Voditelji G20, vključno z Joejem Bidenom: Kripto mora biti 'predmet stroge regulacije' PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Voditelji G20, vključno z Joejem Bidenom: Kripto mora biti 'predmet stroge regulacije'

Last week, at the 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit, which was held November 15-16, 2022 in Bali, Indonesia, the world leaders present made a joint declaration that had some interesting things to say about the “crypto-assets ecosystem”.

V skupnem Izjava released by the White House on 16 November 2022, the G20 Bali leaders had this to say about crypto:

"We welcome ongoing work by the FSB and international standard setters to ensure that the crypto-assets ecosystem, including so-called stablecoins, is closely monitored and subject to robust regulation, supervision, and oversight to mitigate potential risks to financial stability. We welcome the FSB’s proposed approach for establishing a comprehensive international framework for the regulation of crypto-asset activities based on the principle of ‘same activity, same risk, same regulation’.

"We welcome the FSB consultative report on the review of its high-level recommendations for the regulation, supervision and oversight of “global stablecoin” arrangements. We also welcome the FSB consultation report on promoting international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches to crypto-assets activities and markets. It is critical to build public awareness of risks, to strengthen regulatory outcomes and to support a level playing field, while harnessing the benefits of innovation.

"We welcome the final guidance by the BIS CPMI and IOSCO which confirms that the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures apply to systematically important stablecoin arrangements. We welcome the FSB consultative report on achieving greater convergence in cyber incidents reporting, and look forward to the final report. We welcome the results of the second phase of the Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2) and will continue to work with partners in addressing the identified remaining challenges.

"We welcome the workplan on the new Data Gaps Initiative (DGI) prepared by the IMF, FSB and the Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics (IAG) in collaboration with participating members. We ask the IMF, the FSB and the IAG to begin work on filling these data gaps and report back on progress in the second half of 2023, noting that the targets are ambitious and delivery will need to take into account national statistical capacities, priorities, and country circumstances as well as avoiding overlap and duplication at international level.

"We welcome the progress of work on the review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, including the second report and the ongoing public consultation, and look forward to further updates on the review."

Ameriški zakladnik Dr. Janet Yellen recently spoke out on regulation of crypto markets in the wake of the recent collapse of crypto exchange FTX.

On 16 November 2022, the U.S. Treasury Secretary sprosti naslednja izjava:

"Nedavni neuspeh velike borze kriptovalut in neugoden učinek, ki je prinesel imetnike in vlagatelje kripto sredstev, kažeta na potrebo po učinkovitejšem nadzoru nad trgi kriptovalut.

"V preteklem letu je Ministrstvo za finance prek predsednikove delovne skupine za finančne trge in kot odgovor na predsednikov izvršni ukaz o digitalnih sredstvih sodelovalo s svojimi regulativnimi partnerji pri prepoznavanju tveganj na kripto trgih. Nekatera tveganja, ki smo jih ugotovili v teh poročilih, vključno s prihajajočimi sredstvi strank, pomanjkanjem preglednosti in navzkrižjem interesov, so bila v središču stresov na kripto trgu, opaženih v zadnjem tednu.

"Za večino naših finančnih produktov in trgov imamo zelo stroge zakone o varstvu vlagateljev in potrošnikov, ki so zasnovani tako, da obravnavajo ta tveganja. Kjer veljajo obstoječi predpisi, jih je treba strogo izvajati, tako da enaka zaščita in načela veljajo za kripto sredstva in storitve.  

"Tudi zvezna vlada, vključno s kongresom, mora hitro ukrepati, da zapolni regulativne vrzeli, ki jih je odkrila Bidnova administracija. Kar zadeva finančno stabilnost, so bili učinki prelivanja dogodkov na kripto trgih omejeni, vendar je nedavno poročilo Sveta za nadzor finančne stabilnosti, ki mu predseduje ministrstvo za finance, opozorilo, da bi lahko nadaljnje medsebojno povezovanje tradicionalnega finančnega sistema in kripto trgov povzročilo širše pomisleke glede finančne stabilnosti. .

"V prihodnje je ključnega pomena, da naredimo vse, kar je potrebno, da obravnavamo ta zaskrbljujoča tveganja in ukrepamo za zaščito potrošnikov ter spodbujamo finančno stabilnost."

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