kACE sodeluje z Algorithmico za FX Volatility Aggregator PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

kACE Sodeluje z Algorithmico za agregat nestanovitnosti deviznih tečajev

kACE, an entity within the Partnerji BGC and division of Fenics Software Limited, announced that the company has partnered with Algorithmica today for the launch of its kACE Volatility Aggregator (kACE VA) application.

Po navedbah uradne osebe Objava shared by the company, the newly launched kACE VA application enables users to combine FXO volatilities from different sources to create a unique surface that feeds downstream into client applications, such as kACE Pro, back and middle office systems and proprietary technologies. As a result, users receive full control over blending aggregation and data cleansing algorithms.

kACE has formed several partnerships with some of the leading global financial firms since the start of 2020. In November 2020, mBank, a Polish banking giant, announced the selection of kACE to utilize the services of kACE Treasury.

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Commenting on the recent partnership, Richard Brunt, Managing Director at kACE, said: “We are very pleased with the results of our collaboration with Algorithmica. Clients are demanding more control over their data and more transparency on the provenance of the data that they use.”


In the latest announcement, Fenics Software Limited mentioned that the newly introduced FX Volatility Aggregator, in partnership with Algorithmica, is one of the most efficient tools in the global foreign exchange market. Algorithmica provides tools and resources for real-time quantitative analysis. Headquartered in Sweden, Algorithmica is led by the Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Niclas Holm.

»Doseči znamko odličnosti pri zagotavljanju rešitve za združevanje nestanovitnosti za stranke KACE in na koncu za stranke KACE je pomemben mejnik za Algorithmico. Sodelovanje z visoko usposobljenimi strokovnjaki pri kACE je bilo ključno za pridobitev izdelka, pripravljenega za predstavitev. Če to dosežemo brez fizičnih sestankov med pandemijo, je napor še bolj impresiven. Zdaj se veselimo uvedbe izdelka in gradnje na naslednji izdaji s funkcijami in zahtevami strank kACE, «je v zadnjem sporočilu za javnost omenil Robert Thorén, partner pri Algorithmici.

Vir: https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/kace-collaborates-with-algorithmica-for-fx-volatility-aggregator/

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