Harmony sprejema večverižno prihodnost blokovne verige PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Harmony sprejema večverižno prihodnost verige blokov

DeFi products among the first adopters of multichain services

As a blockchain solution, Harmony has a perfect position to fit in with the multichain future the blockchain industry is heading towards. A variety of DeFi protocols have been making efforts in launching their products across different blockchains, and Harmony can give this multichain future a significant boost.

Even though many still consider Bitcoin and Ethereum to be a gold standard for blockchain technology, the realization has come that more is needed. Blockchain technology needs a friendlier user experience with fast transactions and low cost. In addition, one might argue that the need for a low carbon footprint has also become very important. 

As Ethereum has been hampered by its own success, DeFi and gaming products migrated to other solutions. 1inch launched its aggregator on Polygon and Binance Smart Chain, while for example SushiSwap and Aave also expanded their services to other blockchains. Also in the world of gaming, developers prefer a user experience with low fees. That’s why projects like The Sandbox, Cometh, Aavegotchi and F1 Delta Time moved over to Polygon. 

Each of these projects looks for the best, cheapest, fastest solutions for their users. In addition, users need to be able to move their assets from one blockchain to the other in a smooth way. Bridging technology exists, but there’s still lots of space for improvement. 

That’s where Harmony comes into play.

How Harmony builds the multichain future

Veliko verig blokov deluje samostojno, medtem ko nekatere ponujajo premostitveno tehnologijo. Harmony želi postati edini most do vseh verig blokov. Je odprta platforma za sredstva, kot so žetoni in NFT, za zbirateljske predmete, predmete iger, pa tudi upravljanje identitete. 

Glavno omrežje Harmony deluje že kar nekaj časa in razvijalci nenehno izboljšujejo ekosistem. Trenutno se aplikacije Ethereum izvajajo na Harmonyju z 2-sekundno dokončnostjo transakcije in 100-krat nižjimi stroški. Uporabniki lahko gladko premikajo svoja sredstva z uporabo varnih mostov iz Harmony v druge verige blokov, na primer Ethereum in Binance Smart Chain. 

Harmony wants to be the bridge that crosses all blockchains, and is already spreading its native token across the ecosystem. SushiSwap is zdaj aktiven on Harmony blockchain, but the native ONE token can also be traded on Ethereum. It’s an example of Harmony’s ambition to be omnipresent. 

Harmony wants their solution to be interoperable with different Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake blockchains. This interoperability goes beyond for example Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, which both are EVM compatible. Firstly Harmony’s FlyClient cross-chain solution is being made to support Bitcoin, and it would bring Wrapped BTC (wBTC) to Harmony. In addition a bridge with Polkadot allows developers on Harmony to use Polkadot’s WebAssembly and para-chain tooling by extension.

Zaključne misli

The future of blockchain isn’t centralized on one blockchain. Just like blockchain brings decentralization to existing markets, the technology itself will also be decentralized. Allowing users to smoothly transfer value from one chain to the other, will be crucial for growth and adoption. Harmony has a role to play in this cross-chain, multichain future. 

DappRadar will integrate Harmony into its dapp discovery platform later this year. With DappRadar integration coming up, there’s no better time to start bringing dapps to Harmony.

Kako nastaviti Harmony v Metamasku

  1. Odprite Metamask, kliknite spustni meni omrežja na vrhu
  2. Na dnu menija izberite Custom RPC
  3. Izpolnite spodnje podatke:
    1. Ime omrežja: Harmony
    2. Nov URL RPC: https://api.harmony.one
    3. ID verige: 1666600000
    4. Valuta: ENA
    5. Raziskovalec blokov: https://explorer.harmony.one 
  4. Kliknite SHRANI. 
  5. Zdaj lahko v spustnem meniju omrežja izberete Harmony in začnete komunicirati z dapp-ji v verigi blokov Harmony. 

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