Sodnik odobri Celsiusov razpored za morebitno prodajo PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Sodnik odobri Celsiusov razpored za morebitno prodajo

A federal bankruptcy judge has approved Celsius’ bidding procedure plans, setting a schedule in motion that could see the platform’s assets sold by the end of the year.

While Celsius may still submit a standalone proposal to reorganize, the procedures lay out the steps for a sale of the platform’s assets.

Celsius plans to solicit bids for the retail asset business, which includes the earn accounts and coin balances, the retail and institutional lending portfolio, its swap services, staking platform, payment feature, decentralized finance arm and any crypto assets it’s still holding. It also plans to solicit bids for the “remaining assets,” which would include the mining business. 

Today’s order sets dates and deadlines related to a possible sale, authorizes Celsius to select a stalking horse bidder if it chooses to do so and sets the layout for a sale, directing the lender to enter a sale order that the court and creditors would have to approve. The order sets a Dec. 12 deadline for final bids. An auction, if necessary, would be slated for Dec. 15. Once a winner is selected, a sale hearing for any objections or discussion on the sale order would follow on Dec. 22. 

Odredba vključuje tudi imenovanje varuha zasebnosti potrošnikov. Del prodajnega postopka bi lahko vključeval prodajo seznamov strank in informacij, zunanja stranka pa bi zagotovila, da so informacije o strankah ustrezno zaščitene v celotnem prodajnem procesu.

Celsius pushed back on the initial proposal from the government’s representative in the case — the U.S. Trustee — that the court appoint an ombudsman, saying it was unnecessary since it planned to comply with its own privacy policy.

However, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York found that “appointing a neutral Consumer Privacy Ombudsman early in the sale process will ensure that any sale adequately protects such customer data.” The U.S. Trustee is directed to submit a court order appointing a person with knowledge of consumer privacy laws to the role. 

The U.S. Trustee previously objected to the bidding procedures, saying it remained unclear what assets are being sold and there isn’t a clear justification for the swift timeline Celsius proposed. The Trustee asked that any sale wait for the upcoming examiner report, since the independent examiner’s findings could raise issues related to the sale. The court appointed an outside examiner to Celsius earlier this month after continued complaints of a lack of transparency from the firm. 

Podobno so nasprotovali regulatorji vrednostnih papirjev v 12 državah, češ da bi morala vsaka prodaja počakati, dokler se strani ne dogovorita, kdo je lastnik določenih sredstev. V teku je spor o tem, katera sredstva se štejejo za hrambo in bi jih bilo treba vrniti upnikom – vprašanje, ki ga mora neodvisna pregledovalka obravnavati v svojem poročilu.

Glavni stečajni sodnik Martin Glenn je na koncu odobril spremenjeno obliko postopkov, ki so premaknili časovnico po 10. decembru, ko je rok za poročilo preizkuševalca, in pod pogojem, da bo moral vsak uspešen kupec pridobiti potrebna regulatorna dovoljenja za nadaljevanje, kar bo zadovoljilo državne regulatorje. Prav tako se ni strinjal s skrbnikom ZDA, češ da je Celsius v bistvu vložil zahtevo za prodajo vseh svojih sredstev, zato je dovolj jasno, kaj se prodaja na tej stopnji. 

Prodaja bi pomenila konec stečajnega postopka, ki se je začel julija letos. Do zdaj je Celsius razvil seznam več kot 30 strank, ki bodo morda nadalje raziskale možnost ponudbe za platformo. Vsi, ki želijo napredovati, bodo v naslednji fazi sklenili pogodbe o zaupnosti.

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