Crypto Survey from CNBC Finds 10% Of Respondents Already Invested PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Kripto raziskava CNBC ugotavlja, da je 10% anketirancev že investiralo

Crypto Survey from CNBC Finds 10% Of Respondents Already Invested PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Po nedavni raziskavi CNBC ena desetina vprašanih vlaga v kriptovalute, kar kaže na rast industrije. 


The crypto space continues its rise to the top. CNBC released a nova raziskava in collaboration with Momentive Invest which aligns with the growth of the industry. According to the survey, 10% of those polled have already invested in cryptocurrencies. 

Te ugotovitve uvrščajo kriptovalute na četrto mesto po nepremičninah, delnicah, vzajemnih skladih in obveznicah. 


In addition, the survey found that 65% of the polled investors entered the crypto space within the last year. Despite the major fluctuations of key digital currencies, like bitcoin, investors still took chances on crypto. This year bitcoin saw a drop back to the $30,000 range shortly after reaching an all-time high above $64,000. While this survey does show a promising rise in crypto investors, the chaos ensued by price fluctuations saw major weekly outflows med letom. 

Skupaj s številkami glede udeležbe je anketa vprašala, zakaj anketiranci menijo, da so kriptovalute tako privlačna naložba. Med najpogosteje ponavljajočimi se odgovori je enostavno trgovanje in velik potencial za rast v kratkem časovnem obdobju. 

Douglas Boneparth, finančni načrtovalec in predsednik Bone Fide Wealth v New Yorku, je komentiral ugotovitve. »Obstaja veliko stvari, zaradi katerih je kriptovaluta zelo privlačna; največja je priložnost, da veliko zaslužite, «

Crypto adoption across the community 

Ne samo pri posameznih vlagateljih je opazen porast naložb v prostor, čeprav imajo pomembno vlogo. 

According to another survey conducted by Chainalysis, crypto adoption is up 880%. One of the major avenues, which encouraged such growth is peer-to-peer trading platforms (P2P). In addition, this report and drugi single out India, Vietnam, and Pakistan with the highest rates of crypto adoption. 

In the United States, additional information on crypto demographics shows the increase in adoption among minorities

Institutional investors have played a key role in boosting adoption numbers. The crypto space is rife with new institutional investors and predictions don’t see that slowing down. Fidelity Digital Assets said at least 71 % institucionalnih vlagateljev plan to invest in some sort of digital assets in the future. 

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Savannah Fortis je multimedijska novinarka, ki pokriva zgodbe na križišču kulture, mednarodnih odnosov in tehnologije. S svojimi potovanji se je kripto-skupnosti seznanila že leta 2017 in od takrat sodeluje s prostorom.

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