Global New Material, leading the new materials industry, answers in its interim report after 19-day price rally PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Global New Material, vodilni v industriji novih materialov, v svojem vmesnem poročilu odgovarja po 19-dnevnem dvigu cen

HONG KONG, 28. septembra 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - On July 20, 2021, Global New Material International Holdings Limited (“Global New Material”) (6616.HK), having developed pearlescent materials and synthetic mica as new materials in the consumer sector, ushered in strong momentum with its stock price soaring to an intraday increase of 14.68% on the third trading day following its entry into the capital market.

Global New Material, leading the new materials industry, answers in its interim report after 19-day price rally PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

On July 21, August 3, August 4 and August 11, Global New Material’s stock price recorded an intraday increase of 11.47%, 8.75%, 25.87 and 9.66% respectively. Over 19 trading days ended August 13, Global New Material saw its stock price rising by 104.89% and its market value exceeding HKD8 billion.

Poročilo o zaslužku, ki ga je podjetje objavilo 30. avgusta, kaže, da je Global New Material v prvi polovici leta 2021 zabeležil skupni prihodek v višini 307 milijonov RMB, kar predstavlja 25.3-odstotno povečanje v primerjavi s tistim v prvi polovici leta 2020, bruto marža 52.7 % z 48.6 % v prvi polovici leta 2020, skupni bruto dobiček v višini 162 milijonov RMB, kar predstavlja povečanje za 36.0 % v primerjavi s tistim v prvi polovici leta 2020, in skupni dobiček, ki ga je mogoče pripisati matični družbi, v višini 94.10 milijona RMB , kar predstavlja znatno povečanje za 54.3 %.

For now it appears that the capital market values the growth potential of Global New Material in the field of pearlescent materials. In the future, with the continued endogenous growth of the industry and the Company’s industry-leading role, Global New Material’s stock price momentum at the moment could be only the beginning.

Močna rast v več podjetjih je spodbudila prihodke

Global New Material is specialized in pearlescent pigment products, coatings, mica and other related products. When measuring revenue in 2020, Global New Material is the world’s largest producer of synthetic mica-based pearlescent pigments, the world’s fourth-largest producer of pearlescent pigments, and the producer of pearlescent pigments with the highest market share in China.

In the first half of 2021, natural mica-based pearlescent pigment products, synthetic mica-based pearlescent pigment products and glass flake-based pearlescent pigment products, which accounted for the largest part of Global New Material’s total revenue, had their revenues increasing by 20.7%, 31.2% and 46.3% respectively and contributed to 25.3%, equivalent to RMB307 million, in the increase in Global New Material’s total revenue.

Impresivno povečanje bruto marže in stroškovnega razmerja je še povečalo stopnjo čistega dobička

Synthetic mica-based, glass flake-based and silica-based products are more profitable than natural mica-based products. In the first half of 2021, the revenue of these three types of products accounted for 44.4% of Global New Material’s total revenue, representing an increase from 41.9% in the first half of 2020, which led to a remarkable rise in Global New Material’s gross margin to 52.7% from 48.6% in the first half of 2020.

Z rastjo prihodkov in bruto marže se je končni čisti dobiček Global New Material znatno povečal za 56.5 % na 98.181 milijona RMB, njegova neto marža pa se je povečala za 6.4 odstotne točke na 32 %.

Velik tržni potencial in širitev zmogljivosti podpirata prihodnjo rast

Biserni pigmenti imajo prednost pred tradicionalnimi pigmenti v smislu odpornosti proti bledenju, netoksičnosti, varnosti in prijaznosti do okolja, zato hitro nadomeščajo tradicionalne pigmente.

V primerjavi z naravnimi pigmenti na osnovi sljude se sintetični biserni pigmenti na osnovi sljude veliko bolje obnesejo glede sijaja, prosojnosti in odpornosti na visoke temperature ter na splošno ne vsebujejo težkih kovin. Zato so biserni pigmenti na osnovi sintetične sljude bolj primerni za hitro rastoče trge višjega cenovnega razreda, kot so avtomobili in kozmetika.

Po poročilu Frost-Sullivan naj bi leta 2022 svetovni trg izdelkov iz sintetične sljude presegel obseg naravnih izdelkov iz sljude; velikost trga izdelkov iz sintetične sljude in izdelkov iz naravne sljude bo do leta 15.4 dosegla 9.7 milijarde RMB oziroma 2025 milijarde RMB; velikost trga izdelkov na osnovi sintetične sljude na Kitajskem naj bi se v naslednjih petih letih povečala za 39.7 % in do leta 7.6 dosegla 2025 milijarde RMB.

In 2020, Global New Material came close to full capacity, with pearlescent pigments and synthetic mica products reaching nearly 14,000 tons and 10,000 tons respectively. Global New Material’s phase-2 plants are under construction, and once put into production, are expected to realize a capacity of 30,000 tons of pearlescent pigments and 30,000 tons of synthetic mica products. Forecast by Global New Material, a capacity of 6,000 tons of pearlescent pigments will be realized in the fourth quarter of this year, and a capacity of 6,000 tons of synthetic mica products will be realized in the second quarter of next year, which will lead to a further growth of Global New Material’s performance.

Stiki medijev:
Haolu Wang, arašidi
T: + 86 18345 162685

Tema: Povzetek sporočila za javnost
vir: Arašidov medij

sektorji: Dnevne finance

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