Ali je res potrebovalo le 13 ljudi za Hard Fork Polygon?

Ali je res potrebovalo le 13 ljudi za Hard Fork Polygon?

Did It Really Take Just 13 People To Hard Fork Polygon? PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Ethereum sidechain Polygon successfully completed a network hard fork Tuesday, effectively creating a new Polygon blockchain that developers hope will provide faster transactions and less frequent gas fee spikes. 

While the software upgrade was hailed by advocates as a technical step forward, the manner in which the fork was pushed through the Polygon community and ratified left others questioning the network’s organizational structure and commitment to decentralization.

In December, Polygon’s Governance Team—the network’s core leadership—set forth an initial proposal to implement a hard fork. Trde vilice are events where a supermajority of a blockchain’s validators (typically, and in the case of Polygon, 67%) agree to upgrade to new software, essentially creating a new blockchain in the process. 

Typically, hard forks are used to make major adjustments to one or multiple mechanisms undergirding a network. In this case, Polygon’s leadership advocated using a hard fork to reduce the sprint length of on-chain transactions—a move that would both lower transaction times and reduce the frequency of chain reorganizations, or “reorgs”—messy and občasno tvegano dogodkov, pri katerih se več validatorjev ne strinja glede zgodovine transakcij omrežja. 

Vodstvo Polygona je predlagalo tudi uporabo priložnosti forka za podvojitev »BaseFeeChangeDenominator« verige blokov, prilagoditev, namenjena zmanjšanju nestanovitnih skokov v provizijah za plin, ki so prej okužen omrežje.

Predlog Polygonove ekipe za upravljanje je izzval a vroča razprava among the network’s community, with some pressing for further details about the necessity of suggested changes, and others chiding Polygon’s leadership for not prioritizing other, more needed adjustments—ones that wouldn’t require a move as severe as a hard fork. 

Polygon’s top brass then put the matter to a vote. But not everyone had a say. Only the network’s 100 validators—participants who run Polygon’s nodes—were invited to participate in a poll, determining whether the network should undergo a hard fork exactly as proposed, or not.

In all, just 15 validators cast their votes. 13 of them signed on to Polygon’s plan, called 87 percent in favor. A source familiar with the matter told Dešifriraj that a number of Polygon validators haven’t even registered with the forum where Polygon tallies such polls, and may not have been aware such a vote was taking place. 

So, it would seem, 13 votes determined the fate and future of Polygon. A few weeks later, Polygon razglasitve namerava izvesti hard fork, točno tako, kot je bilo prvotno predlagano. 

Po objavi so nekateri kritizirali proces upravljanja Polygona kot nedemokratičen in preveč centraliziran. 

Nenavadno pa je – in morda še bolj zaskrbljujoče – Polygon nikoli ni neposredno izjavil, da se bo njegovo vodstvo držalo rezultatov ankete ali da so rezultati ankete neposredno privedli do sprejetja predloga hard fork. Polygon’s leadership appeared to interpret the December hard fork poll as an early feedback mechanism rather than an official vote. Because 67% of validators need to upgrade their software for the hard fork to be completed, doing so could effectively be considered a vote in support.

Poligon povedal Dešifriraj pozno v torek je 99 od 100 validatorjev posodobilo svoje stranke, uveljavitev trde vilice. Toda do te točke bi upiranje Polygonovemu prizadevanju za razcep verjetno ustvarilo veliko bolj neurejen in nestanoviten scenarij za vse vpletene, v katerem bi soobstajalo več različic omrežja hkrati.

Vodstvo Polygona je v preteklosti poudarjalo svojo zavezanost decentralizaciji; ekipa za upravljanje mreže je bila domnevno ustvarjen za "postopno povečanje decentralizacije Polygonovih izdelkov." 

The group also, however, has likened itself kadru »dobronamernih diktatorjev«.

Dešifriranje Max Koopsen zagotovil dodatno poročanje za to zgodbo.

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