Oil and gold decline PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

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Crude prices are falling as energy traders anticipate a brutal period for global growth. ​ China factory activity remains depressed and another eurozone record high inflation reading has raised the prospects of much more aggressive ECB tightening that could trigger a severe recession.

WTI crude pared losses after the EIA crude oil inventory report posted a hefty decline. ​ The EIA report clearly showed demand destruction is showing up as gasoline demand struggles and crude exports soften. ​ US crude production rebounded and is back above the 12 million bpd level.

Crude prices have been trending lower as the oil market doesn’t look that tight anymore, but this last wave of weakness will likely be followed by a reduction in OPEC+ output.


Gold is struggling as inflationary pressures will keep all the major central banks with an aggressive inflation tightening stance. Rising global bond yields is kryptonite for gold and that trend might last a little while longer. Eventually, we will see global recessionary concerns cap tightening cycles and that should be what is needed for gold bulls to return.

Gold is still vulnerable to a break of the $1700 level, but long-term bets should start to return as investors scramble for safe-havens.

Ta članek je samo za splošne informacije. To ni naložbeni nasvet ali rešitev za nakup ali prodajo vrednostnih papirjev. Mnenja so avtorji; ne nujno korporacije OANDA Corporation ali katere koli njene podružnice, hčerinske družbe, uradnikov ali direktorjev. Trgovanje z vzvodom je visoko tveganje in ni primerno za vse. Lahko izgubite vsa vložena sredstva.

Ed Moya

Višji tržni analitik, Amerika at OANDA
Z več kot 20-letnimi izkušnjami trgovanja je Ed Moya višji tržni analitik pri OANDA, ki pripravlja najnovejše medtržne analize, poroča o geopolitičnih dogodkih, politikah centralne banke in odzivu trga na novice podjetij. Njegovo posebno strokovno znanje se nanaša na širok nabor razredov sredstev, vključno z devizami, blagom, stalnim dohodkom, delnicami in kriptovalutami.

V svoji karieri je Ed sodeloval z nekaterimi vodilnimi borznimi posredniki, raziskovalnimi skupinami in oddelki za novice na Wall Streetu, vključno z Global Forex Trading, FX Solutions in Trading Advantage. Pred kratkim je sodeloval s TradeTheNews.com, kjer je zagotavljal tržno analizo gospodarskih podatkov in novic podjetij.

Ed s sedežem v New Yorku je reden gost več velikih finančnih televizijskih mrež, vključno s CNBC, Bloomberg TV, Yahoo! Finance Live, Fox Business in Sky TV. Njegovim mnenjem zaupajo najbolj priznane svetovne novice, vključno z Reuters, Bloomberg in Associated Press, redno pa ga citirajo tudi vodilne publikacije, kot so MSN, MarketWatch, Forbes, Breitbart, The New York Times in The Wall Street Journal.

Ed je diplomiral iz ekonomije na univerzi Rutgers.

Ed Moya
Ed Moya

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