Zbiranje poverilnic je največja grožnja maloprodajne industrije Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Zbiranje poverilnic je največja grožnja maloprodajne industrije

Kibernetski kriminalci, ki ciljajo na maloprodajno in gostinsko industrijo, se držijo preizkušenih vektorjev groženj, kot sta zbiranje poverilnic in lažno predstavljanje, glede na analizo Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC).

ISAC je organizacija, specifična za panogo, ki deluje kot centralizirano skladišče informacij o grožnjah, ki vplivajo na določen industrijski sektor. Organizacije članice si izmenjujejo obveščevalne podatke o grožnjah in informacije o ublažitvi z idejo, da lahko organizacije bolje pripravijo svojo obrambo, če poznajo vrste napadov, ki jih doživljajo njihovi vrstniki.

O Povzetek obveščevalnih trendov RH-ISAC, which encompasses information shared by member organizations from May to August, highlights shifts in the threat landscape for the retail, hospitality, and travel sectors. Credential harvesting was “by far the most prevalent reported threat,” at 63%, according to the Intelligence Trends Summary. Suspicious domains were the second most prevalent, at 16%. Other threat indicators reported by members include malicious domains (3%), botnets (3%), and adversary-in-the-middle attacks (4%).

Ten malware families made up 81% of total reports the RH-ISAC tracked during the four-month period, of which Emotet was the most prevalent. While it’s possible that the rise in Emotet-related reports could be connected to member organizations’ focusing more on Emotet defense, it also suggests that Emotet activity is “once again steady after the group’s reemergence earlier this year,” the report says.

RH-ISAC isn’t just about reporting threat indicators — member organizations also share information about specific threat topics. The Top Shared Trends graph is an indicator of what kind of threats organizations are most concerned about.

Zbiranje poverilnic ostaja najpogostejša grožnja članov, in sicer 43 %, sledi mu lažno predstavljanje, 16 %. Informacije o napadih zlonamerne programske opreme – in sicer Agent Tesla, Formbook in Emotet – predstavljajo 31 % groženj, ki so jih delili člani.

Najbolj priljubljeni trendi v skupni rabi opisujejo pogostost deljenja v zvezi s temo groženj, medtem ko graf najbolj prijavljenih trendov prikazuje obseg deljenih indikatorjev groženj, povezanih z določeno temo, glede na RH-ISAC.

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