Pridružite se naši NFT nagradni igri z Wilder World Metaverse! Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Pridružite se naši NFT nagradni igri z Wilder World Metaverse!

02/02/2022 | Objave na blogu

Pridružite se naši NFT nagradni igri z Wilder World Metaverse! Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Pridružite se naši NFT nagradni igri z Wilder World Metaverse!

We have just partnered with the fully immersive, photorealistic, VR integrated Metaverse project Wilder World. We will create a very cool space for the community to learn how to navigate this space and unique experiences that will bring people together in the Metaverse. 

To celebrate our partnership with Wilder World, we decided to run a contest from February 2nd, 2022 (00:01am CET) to February 9th, 2022 (11:59pm CET). 

To participate, follow the steps below, and we’ll randomly select one (1) winner to win a Wilder Pet NFT. It could just be you!


Ledger Contest – get a chance to win a Wilder Pet NFT (the “tekmovanje”). The prize to win for the winner will be one (1) Wilder Pet NFT (the “Nagrada"). 

This Contest will run from February 2nd, 2022 (00:01am CET) to February 9th, 2022 (11:59pm CET).

Kako sodelovati?

  • Retweet the post 
  • Follow Ledger and Wilder World on twitter (@Ledger and @WilderWorld)
  • Comment on the post
    • Tell us what you’re excited to learn in our educational loft in the @WilderWorld – and tag a friend you’d like to bring along for the ride.

Pravila in zmagovalci:

There will be one (1) winner who will be selected at random, after the competition deadline of February 9th, 2022 (11:59pm CET), who have fulfilled the criteria in the above section (“Kako sodelovati?«). Prijave po tej točki ne bodo upoštevane.

Za to tekmovanje je treba upoštevati še druga pravila in pogoje za to tekmovanje:

  • Morate biti stari vsaj osemnajst (18) let;
  • You cannot be the subject of any trade or economic sanctions imposed by any sanction authority;
  • Zaposleni v Ledgerju in njihove družine se ne morejo pridružiti;
  • Celoten seznam pravil in pogojev najdete na dnu te strani.

Pogoji uporabe

  1. Predlagatelj natečaja je francosko podjetje Ledger SAS, registrirano pod številko 529 991 119 s sedežem na naslovu 1, rue du Mail - 75002 Pariz - Francija.
  2. Za sodelovanje v tekmovanju morate biti polnoletni (vsaj osemnajst (18) let). Zaposlenim v Ledgerju ali njihovim družinskim članom ali komur koli drugemu, ki je na kakršen koli način povezan z natečajem ali pomaga pri pripravi natečaja, ni dovoljeno sodelovati v natečaju. 
  3. Izjavljate in jamčite, da niste: (1) predmet kakršnih koli trgovinskih ali gospodarskih sankcij, ki jih je naložilo ameriško ministrstvo za finance zavoda za nadzor tujih sredstev (OFAC), varnostni svet Združenih narodov, Evropska unija, zakladništvo njenega veličanstva in kateri koli drug ustrezni organ za sankcije („Sankcijski organi”), (2) da niste označeni kot„Posebno določeno nacionalno"OFAC (Urad za nadzor tujih sredstev Ministrstva za finance ZDA) ali dano v" Ministrstvo za trgovino ZDA "Seznam zavrnjenih oseb”, (3) That you are not located, organized or resident in a country or territory that is the subject to sanctions by the Sanctions Authorities.
  4. Za udeležbo na tem tekmovanju ni potrebno prijavnine in nakupa.
  5. Contest begins February 2nd, 2022 (00:01am CET) and ends February 9th, 2022 (11:59pm CET). After this date, there are no further entries permitted to the competition. The promoter reserves the right to change the beginning and/or the end date.
  6. Za prijave, ki iz kakršnega koli razloga niso prejete ali prejete prepozno, ni mogoče prevzeti odgovornosti. 
  7. Ledger si pridržuje pravico do umika ali spremembe tega natečaja brez predhodnega obvestila v primeru kakršnih koli nepredvidenih okoliščin izven njegovega razumnega nadzora. Ledger ne odgovarja za kakršno koli finančno izgubo, ki bi nastala zaradi zavrnitve, odpovedi ali umika tekmovanja ali kakršnega koli neuspeha ali nezmožnosti stranke, da iz kakršnega koli razloga izkoristi nagrado.
  8. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter. By entering the contest you acknowledge and agree that you are not in violation of any applicable laws. 
  9. The Prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for any cash alternatives in whole or in part. The Prize is subject to availability and the promoter reserves the right to substitute any Prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice. 
  10. The winner will be chosen at random by the Izbirnik komentarjev tool algorithm. Note that the winner is selected at random and the highest number of entries does not guarantee any compensation. 
  11. Ledger will direct message the winner on Twitter to ask him for his/her name, surname, and ethereum address will also be required for the sending of the Prize. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the Prize within fourteen (14) days of notification, Ledger reserves the right to withdraw the Prize from the winner and to pick a replacement winner or to cancel the Prize. Ledger will delete this data after the sending. 
  12. Ledger reserves the right to exclude any participation which Ledger believes to be inappropriate, fraudulent or based on misconduct. Cheating for entries in any way (by referring to yourself using different twitter accounts or by using similar tactics) will disqualify you from winning the contest. 
  13. Z udeležbo na tem tekmovanju udeleženec nakaže, da se strinja, da ga zavezujejo ti pogoji.
  14. Odločitve Ledgerja so dokončne in dopisovanje ne bo potekalo.
  15. Natečaj in te pogoje in določila bo urejalo francosko pravo, za vse spore pa bo pristojno izključno Pariško pritožbeno sodišče. Zmagovalec se strinja z uporabo svojega uporabniškega imena in slike v Twitterju v vseh reklamnih materialih. Vsi osebni podatki v zvezi z zmagovalcem ali drugimi udeleženci bodo uporabljeni izključno v skladu z veljavno francosko zakonodajo o varstvu podatkov in ne bodo razkriti tretji osebi brez predhodnega soglasja udeleženca.
  16. This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter or any other social network. You are providing your information to Ledger (name, surname, and ethereum address), not to any other party. The information provided will be used in accordance with the GDPR and the Ledger Privacy Policy (
  17. Data & GDPR compliance: Ledger will collect and process your Twitter username for contest selection purposes. If you are the randomly selected winner, we will contact you on Twitter and ask for your name and surname as well as your ethereum address. The processing of your data is necessary for the performance of the contract you have entered into with Ledger in accepting the terms & conditions of the contest. Your personal data will be retained for no longer than necessary to send the reward and will be available to Ledger and to its technical service providers. Your information may be transferred to non-European countries that ensure an adequate level of protection or within the framework of the standard data protection clauses adopted by the EU Commission. You can access these clauses tukaj. Upoštevajte, da lahko dostopate do svojih podatkov v interoperabilni obliki in zahtevate njihov popravek ali izbris. Zahtevate lahko tudi omejitev obdelave vaših podatkov. Za uveljavljanje svojih pravic ali kakršna koli vprašanja o obdelavi vaših podatkov se obrnite na Ledgerjevo pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo podatkov na Če kljub temu menite, da Ledger ni ustrezno obravnaval vaših pomislekov in je napačno ravnal z vašimi podatki, lahko vložite pritožbo pri organu za varstvo osebnih podatkov v vaši državi.
  18. Ledger je upravičen spremeniti te pogoje brez navedbe razlogov ali odpovedati natečaj, če na podlagi zakonskih ali drugih predpisov ali njihovih razlag s strani državnih organov natečaja ni mogoče nadaljevati ali ga ni mogoče nadaljevati nespremenjenega, če nadaljnje izvajanje natečaja je dejansko ali drugače nemogoče ali nemogoče pod enakimi pogoji ali če so se okoliščine v zvezi z natečajem spremenile do te mere, da njegov nadaljnji napredek za Ledger vključuje nerazumne ali nesorazmerne dodatne stroške ali težave. 


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