Soustanovitelj Polygona pravi, da njihov zkEVM dosega podatkovno inteligenco PlatoBlockchain 'Sveti gral infrastrukture Web3'. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Soustanovitelj Polygona pravi, da njihov zkEVM dosega 'sveti gral infrastrukture Web3'

V sredo (20. julija) poligon, “the leading Web3 infrastructure used by some of the world’s biggest companies including Meta, Stripe & Reddit,” announced the launch of Polygon zkEVM., which claims to be “the first Ethereum-equivalent scaling solution that works seamlessly with all existing smart contracts, developer tools, and wallets, harnessing advanced cryptography called zero-knowledge proofs.”

Kaj je poligon ($MATIC)?

poligon is “a decentralised Ethereum scaling platform that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps with low transaction fees without ever sacrificing on security.” The Polygon LightPaper opisuje Polygon kot "protokol in okvir za izgradnjo povezovalnih omrežij blockchain, združljivih z Ethereumom."

On 18 May 2021, Independent Ethereum educator, investor and advisor Anthony Sassano took to Twitter to clear up some of the confusion around Polygon (e.g. some people refer to Polygon as a sidechain to Ethereum, while others call it an L2 blockchain). Below are a few highlights from that Cvrkutati Twitter:

  • "Obstajata Matic Plasma Chain in Polygon PoS veriga. Velika večina dejavnosti se dogaja v verigi PoS."
  • "Veriga PoS je tisto, kar ljudje imenujejo 'stranska veriga' Ethereuma, ker ima lasten nabor validatorjev brez dovoljenja (100+, ki vlagajo MATIC), kar pomeni, da ne uporablja Ethereumove varnosti (tudi Ethereumov PoW)."
  • "Veriga PoS presega standardno stransko verigo in se dejansko zanaša na Ethereum in se zavezuje k njemu (kar nekateri ljudje lahko imenujejo 'veriga obveščanja'). Zanaša se na Ethereum, ker vsa logika validatorja/zalaganja za verigo PoS živi kot pametna pogodba na Ethereumu."
  • "To pomeni, da če bi bilo omrežje Ethereum brez povezave, bi tudi veriga Polygon PoS izklopila. Drugič, veriga PoS se dejansko vsake toliko časa zaveže/kontrolne točke Ethereumu."
  • "To ima dve prednosti: zagotavlja dokončnost verige PoS, ki temelji na Ethereumu, in lahko pomaga verigi, da si opomore v primeru katastrofalnega dogodka. To tudi pomeni, da Polygon plačuje Ethereumu, da uporablja svoj blokovni prostor (v ETH) in ga plača za zavarovanje pogodb in kontrolne točke."

Poleg tega je Sassano izkoristil to priložnost in spregovoril o dveh mostovih, ki obstajata med Ethereumom in Polygonom:

  • "Obstajata 2 mostova – Plasma bridge, ki je zavarovan z Ethereumom, in PoS most, ki je zavarovan/upravljan s kompletom validatorjev verige PoS."
  • "Seveda bi lahko za most PoS 2/3 validatorjev teoretično sodelovali in poskušali ukrasti sredstva za premostitev, vendar je na kocki 3.4 milijarde dolarjev, zato je to tvegano. Če bi se ta napad res zgodil, bi lahko bila edina rešitev kontrolna točka in socialno usklajevanje."

He also commented on multi-sigs for Polygons contracts:

  • “The multi-sigs exist to allow the contract to be upgraded in case of a bug/exploit which is a practice used by many existing projects (especially those within DeFi)."
  • "Vendar so Polygonovi multi-sigi 5 od 8, kar vsekakor ni idealno in ni decentralizirano, načrt pa je, da se to v bližnji prihodnosti močno izboljša."

Nazadnje je dejal, da je Polygon »predan gradnji in uvajanju rešitev L2, kot so skupne rešitve v prihodnosti«, in to je tisto, nad čimer je »najbolj navdušen«.

What Is Polygon zkEVM and Why Is It Important?

According to a press release shared with CryptoGlobe, Polygon zkEVM is” fundamentally equivalent to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) itself and fully benefits from all of Ethereum’s ecosystem.” EVM-equivalence is different from EVM-compatibility because “it creates less user friction, removing the need for any kind of modification or re-implementation of code.”

Polygon zkEVM stands for zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine. It “leverages the power of zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs to reduce transaction costs and greatly increase throughput, all while inheriting the security of Ethereum.” The ZK proof technology “works by batching transactions into groups, which are then relayed to the Ethereum Network as a single, bulk transaction,” with the ‘gas fee’ for the single transaction “then split between all the participants involved, dramatically lowering fees.”

Polygon believes that for “developers of payment and DeFi applications,” its new product’s “high security and censorship resistance” make it better than other L2 scaling solutions. In particular, it points out that “unlike Optimistic roll-ups where users have to wait for as long as seven days for deposits and withdrawals, zk-Rollups offer faster settlement and far better capital efficiency.”

Furthermore, Polygon zkEVM “enables easy migration of decentralized applications (dApps) that exist on chains compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine to zkEVM, where EVM equivalence and Ethereum network effects provide distinct advantages to developers.” Via languages such as Solidity and toolsets such as Truffle, developers can “migrate dApps by simply switching nodes,” which also makes Polygon zkEVM “ideally suited for the seamless creation of NFTs, new gaming technologies and enterprise applications. Existing Polygon dApps can migrate very easily to zkEVM with minimal support.”

Mihailo Bjelic, co-founder of Polygon, had this to say:

"Sveti gral infrastrukture Web3 bi moral imeti tri glavne lastnosti: razširljivost, varnost in združljivost z Ethereumom. Vseh teh nepremičnin do sedaj praktično ni bilo mogoče ponuditi naenkrat. Polygon zkEVM je prelomna tehnologija, ki to končno doseže in s tem odpre novo poglavje množične uporabe."

Polygon has already released “part of the source code and roadmap” for zkEVM. The public testnet is expected to go live this summer, and the mainnet launch is aimed for early 2023.”

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