Sodnik odobril rekordno poravnavo CFTC v višini 2.7 milijarde dolarjev z Binance; Zhao bo plačal 150 milijonov dolarjev kazni

Sodnik odobril rekordno poravnavo CFTC v višini 2.7 milijarde dolarjev z Binance; Zhao bo plačal 150 milijonov dolarjev kazni

Nekdanji izvršni direktor Binance CZ je zadal udarec, saj je sodnik rekel, da se za zdaj iz ZDA ne more vrniti v ZAE


A United States court has formalized a settlement between digital asset exchange Binance and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), nearly a month after former CEO Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao priznal krivega to charges related to anti-money laundering violations. This marks the end of a case that has reverberated throughout the cryptoverse.

Poravnava med Binance in CFTC odobrena

Zvezni sodnik je odobril predhodno napovedano več milijard dolarjev vredno poravnavo med Binanceom in CFTC.

According to a Dec.18 sporočilo za javnost from the CFTC, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois approved the settlement, which requires Binance to pay a $1.35 billion fine to the CFTC, as well as disgorge a further $1.35 billion in “ill-gotten transaction fees”. Zhao will have to pay $150 million, with a third of that to be handed over in the next 30 days.

CFTZ je izjavil, da je Binance pod vodstvom CZ "aktivno nagovarjal" stranke s sedežem v ZDA in jim pomagal pri izogibanju nadzoru skladnosti s prikrivanjem njihove prisotnosti na trgovalni platformi.

Kot del poravnave sta se tako CZ kot Binance strinjala, da bosta sprejela dodatne korake za zagotovitev, da se na borzi upoštevajo postopki Know Your Customer, ter zahtevala, da največja kripto borza na svetu po obsegu trgovanja vzpostavi formalno strukturo upravljanja podjetja, ki vključuje upravni odbor z neodvisnimi člani, komisijo za skladnost in revizijsko komisijo.


Binance’s settlement with the CFTC marks the conclusion of a months-long case against CZ and Binance. Zhao and his exchange were taken to court by the CFTC earlier this year for knowingly evading U.S. federal law and operating an unregistered derivatives exchange. 

On Nov.21, Zhao pleaded guilty to Anti-Money Laundering violations. CZ also agreed to resign from his role as the head of Binance as part of a broader settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Treasury Department, and the CFTC. Nonetheless, the exchange still has a pending lawsuit with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which zaračuna Binance, Binance.US, and CZ for securities law violations back in June.

Zhao is currently residing in the U.S. as he awaits his sentencing ruling in February 2024 after District Judge Richard Jones naročil him to remain in the country as he was a flight risk. The crypto billionaire faces an 18-month jail sentence.

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