Quantum News Briefs 22. avgust: Trio ameriških agencij poziva organizacije, naj razvijejo "načrt" za kvantne računalnike in objavijo "Quantum Factsheet"; D-Wave napoveduje povečano zmogljivost najnovejšega Quantum Hybrid Solverja, ki je na voljo v Leap Quantum Cloud Service v realnem času, Kako zaščititi kritično infrastrukturo v dobi kvantnega računalništva, Fiziki uporabljajo vibracije za preprečevanje izgube informacij v kvantnem računalništvu + VEČ - Inside Quantum Technology

Quantum News Briefs 22. avgust: Trio ameriških agencij poziva organizacije, naj razvijejo »načrt« za kvantne računalnike in objavijo »Quantum Factsheet«; D-Wave napoveduje povečano zmogljivost najnovejšega Quantum Hybrid Solverja, ki je na voljo v Leap Quantum Cloud Service v realnem času, Kako zaščititi kritično infrastrukturo v dobi kvantnega računalništva, Fiziki uporabljajo vibracije za preprečevanje izgube informacij v kvantnem računalništvu + VEČ – Inside Quantum Technology

Quantum News Briefs August 22: Trio of US agencies urge organizations to develop "roadmap" for quantum computers & publish "Quantum Factsheet"; D-Wave announces increased performance of newest Quantum Hybrid Solver available in Leap real-time Quantum Cloud Service, How to protect critical infrastructure in the quantum-computing era, Physicists use vibrations to prevent information loss in quantum computing + MORE - Inside Quantum Technology PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
By Sandra Helsel objavljeno 22. avgusta 2023

Quantum News Briefs 22. avgust:

Trio of US agencies urge organizations to develop “roadmap” for quantum computers & publish “Quantum Factsheet”

Quantum News Briefs August 22: Trio of US agencies urge organizations to develop "roadmap" for quantum computers & publish "Quantum Factsheet"; D-Wave announces increased performance of newest Quantum Hybrid Solver available in Leap real-time Quantum Cloud Service, How to protect critical infrastructure in the quantum-computing era, Physicists use vibrations to prevent information loss in quantum computing + MORE - Inside Quantum Technology PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.A trio of government agencies on Monday urged organizations to prepare now for quantum computers’ ability to break through encryption, telling them to develop a “road map” for a future that grows near, according to this morning’s Washington Post in an article with analysis by Tim Starks and research by David DiMolfetta
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the National Security Agency, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology published a quantum “factsheet” on Monday, August 22.

The fact sheet includes several recommendations:

  • Organizations should develop an inventory of quantum-vulnerable technology.
  • They should begin discussions on a road map with their technology vendors.
  • Relatedly, they should examine their supply chains for ways they might depend on quantum-vulnerable technology.
  • Vendors, meanwhile, should start planning for testing and integration.

“Early planning is necessary as cyber threat actors could be targeting data today that would still require protection in the future (or in other words, has a long secrecy lifetime), using a catch now, break later or harvest now, decrypt later operation,” the fact sheet reads.

The Biden administration wants a complete transition for agencies to post-quantum cryptography by 2035. Click here to read the August 22 Washington Post article in-entirety.

D-Wave announces increased performance of newest Quantum Hybrid Solver available in Leap real-time Quantum Cloud Service

D-Wave Systems je pred kratkim napovedal lansiranje na AWS Marketplace, ki prodajalcem ponuja bolj dostopen način za uporabo njegove tehnologije.

D-Wave Quantum Inc. today announced an update to its Constrained Quadratic Model (CQM) hybrid solver in its Leap™ quantum cloud service. D-Wave has introduced algorithmic updates to its CQM solver that deliver increased performance for existing binary problem classes, which can include offer allocation, portfolio optimization, and satisfiability.
Težave z optimizacijo so v današnjem podjetju vseprisotne in trenutne kvantno-hibridne tehnologije lahko razvijalcem pomagajo pri reševanju teh kvadratnih problemov, da bi našli boljše rešitve. Za primerjavo izboljšav zmogljivosti posodobljenega hibridnega reševalnika je D-Wave preizkusil 2,045 binarnih kvadratnih problemov, pri čemer je novi reševalec CQM zmagal pri 80 % problemov v primerjavi z 71.1 % in 62.6 % prejšnjih različic. Če želite izvedeti več o hibridnem reševalniku CQM in njegovih najnovejših rezultatih delovanja, je tehnično poročilo na voljo tukaj.
»Naše poslanstvo pri D-Wave je odkleniti moč praktičnega kvantnega računalništva za naše stranke,« je povedal Trevor Lanting, podpredsednik programske opreme, algoritmov in storitev v oblaku pri D-Wave. »Te najnovejše posodobitve našega hibridnega reševalnika CQM odražajo našo predanost gradnji rešitev, ki danes prinašajo resnično uporabnost in vpliv v podjetju. Navdušeni smo nad izboljšavami zmogljivosti, ki jih opažamo, in naš hiter tempo inovacij nam omogoča razširitev kvantno-hibridnih delovnih tokov za pomoč pri reševanju vedno bolj zapletenih problemov.«
Reševalec CQM je bil prvič na voljo oktobra 2021. Vključuje omejitve problemov, kar uporabnikom omogoča, da izkoristijo prednosti poenostavljenega izražanja svojih omejenih problemov, znatno razširi velikost in kompleksnost problemov, ki jih lahko stranke rešijo z omejitvami v hibridnem reševalniku D-Wave, da bi našli najboljše odgovore na zapletene poslovne probleme.

How to protect critical infrastructure in the quantum-computing era

Quantum News Briefs August 22: Trio of US agencies urge organizations to develop "roadmap" for quantum computers & publish "Quantum Factsheet"; D-Wave announces increased performance of newest Quantum Hybrid Solver available in Leap real-time Quantum Cloud Service, How to protect critical infrastructure in the quantum-computing era, Physicists use vibrations to prevent information loss in quantum computing + MORE - Inside Quantum Technology PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.Unique issues are involved in cybersecurity for critical infrastructure (CI) such as petroleum pipelines, power stations, electric utilities, water treatment plants, dams, ports, and mass transport systems. Quantum News Briefs summarizes and August 21 article in Federal times by

Physicists use vibrations to prevent information loss in quantum computing

Quantum News Briefs August 22: Trio of US agencies urge organizations to develop "roadmap" for quantum computers & publish "Quantum Factsheet"; D-Wave announces increased performance of newest Quantum Hybrid Solver available in Leap real-time Quantum Cloud Service, How to protect critical infrastructure in the quantum-computing era, Physicists use vibrations to prevent information loss in quantum computing + MORE - Inside Quantum Technology PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.The tiniest vibrations creeping in from the outside world can cause a quantum system to lose information. Quantum News Briefs summarizes August 21 SciTech article discussing the use of vibrations to stop information loss.
For instance, even light can cause information leaks if it has enough energy to jiggle the atoms within a quantum processor chip.
“Everyone is really excited about building quantum computers to answer really hard and important questions,” said Joe Kitzman, a doctoral student at Michigan State University. “But vibrational excitations can really mess up a quantum processor.”
However, with new research published in the journal Nature Communications, Kitzman and his colleagues are showing that these vibrations need not be a hindrance. In fact, they could benefit quantum technology.
“If we can understand how the vibrations couple with our system, we can use that as a resource and a tool for creating and stabilizing some types of quantum states,” Kitzman said. What that means is that researchers can use these results to help mitigate information lost by quantum bits, or qubits (pronounced “q bits”).
Johannes Pollanen, the Jerry Cowen Endowed Chair of Physics in the MSU Department of Physics and Astronomy. “It’s almost like junk you don’t want to deal with, but you can learn all kinds of cool stuff about the quantum world when you do.”
Pollanen also leads the Laboratory for Hybrid Quantum Systems, of which Kitzman is a member, in the College of Natural Science. For the experiments led by Pollanen and Kitzman, the team built a system consisting of a superconducting qubit and what are known as surface acoustic wave resonators.
The team’s resonators allowed the researchers to tune the vibrations experienced by qubits and understand how the mechanical interaction between the two influenced the fidelity of quantum information.
“We’re creating a paradigm system to understand how this information is scrambled,” said Pollanen. “We have control over the environment, in this case, the mechanical vibrations in the resonator, as well as the qubit.”
“If you can understand how these environmental losses affect the system, you can use that to your advantage,” Kitzman said. “The first step in solving a problem is understanding it.”
MSU is one of only a few places equipped and staffed to perform experiments on these coupled qubit-mechanical resonator devices, Pollanen said, and the researchers are excited to use their system for further exploration.  Click here to read the SciTechDaily article in-entirety.

Bidnovo omejevanje Kitajske bi lahko otrpilo ​​prednost Singapurja v kvantni tehnologiji

Quantum News Briefs August 22: Trio of US agencies urge organizations to develop "roadmap" for quantum computers & publish "Quantum Factsheet"; D-Wave announces increased performance of newest Quantum Hybrid Solver available in Leap real-time Quantum Cloud Service, How to protect critical infrastructure in the quantum-computing era, Physicists use vibrations to prevent information loss in quantum computing + MORE - Inside Quantum Technology PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.Nastajajoči sektor kvantne tehnologije v Singapurju bi lahko utrpel škodo zaradi številnih omejitev, ki jih uvaja Bidnova administracija, da bi Kitajski odrekla prednost na ključnih tehnoloških področjih, pravi Marvie Basilan piše za International Business Times 14. avgusta.
Nekateri so zaskrbljeni, da bi lahko nedavna prepoved Bidnove administracije nekaterih ameriških naložb na Kitajskem, posebej usmerjena v polprevodnike in mikroelektroniko, umetno inteligenco in kvantno informacijsko tehnologijo, ogrozila Singapur na poti do slave. Singapur je ostal zahodni zaveznik kljub polarizaciji sveta po lanski ruski invaziji na Ukrajino.
Dimitris Angelakis, ustanovitelj Angelsko kvantno računalništvo, glavni raziskovalec Centra za kvantne tehnologije Nacionalne univerze v Singapurju in izredni profesor na Tehnični univerzi na Kreti, je povedal International Business Times da se lahko nekatera kvantna zagonska podjetja v Singapurju, ki so v preteklosti prejela »nekaj kitajske podpore«, zapletejo v spor med Kitajsko in Združenimi državami, tista, ki pridobivajo kvantno strojno opremo za eksperimentalne namene, pa se lahko soočijo z izzivi.
Dejal je, da omejitve Washingtona ne bodo imele večjega učinka na singapursko prizorišče kvantne tehnologije, dokler bosta osnovno znanstveno sodelovanje in komunikacija "svobodna in nenadzorovana".
Omejitve "poudarjajo potrebo Singapurja po krepitvi našega lokalnega ekosistema, spodbujanju znanja in izkušenj ter internem razvoju kvantnih tehnologij," Tommaso Demarie, soustanovitelj in izvršni direktor podjetja za kvantno optimizacijo s sedežem v Singapurju Entropica Labs Rekel IBT.
Singapur ima priložnost, da služi kot kvantno središče ne le za jugovzhodno Azijo, ampak tudi za širši azijski tehnološki prostor, vključno z Japonsko, Indijo in Južno Korejo, če bo lahko spretno krmaril v geopolitični areni. Lahko postane strateški partner za države, "ki se bodo ujele v to tehnološko tekmo med velesilami," je dejal Demarie. Kliknite tukaj, če želite prebrati članek v celoti.

Sandra K. Helsel, dr. raziskuje in poroča o mejnih tehnologijah od leta 1990. Ima doktorat znanosti. z Univerze v Arizoni.

Časovni žig:

Več od Znotraj kvantne tehnologije

Quantum News Briefs 24. februar: WEF: Kako bi lahko kvantna tehnologija spremenila afriški zdravstveni, kmetijski in finančni sektor; Quantinuum postavlja industrijski rekord glede zmogljivosti strojne opreme z novim mejnikom kvantne količine; Partnerji podjetja Fraunhofer Tech pripravljajo kvantno računalništvo za industrijsko uporabo in razvijajo elektroniko za globoko zamrzovanje za superračunalnike + VEČ

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Časovni žig: Februar 24, 2023