBDC in plačilnih tirnic, ki jih poganja blockchain."

Essentially “invisible” contactless experiences represent the ultimate convenience prizes for payments. Collaboration across fintech stakeholders to deploy elegant, intuitive front-end solutions with progressively advanced backend payment rails will prove imperative to maximise frictionless payments’ full disruptive potential by 2025.

Obstajajo orodja za oblikovanje naslednje dobe plačil,« pravi Ludik, »toda odgovorno izvajanje bo predstavljalo največji izziv tako za uveljavljene ponudnike kot za nastajajoče motilce.«

As we stride into this transformative era of payments, the fusion of innovation and responsibility will be the hallmark of success. Navigating the landscape with foresight, collaboration, and a commitment to security will be essential for both established players and up-and-coming disruptors. As we harness the tools at our disposal, let us remember that the ultimate goal is to enhance the lives of consumers while driving the evolution of commerce. Together, we hold the power to shape a future where seamless, secure, and inclusive payment experiences are the new norm.

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