IQT Haaška posodobitev: Bart Groothuis, poslanec Evropskega parlamenta, bo leta 2024 predsednik - Inside Quantum Technology

IQT Haaška posodobitev: Bart Groothuis, poslanec Evropskega parlamenta, bo leta 2024 predsednik – Inside Quantum Technology

IQT The Hague Update: Bart Groothuis, Member of the European Parliament, is a 2024 Speaker - Inside Quantum Technology PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry objavljeno 28. marca 2024

O IQT The Hague conference, which focuses on the confluence of quantum technology, policy, and security, will feature Bart Groothuis, a distinguished Member of the European Parliament with a profound background in cybersecurity, digital strategy, and global security challenges. Groothuis’s educational journey spans prestigious institutions like Harvard Kennedy School, where he completed a certificate in Cybersecurity, emphasizing the critical intersection between technology and policy. His digital strategy and transformation studies at Nyenrode Business University and a focus on global security challenges at NATO Defence College Rome and geopolitics provide him with a holistic view of the digital and security landscapes.

Before his tenure in the European Parliament, Groothuis accumulated significant experience in the Dutch Ministry of Defence, where he participated in the Management Development Program for civilian officials, further solidifying his expertise in security and defense matters. His academic foundation in history and economics from Radboud University equips him with a deep understanding of the socio-economic contexts within which digital and security policies are formulated and implemented.

At the IQT The Hague conference, Groothuis is anticipated to shed light on the implications of quantum technologies for cybersecurity and international relations, using his work at the European Parliament as an example. His insights will likely cover the strategic importance of developing and implementing policies that harness the potential of quantum technologies and address the inherent security challenges they pose. Given his comprehensive background, Groothuis is uniquely positioned to discuss the convergence of technology, policy, and security in the age of quantum computing, offering valuable perspectives on how European and global entities can navigate the emerging quantum landscape.

IQT Haag 2024 je nizozemska peta globalna konferenca in razstava. Haag je dogodek kvantne tehnologije, ki se osredotoča na kvantno mreženje in kvantno varnost. Deset vertikalnih tem, ki zajemajo več kot 40 panelnih pogovorov več kot 100 govornikov, bo udeležencem zagotovilo globoko razumevanje najsodobnejšega razvoja prihodnjega kvantnega interneta in trenutnega vpliva kvantno varnih tehnologij na kibernetsko varnost in kvantne računalnike.

Konferenca združuje vodstvo podjetij, podjetnike, končne uporabnike, ponudnike tehnologije, infrastrukturne partnerje, raziskovalce in investitorje, ki delajo na trenutnem razvoju. IQT The Haag organizira 3DR Holdings, IQT raziskave, QuTech, QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance) in Quantum Delta NL, ki bodo na tem pomembnem dogodku združili vodilne organizacije in strokovnjake. Aprilska konferenca je "osebna", da se zagotovi maksimalno mreženje in razprava v hotelu in kongresnem centru Postillion v Haagu.

Konferenca, kibernetske varnosti, kvantno računalništvo

Bart Groothuis, Evropski parlament, IQT Haag

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Časovni žig: Jan 31, 2024