ECS služi 80 % podatkovne inteligence PlatoBlockchain v Veliki Britaniji. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

ECS služi 80% maloprodaje v Združenem kraljestvu

Zeebrugge, 23. junij 2021 – Od 1. januarja 2021 se je prevoz blaga v Združeno kraljestvo in iz njega precej spremenil zaradi vpliva brexita. Tako logistično kot administrativno evropski in britanski ukrepi ustvarjajo nove izzive. Kljub težkim okoliščinam je ECS, vodilni na trgu logistike dobavne verige in intermodalnega transporta, v zadnjih šestih mesecih povečal svojo tržno pokritost v maloprodaji v Veliki Britaniji na 80 %. Ključna številka logistike medtem opozarja, da bodo pravi učinki brexita čutiti šele 1. januarja 2022.

Od Brexita je Zeebrugge postal logistična vrata par excellence v Veliko Britanijo, pri čemer je glavni logistični akter ECS. Nič manj kot 90 % celotnega obsega poslovanja v dobavni verigi poslovne enote potuje čez Rokavski preliv. Poleg tega je ECS v celotnem prehodnem obdobju brexita uspel zrasti na tržno pokritost 80 % celotnega britanskega maloprodajnega sektorja, zahvaljujoč pogodbenim partnerstvom s sedmimi glavnimi supermarketi: Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Coop, Lidl in, nedavno, Aldi.

Shramba Združenega kraljestva 
​“By working with major UK retailers and having such a large market share, we start to become a one-stop shop for many manufacturers,” says Hugo Donche, supply chain & development director at ECS. “Producers find us as a logistics solution for all UK retailers. That is how we became the pantry of the UK.”

»Evropski proizvajalci založijo svoje blago pri nas, nato pa lahko britanski trgovci na drobno naročijo te izdelke pri nas. Naročila zbiramo in pravočasno dostavljamo v britanske distribucijske centre. To zagotavlja izjemno fleksibilnost za trgovca na drobno, ki poleg tega potrebuje manj skladiščnega prostora za shranjevanje zalog,« poudarja Donche. »Od 1. januarja letos je bila dodatna ovira z brexitom. ECS prevzame vso obremenitev carinskih deklaracij in potrdil, kar popolnoma razbremeni trgovce.”

"195,000 kvadratnih metrov skladiščnega prostora je namenjenega britanskemu maloprodajnemu sektorju." – Hugon donche, direktor dobavne verige in razvoja pri ECS

Postopni izhod
​Currently, ECS has 195,000 square metres of warehouse space dedicated to the British retail sector, accounting for 220,000 pallets in the ECS network and three million pallets transported annually. Hugo Donche does however notice a change in the import and export behaviour of the British. “The figures for both imports and exports are 10% lower than last year and it remains to be seen whether these figures will normalise. Many Brexit rules are currently not yet applicable in Great Britain. There, they are working with a phased exit. At the end of this year, they will enter phases 2 and 3. We will therefore only feel the real impact of Brexit after January 1st 2022.”

Izogibanje Doverju
​In order to compete with other logistics players, ECS puts maximum effort on its intermodal network. Road transport is avoided as much as possible, which benefits both the environment and the punctuality of deliveries. “We avoid the classic bottleneck between Dover and London and instead deliver to port terminals that are as close as possible to the final destination,” explains Donche. “We ship our cargoes unaccompanied, which allows us to use British drivers upon arrival in the UK. Not only does this avoid problems with the language and driving on the left, it also allows drivers to make several deliveries a day as they only have to travel a distance of around ten kilometres between the terminal and the distribution centre.”

»Dodatna prednost je, da se s pošiljanjem brez spremstva izognemo covid testiranju voznikov. Lani tako nismo trpeli zaradi strogih koronskih ukrepov, medtem ko so morali vozniki, ki so potovali iz Dovra v Calais, čakati tudi do pet dni. Poleg tega pristanišče Zeebrugge skorajda ne motijo ​​nenapovedane stavke, zaradi česar smo zelo zanesljivi.«

Komercialno privlačen
​This reliability makes it possible for ECS to deliver stockless. “This means that the retailer’s own depot does not keep any stock and fully distributes the delivery we make to the shops within 24 hours. It is crucial that we deliver on time, otherwise the shops will not receive their products. What is unique to ECS is that we combine light and heavy loads in the same cargo. We do this by making optimal use of the dimensions and weights of the products in trailers that are higher than normal. This ensures that the average cost price can be up to 12% cheaper, which makes our delivery method very attractive from a commercial point of view.”

Z maksimiranjem uporabe pomorskega prometa in optimizacijo tovora se bo ECS lotil tudi prihodnjih logističnih izzivov, ki jih prinaša Brexit, na okolju prijazen, zanesljiv in trajnosten način.






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