Defi Hack Alert: This protocol lost over $12 million in Bitcoin (BTC) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Defi Hack Alert: Ta protokol je izgubil več kot 12 milijonov dolarjev v bitcoinih (BTC)

The Defi protocol, pNetwork alerted the community of a 277 Bitcoin (BTC) hack, which amounts to 12.67 million in USD. The network revealed that the attacker installed a bug on the Binance Blockchain codebase of pNetwork. However, the protocol confirmed safety for other funds as no more bridges had to bear the burn of the attack.


Defi Hack Alert: This protocol lost over $12 million in Bitcoin (BTC) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

V skladu s Twitter-jevo stranjo pNetwork je bila napaka odkrita in protokol jo trenutno sanira, da ponovno aktivira mostove, ko bodo zavarovani, kar bi trajalo le nekaj ur. Mreža zagotavlja, da si prizadevajo za rešitev svojega pBTC za imetnike BSC in bodo še posodobili razvoj. Poleg tega je omrežje hekerju ob vračilu vseh sredstev celo ponudilo nagrado v vrednosti 1,500,000 USD. Kljub temu organizacija poudarja, da je to "dolg udarec".

»Hekerju črnih klobukov. Čeprav je to daleč, ponujamo čiste nagrade v višini 1,500,000 USD, če se sredstva vrnejo. Odkrivanje ranljivosti je na žalost del igre, vendar si vsi želimo, da bi ekosistem DeFi še naprej rastel, vračanje sredstev je korak v tej smeri. ”, Je tvitnil pNetwork.

Zdaj zamenjajte kramp

The Defi hack trend has taken the better of the blockchain system. The latest attack saw the DEX protocol, Zdaj zamenjaj suffer a loss of over $1 million during an attack last week. The attackers stole 535,000 USDT and 158 WETH. USDTs are converted to ETH through the distributed network service, 1inch, and further transferred to the Ethernet Square anonymous trading platform, Tornado Cash.

Defi Hack Frenzy

Multiple protocols have suffered the consequences of the Defi hack frenzy, including KREMA Finance that was exploited for 462,079,976 in AMP tokens and 2,804.96 ETH tokens, and Neko Network that lost over 2 million in Stablecoins. Neko Network attacker’s address obtained 2 million USDT, 390,000 BUSD, and 1 BTCB. Furthermore, the historical hack of PolyNetwork worth $610 million, recently recovered all its funds from the hack. However, it had to travel a long way to refund its users’ stolen funds.


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