Strokovnjak zatrjuje, da XRP ne bo zamudil tega bikovskega teka

Strokovnjak zatrjuje, da XRP ne bo zamudil tega bikovskega teka

Expert Asserts XRP Will Not Miss This Bull Run PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Priznani kripto komentator Zach Rector je izrazil prepričanje, da bo XRP kljub naraščajočemu pesimizmu opazno uspešen na tem bikovskem trgu.

Zadnji statistični podatki to kažejo XRP lags behind 61 digital assets among the top 100 most valuable tokens. Since October 2023, XRP only grew 50% from $0.4878 to its recent yearly high of $0.744.

V istem obdobju je BNB narasel za 191 % z 205 $ na nov večletni vrh pri 598 $. Podobno je Solana (SOL) eksplodirala za 670 % s samo 22 $ oktobra lani na najvišjo vrednost 154 $ ta mesec. Primerljiv 300-odstotni dobiček je mogoče opaziti pri Cardano, Dogecoin in Avalanche, ki so vsi uvrščeni med prvih deset.

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Nedvomno je XRP skoraj šest mesecev po tem ciklu bikovske sezone sam med prvimi desetimi v svojem boju za doseganje nadomestljive uspešnosti na celotnem trgu. XRP’s subpar trajectory continues to stir frustration among enthusiasts who fear missing out on this bull season.

XRP ne bo zamudil tega bikovskega teka

Vendar tržni strokovnjaki, kot je Zach Rector, pogumno trdijo, da bodo imetniki XRP zagotovili svoj pravičen delež dobičkonosnosti zaradi nenehnega naraščanja vrednosti XRP.

»Razumem, da je bila vožnja težka. [Vendar] ne verjamem, da bo XRP zamudil ta vzpon,” Rektor pripomnil v nedavnem posnetku.

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Rector emphasized that although holding XRP can be challenging, enthusiasts should consider the fundamentals and maintain faith in the asset’s potential. He argued that XRP boasts one of the best vrednostne ponudbe among all crypto projects in the crypto sphere. 

Poleg tega je gledalce izzval, naj identificirajo kripto projekte z boljšimi osnovami in pristnim sprejetjem kot XRP.

Essentially, Rector stressed that while other crypto assets have been performing admirably, XRP’s moment will surely emerge. He cited XRP’s Monday rocket launch to $0.74 from around $0.61 as backing that XRP would record pivotal surges in the bull run.

XRP je zamudil nedavni pretekli bikovski tek

Pomembno, XRP missed the 2021 bull season, failing to approach its all-time high of $3.84 set in 2018. Many in the crypto community attribute this failure to the SEC lawsuit hindering XRP’s progress. 

However, XRP’s lackluster performance after securing a legal victory has heightened the pessimism about its potential. Nonetheless, prominent market watchers maintain optimism, suggesting that the asset lahko doseže 10 $ during this bull season.

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