Mission Critical Partners pomaga državi Maine pospešiti ...

“Providing an appropriate emergency response to those experiencing mental health, substance abuse, and behavioral health issues is vitally important, and a response often found outside the 911 system. We’re grateful for the opportunity to continue to support the state of Maine in this initiative.”

Ključni partnerji (MCP) je danes objavila, da bo še naprej podpirala komunikacijski urad za nujne primere (ESCB) zvezne države Maine, ko izvaja integracijo storitev 911/988. MCP bo posebej pomagal državi razviti politike in postopke za obravnavo preglednih klicev za storitve odzivanja na krize. ESCB je oddelek Komisije za javne službe Maine (MPUC).

This initiative is the latest in Maine’s effort to prepare for the launch of 988 service, the newly designated three-digit dialing code, which took effect nationwide on July 16, 2022. The new dialing code will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Veterans Crisis Line. Public-safety organizations nationwide have been working to determine how they can support 988 service and other alternative responses for citizens in crisis, including referrals to mental-health professionals and others dealing with homelessness, substance abuse, and other social challenges.

Maine enacted a law in 2021 that required the ESCB to submit a report to the legislature regarding potential protocols, procedures, and future legislation to ensure the delivery of crisis-response services via Maine’s 911 and 988 systems. The objective is to connect citizens to the appropriate support when they are experiencing mental health, substance abuse, and behavioral health issues.

MCP collaborated with the ESCB to deliver the report, which resulted in the state legislature passing H.P. 1498 – L.D. 2016. The law calls for formation of the stakeholder working group recommended in the report and the development of policies and procedures to address the screening and transferring of calls for crisis-response services.

MCP’s role in the project involved the following:

  • Omogoča sedem razprav v fokusnih skupinah in intervjuje s strokovnjaki na temo.
  • Creating and distributing a customized survey to representatives of the state’s emergency communication centers (ECCs), four dispatch-only centers, and the law enforcement, fire/rescue, and emergency medical agencies in the state.
  • Izvajanje raziskave, ki je med drugim vključevala pregled sorodnih člankov, politik in postopkov ter analizo vzpostavljenih in pilotnih programov v drugih državah.
  • Analiziranje podatkov, razvoj ocene trenutnega stanja zagotavljanja storitev odzivanja na krize v Maineu in priprava izčrpnega poročila.

Kritična priporočila za prihodnje ukrepe v poročilu vključujejo naslednje:

  • Integrirajte protokol za odpošiljanje v nujnih primerih duševnega zdravja (EMHD) v protokol za odpošiljanje v nujni medicinski pomoči (EMD), ki ga uporabljajo ECC – znani tudi kot odzivne točke za javno varnost (PSAP) – in samo dispečerski centri v državi.
  • Train all telecommunicators in Maine’s ECCs and the dispatch-only centers on using the EMHD protocols and other crisis-response skills via a standardized training regimen.
  • Vzpostavite državnega koordinatorja protokola EMHD in multidisciplinarni odbor, ki ga sestavlja presek zainteresiranih strani, da bi zagotovili učinkovito komunikacijo in izvajanje protokolov EMHD ter spodbujali izboljšave, ko v državi dozoreva zagotavljanje nujnih storitev duševnega zdravja.

MCP also supported Maine’s participation in a 988/911 policy academy hosted in June by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

“Providing an appropriate emergency response to those experiencing mental health, substance abuse, and behavioral health issues is vitally important, and a response often found outside the 911 system,” said Darrin Reilly, MCP’s president and chief executive officer. “We’re grateful for the opportunity to continue to support the state of Maine in this initiative.”

O Mission Critical Partners (MCP)

Mission Critical Partners (MCP) je vodilni ponudnik rešitev za integracijo podatkov, svetovanja, omrežij in kibernetske varnosti, specializiran za preoblikovanje kritičnih komunikacijskih omrežij v integrirane ekosisteme, ki izboljšujejo rezultate na trgih javne varnosti, pravosodja, zdravstva, transporta in komunalnih storitev. Naše obsežne izkušnje in pristop, ki ni pod nadzorom prodajalca, nam pomagata razviti posodobljene rešitve za naše stranke, da povečamo vrednost in ustvarimo optimalno učinkovitost ter hkrati zmanjšamo tveganje. Dodatne informacije in karierne priložnosti so na voljo na http://www.MissionCriticalPartners.com

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