Evo, kako lahko nadgradnja Ethereum Shanghai vpliva na ceno žetonov ETH in LSD

Evo, kako lahko nadgradnja Ethereum Shanghai vpliva na ceno žetonov ETH in LSD

Here’s How the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade May Impact the ETH and LSD Token Price PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Veliko pričakovano Šanghajska nadgradnja is a few days away and the ETH price appears to be preparing for a pre-rally at the moment. The price has surged beyond $1800 as the fresh bullish push raised the levels higher. However, the possibilities of a pullback continue to haunt but the lower support at $1737 appears to be much stronger to handle bearish pressure. 

Kaj pričakovati od cene ETH po nadgradnji?

Glede na podatke iz Analiza sipin, nearly 16.3 million Ethereum has been staked on the network which currently remains locked until the upgrade. The Shanghai upgrade which is scheduled on April 12, 2023, will enable the withdrawals of these staked tokens. With this, the experts believed the risk of holding the staked versions of ETH may reduce which includes Lido’s stETH and Frax’s frxETH as they become redeemable. 

Bo to ustvarilo ogromen prodajni pritisk?

Po nadgradnji je mogoče pričakovati mešan odziv na prevladujočo poizvedbo. Ker se pričakuje, da bodo nekateri vlagatelji unovčili svoje vložke in izstopili iz verige svetilnikov. Medtem ko bodo nekateri morda še naprej vlagali s tekočimi vložki (LSD), da bi zaslužili več donosov. Poleg tega je največji dovoljeni dvig na dan okoli 50,400 ETH, kar je zanemarljivo v primerjavi z dnevno količino žetona. 

Therefore, chances of mounting a hefty selling pressure currently appear negligible. Conversely, Ethereum is now deflationary which means buying pressure will be more than selling pressure. If the validators continue to exist, it may increase the buying pressure and eventually draw more investors. 

Kakšen bi lahko bil vpliv na žetone LSD?

Obvestilo o nadgradnji v Šanghaju je močno dvignilo cene LSD-jev, kot so Lido, delnice Fraxa in Rocket pool. Po nadgradnji bodo uporabniki lahko preprosto vlagali prek LSD-jev, kar bo morda dodatno povečalo Total Value Locked (TVL) in celotno platformo. Vendar pa lahko validator tudi izgubi svoje nagrade za staking, zaradi česar ostanejo LSD-ji pomembni.

Also, external factors like regulation within the centralizirane izmenjave may promote withdrawals from these exchanges. Therefore, the users may expect a more bullish run post to the Shanghai upgrade as the probability of a bearish outlook remains low at the moment. 

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