Izvršni direktor Kraken 'nikoli ne bi stavil proti bitcoinu', v upanju, da bo cena BTC dosegla okoli 2 milijona dolarjev PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Izvršni direktor Kraken 'nikoli ne bi stavil proti Bitcoinu', v upanju, da bo cena BTC dosegla okoli 2 milijona $

V torek (16. avgusta) Kraken Co-Founder and CEO Jesse Powell talked about Bitcoin during a conversation with Matt Miller and Kailey Leinz on Bloomberg Television’s weekly show “Bloomberg Crypto”.

When asked by Leinz for his price prediction for Bitcoin, the Kraken CEO replied:

"I wasn’t expecting all this craziness in the macro environment. However, I’m still hopeful that I’ll be able to buy a Bugatti by the end of this year for one Bitcoin, but I wouldn’t hold my hopes out. Would you even want to pay for the gas for such a car at this point? I’m still very bullish. I bought Bitcoin again at $18,000; so I’m happy to ride it all the way back up. I’m still very bullish in the long run. The fundamentals keep improving. So, I would never bet against Bitcoin."

It should be noted that currently the cheapest Bugatti model is the Veyron, which costs around $2 million new.

[Vgrajeni vsebina]

On August 11, crypto exchange Kraken released the results of its “second 2022 Proof of Reserves audit”, which has been expanded to include seven digital assets.

Teh sedem kriptosredstev je $BTC, $ETH, $USDT, $USDC, $XRP, $ADA in $DOT.

Po Krakenovih blog post, »revizija dokazila o rezervah je inovativen računovodski postopek, ki kriptografsko preverja imetja kriptovalut in stanja na računih,« rezultate zadnje revizije pa je »ponovno preverilo 25 najboljših svetovnih računovodskih podjetij, Armanino LLP.«

Ta revizija je potrdila, da je Kraken »varno hranil« uporabniška sredstva – shranjena v zgornjih sedmih digitalnih sredstvih – bodisi na borzi bodisi v svojih (v verigi in zunaj verige) storitvah stakinga.

[Vgrajeni vsebina]

Pri Krakenu Februar 2022 Revizija dokazov o rezervah, je Kraken preveril stanje premoženja $BTC in $ETH svojih strank. Kraken pravi, da je s podporo zgoraj omenjenih sedmih digitalnih sredstev razširil preverjanje "pokritosti stanja strank" na "63 % skupnih sredstev, ki jih ima Kraken."

Po besedah ​​soustanovitelja Coin Metrics Nica Carterja Dokaz o rezervah "Zid slavnih", the only crypto exchange which has had any Proof of Reserves (PoR) audits completed in 2022 is Kraken.

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