How Identity Verification can help India’s growing Digital economy (Philip Chethalan) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Kako lahko preverjanje identitete pomaga rastočemu indijskemu digitalnemu gospodarstvu (Philip Chethalan)

In February 2021, the Reserve Bank of India published a paper detailing Digital Payment Security Controls (DPSC). The paper was developed to aid Indian financial organisations in protecting digital channels and offering commodities to clients with Identity
Verification solutions.

Global financial services corporations are caught between the government and clients. The DPSC’s principles include the full ecosystem, from fundamental security controls, customer experience, and privacy controls, to device-level controls that operate in
tandem to protect consumer data and transactions.

Kupci vedno bolj iščejo spletne storitve, zato so te zahteve razumne. Potrebujejo hiter dostop in ne marajo, da z njimi ravnajo kot s kriminalci. Stranke so tehnološko podkovane in razumejo, kako jim lahko tehnologija koristi.

DPSC zahteva, da se bistvene operacije, kot so preverjanje identitete na daljavo, celoviti ukrepi za zaščito zasebnosti in prefinjena avtentikacija uporabnikov, digitalno preoblikujejo na natančen, hiter in enostaven način.

Financial institutions in India should develop a distributed digital identity system to improve access management, customer experience, privacy controls, and identity proofing in order to comply with the recommendations. Distributed digital identification
systems also promote privacy by providing simplicity and security while allowing users to govern their data. Advanced distributed digital identification solutions would do away with the necessity for passwords in favour of an advanced identity-based biometric.
This would identify individuals with a high level of certainty, reducing the risks posed by data breaches, MITM attacks, ransomware, phishing, and fraud.

Digitalna identiteta

Identiteta je najbolj bistvena ideja v človekovem obstoju. Našo telesno identiteto določajo naše pretekle izkušnje, ukoreninjena prepričanja, naučeno vedenje in mešanica kulturne, družinske, nacionalne, timske, spolne in drugih identitet.

A person’s digital identity is a set of digital data that validates their identity and allows them to accomplish numerous jobs in the digital world. As a consequence of digital transformation activities, digital identity verification is fast rising, and
it is likely to increase much more as a result of the pandemic.

Identity verification is the most crucial component of accessing the services of the digital world, and it can be performed in a number of ways, one of which is eKYC or digital KYC, which is recognised as one of the most trustworthy techniques of identity

Rast procesa digitalne identifikacije

Pojav novih rešitev eKYC, ki izkoriščajo razvijajočo se tehnologijo, biometrične podatke, osebne dokumente in umetno inteligenco za ustvarjanje preverjene digitalne identitete, je povzročil nov premik paradigme v postopkih preverjanja identitete.

Število transakcij eKYC v Indiji je dramatično naraslo, s 1,249.23 Cr julija na 1,272.68 Cr konec avgusta. Digitalna domena je predstavila naprednejše preverjanje identitete z dodajanjem KYC na podlagi videa za preverjanje podatkov ljudi.

Nova metoda KYC

Video KYC se je razvil kot eden najvarnejših načinov potrditve informacij, zlasti za finančne organizacije.

Zaradi kombinacije video omogočenih funkcij, avdiovizualnih interakcij, zmožnosti ujemanja obrazov in splošne uporabe tehnologije umetne inteligence za optimizacijo in pospešitev postopka preverjanja KYC se video KYC razlikuje od prejšnjih protokolov preverjanja KYC.

In video KYC, geotagging is utilised to establish the customer’s location during KYC verification, and facial matching is employed as an important identifying approach. It relies on technology to extract information from photos of officially recognised papers
(OVDs) and then instantaneously confirm that information. This is a critical core component of video KYC, allowing for faster verification with fewer errors.

Varovanje digitalne identitete

Corporations are now managing millions of people’s sensitive information online as the Internet has progressed and personal usage has expanded. The best efficiency must be employed to give and restrict access to such sensitive information while preserving
and promoting individual privacy.

V panogi so se pojavili novi prodajalci, ki pomagajo podjetjem in vladam z zagotavljanjem rešitev za upravljanje digitalne identitete, ki poenostavljajo upravljanje identitete, hkrati pa ohranjajo popoln nadzor nad zaščito podatkov.

Sistemi za upravljanje identitete poleg zaščite programske opreme in dostopa do podatkov ščitijo pred nepooblaščenim dostopom do fizičnih virov organizacije, kot so strežniki, omrežja in pomnilniške enote, kar lahko vodi do napada izsiljevalske programske opreme.

Businesses may now retain an expanding number of identities in the digital world, thanks to the rise of digital solution providers. These identities can be partners, clients, or workers, and each has unique access criteria that must be satisfied for the
duration of their engagement with the organisation. They aid in automated synchronisation and reconciliation, social registration, profile and privacy management, employee identity creation, and role-based provisioning and de-provisioning.


Digital identities are becoming increasingly realistic and widespread on a worldwide basis as technology progresses and internet and smartphone usage grows. Consumers can utilise digital IDs to perform identification services remotely or on digital devices
such as mobile phones more conveniently.

Digital identities make procedures more effective and smooth by streamlining and automating them. Digital management solution providers assist in the identification of fraud and the threat of cybercrime within the data system. They speed up the risk-based
document verification process by allowing organisations to verify papers and check for duplicate IDs.

The landscape for digital solution providers in India has also expanded dramatically in recent years, with a compound annual growth rate of 25.89%, the global SaaS market is expected to reach $720.44 billion by 2028 based on the 2022–2028 forecast. The country’s
expanding digital domain gives an opportunity for digital solution providers to develop clever algorithms to allow a more robust and efficient form of digital identity verification.

Prvotno objavljen na na oktober 28, 2022.

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