Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu

Nedavno smo pokrival objavo zanimivega novega zagona orodij DAO 20. julija letos.

V zadnjih petih tednih je ekipa platforme odprla novo pobudo za financiranje, ki temelji na Cardanu, znano kot »ISPO«, zagnala svojo prvo distribucijo uporabnih žetonov z lastno programsko opremo blockchain in uvaja module iz svojega obljubljenega »operacijskega sistema DAO«. ” na Cardanovem Testnetu in Mainnetu ter je izjavil, da namerava uvesti platformo in njene različne dodatke od septembra 2022.

V ponedeljek, 29. avgusta – 40 dni od objave projekta – smo si vzeli nekaj trenutkov za pogovor z ustanovno ekipo platforme: Adam Rusch, predsednik združenja Summon, Thomas DiMatteo, izvršni direktor Summon Labs, Riley Kilgore, tehnični direktor Summon Labs in Matthew Bowen, generalni svetovalec podjetja Summon Labs.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Blockonomi: Since announcing Platforma Summon pred samo petimi tedni [opomba urednika: 20. julij 2022] je vaš projekt DAO dosegel izjemen zagon. Prejšnji teden je potekala prva distribucija žetonov platforme. Kako se je obneslo na tem medvedjem trgu?

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Adam Rusch: Thank you, and thanks to Blockonomi for the opportunity to provide this update to everyone.

Uvodna distribucija žetonov skupnosti platforme Summon se je začela v četrtek, 2. avgusta, ob 00:18 UTC in zaključila ob 11:59 v nedeljo, 21. avgusta. V teh 83 urah je bilo več kot 10 milijonov $SUMMON žetonov razdeljenih več kot 400 imetnikom – to je v povprečju več kot 126,000 $SUMMON žetonov, pridobljenih vsako uro. [Opomba urednika: skupno število žetonov $SUMMON, razdeljenih med uvodno razdelitvijo žetonov skupnosti, je bilo 10,471,736.]

Nad tem dogodkom smo bili navdušeni predvsem zato, ker je bila to ekskluzivna razdelitev žetonov skupnosti za člane Zamenjava min, likvidne finance in ADAM skupnosti. Če želite sodelovati v tej pobudi zgodnjega dostopa, ste morali imeti enega od žetonov iz vsaj enega od teh projektov v svoji denarnici, kar je uveljavil naš nov protokol, ki je urejal sistem distribucije žetonov PubSale platforme Summon. Z več kot 10 milijoni kupljenih žetonov $SUMMON smo bili resnično navdušeni in hvaležni za člane teh skupnosti, ki so nas prišli podpreti.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Thomas DiMatteo: Community members could make as many transactions as they wanted, but the maximum amount was 12,500 ADA per transaction. This was to ensure that members of the communities that empowered us to stand up The Summon Platform had the opportunity to acquire $SUMMON well in advance of retail token releases. This is also a reflection of our commitment to ensuring decentralization from the beginning by mitigating the ability for institutional money to buy up a significant stake in the platform’s governance.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Blockonomi: You said that that the token sale took place on The Summon Platform’s own software system itself?

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Riley Kilgore: It was. We ran the Community Token Distribution entirely on The Summon Platform’s own deployable token sale module, which we call PubSale.

Z novim pristopom PubSale brez skrbništva in z izkoriščanjem moči Haskella in operacijskega sistema DAO platforme Summon ne prevzamemo skrbništva nad nikogaršnjimi sredstvi v nobenem trenutku.

To je bil prvi veliki test PubSale in mislim, da prvi preizkus v živo nezaupljivega sistema prodaje žetonov v zgodovini Cardano. Smo dovolj prilagodljivi, da lahko sproti izboljšamo paketno zbiranje transakcij, varnost uporabnikov pa ni bila v nobenem trenutku ogrožena. Resnično smo navdušeni, da lahko ponudimo ta odprtokodni modul iz prihodnje platforme Summon drugim projektom, ki temeljijo na verigi blokov.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Adam Rusch: From the Summon Association’s perspective, it was exciting to see Summon Labs deliver PubSale, just the first of many modules to be delivered in The  Summon Platform, which we think will be among the best DAO operating systems you can find in Web 3.0 protocols.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Thomas DiMatteo: Readers might be interested to know that the Dapp and interface we used to deploy the PubSale is still live at It’s a cool feature to check out and get a preview of what your DAO’s dashboard could look like when you upgrade to The Summon Platform.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Blockonomi: The $SUMMON token is a utility token, not intended as a mainstream cryptocurrency. How did the distribution contrast with a typical ICO?

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Riley Kilgore: We wanted to make sure that this initial distribution was exclusively to members of the communities who have been supporting us. A community-based distribution coming before any industry insiders make purchases is not usually the way that crypto projects do their funding.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Matthew Bowen: We’re extremely proud that $SUMMON is now in the wallets of so many of our earliest supporters and that we were able to do so at what our team feels was a very fair price. And I think it’s also noteworthy that we are building something extraordinary in one of the toughest bear markets in the history of crypto. Despite unfavorable market conditions, the $SUMMON distribution was met with a resounding response. This is evidenced by the great success of our initial Community Token Distribution which received a lot of support from the grassroots members of the Cardano community who believe in our team’s ability to lead to mass adoption of DAOs. I’d also like to note that we achieved all of this without resorting to private funding from venture capital, unlike most of the significant projects in this space. The fact that we bootstrapped the project and development of The Summon Platform ourselves to this state with a whole lot of sweat equity is nearly unheard of in blockchain these days. We are very proud of all we’ve accomplished to date while doing things ‘against the grain’ so to speak.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Thomas DiMatteo: Recently we’ve seen a lot of price crashes of all these big VC backed tokens. There’s terrible sentiment around, and for good reason. Projects are being labeled scams, not because they’re selling tokens, but because their private investors are selling tokens. Seeing the contrast of our community’s support of our Community Token Distribution has been very encouraging.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Adam Rusch: The confidence we get from knowing the community is behind us and from knowing that we have people who are eager to use our products, people who are willing to buy our tokens because of the utility that those tokens provide is what gives us the assurance to know that we can be successful. And we know, after this Community Token Distribution, that the community is eager to see what The Summon Platform is going to deliver for them. We’re not going to let them down.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Blockonomi: How is the ISPO going? [Editor’s note: Initial Stake Pool Offering is a novel fundraising model on Cardano]

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Riley Kilgore: From my perspective, I think it’s really exciting to see The Summon Platform producing Cardano blocks. It’s exciting to be contributing to the decentralization of the network which is the main purpose of every stake pool.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Thomas DiMatteo: As someone who’s deeply integrated into our community, it feels really good to not only be continuously gaining support but taking this community of supporters with us. The block rewards we earn from our ISPO pool are essential to fund the work of our development team and core infrastructure. It’s great to see so many members of the Summon community who want to receive our utility tokens for delegating ADA stake to our pool.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Blockonomi:What does the future hold for The Summon Platform?

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Adam Rusch: One of the missions of The Summon Platform is not only to not only provide a portal where people can use this operating system for a DAO, but also to provide outreach, to help teach people the best techniques for decentralized governance and coordination.

Imeli smo veliko čast, da se nam je pridružil projekt Proof of Africa, ki je projekt na Cardanu, ki ga vodijo afriški podjetniki in uči afriške razvijalce, kako postati bolj vešči tehnologij Web 3.0, da lahko izpopolnijo svoje veščine in prispevajo k lokalni gospodarski razvoj. In sodelovali bomo s skupinami, kot so one, in drugimi, da bi vsem dali priložnost za izgradnjo usposobljenih DAO-jev in drugih organizacij, ki izkoriščajo orodja za decentralizirano upravljanje in usklajevanje.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Matthew Bowen: As Tom highlighted, we envision The Summon Platform as becoming much more than samo »DAO platforma« Naš namen je, da je Summon nekaj veliko večjega od tega – modularna arhitektura Summon Platforme je zasnovana tako, da omogoča skoraj neomejeno gradnjo in razvoj, tako da je na koncu to, kar imamo, bolj operacijski sistem in portal DAO do pripomočkov DeFi in Web3 za posamezne uporabnike in DAO. Prizadevamo si, da bi bila platforma Summon zelo uporabna za vse uporabnike in organizacije, ki lahko izkoristijo ne le orodja za decentralizirano upravljanje, po katerih je ta skupina znana, saj je to pravzaprav samo izhodišče. Vidimo pravi potencial, da platforma Summon postane 'ubijalska aplikacija' v ekosistemu blockchain.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Riley Kilgore: On the topic of multi-chain integrations, I think it’s likely that once the Summon Platform is live on Cardano, we will begin strategizing the best ways to do cross-chain implementation for Summon. For instance, we hope to add support  for the Ergo blockchain. Ergo and Cardano have overlapping communities, but Ergo is severely underfunded. So with our continued success, we’d like to help bring resources and tooling to the Ergo blockchain.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Thomas DiMatteo: And look out for the continued roll-out of new modules and features on both the public testnet and mainnet as we launch the Summon Platform starting around September 2022.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Intervju: Operacijski sistem DAO Platforma Summon poroča o močnem oprijemu PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

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