Ponovno definiranje dobrodelnosti: Kako se kripto uporablja za izboljšanje naše družbe Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Ponovno definiranje dobrodelnosti: kako se kripto uporablja za izboljšanje naše družbe

MUNCH je pred manj kot dvema mesecema prispeval že k dvema dobrodelnima projektoma v vrednosti več kot 3 milijone dolarjev.

Cryptocurrencies came about to offer individuals freedom over their finances. In a short period, the market has witnessed tremendous growth and adoption thanks to innovations such as smart contracts that have helped create decentralized applications that have helped decentralize most industries. One industry that has benefited the most is the financial industry, where decentralized finance (Defi) has sought to decentralize all aspects of the industry from insurance to lending etc.

Also, as the adoption of various blockchains has grown, so has the value of their utility tokens. According to reputable crypto market trackers, today, the market boasts over 10,300 coins with a valuation of over $1.54 trillion. The tokens belong to projects covering all sectors of the economy, such as transport, sharing economy, music, energy, sports, tourism, etc. After managing to grow over 10x over the past year, the crypto market has created plenty of wealth for those involved.

Vzpon kripto dobrodelnih projektov

This has seen a rise in projects looking to give back to society, especially after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic through social causes that aim to eradicate hunger, disease and fight for the rights of the oppressed and disadvantaged groups. Most of these projects are based in Defi and will take donations from their investors and send them to a charity. However, these projects send the donations to their own private wallets, which causes concern, especially from those making contributions since there isn’t a way to prove that these donations will get the intended group of people. Also, most of the projects make donations using their tokens which can tank their value whenever a considerable donation is made. This isn’t ideal for investors of the project and can appear as market manipulation.

These problems have led to the birth of the MUNCH project that allows users to give back to charitable causes by buying and selling its token. MUNCH is the first project to offer value to participants of a charity where part of transaction fees charged are allocated for donations. Also, you can hold on to your MUNCH tokens and earn passively. The platform charges 10% fees on all transactions, with 50% of the fees sent to the donations wallet and the remaining 50% distributed among token holders. This process is automated.

And to prevent tanking the value of the native token whenever a considerable donation is made, the fee is instantly converted to ETH at the point of transaction and directly sent to the charity wallet. Besides avoiding devaluing the token price, the project uses ETH since it’s more of a stable currency than other DeFi tokens.

Druga prednost tega projekta v primerjavi z drugimi kripto dobrodelnimi organizacijami je ta, da ga vodi skupnost, kjer se člani odločijo, katere vzroke bi radi podprli. Projekt bo preveril kup dobrodelnih organizacij in sestavil seznam tistih, ki se jim zdijo primerni za prejemanje donacij. Seznam bodo člani skupnosti delili na kanalu Telegram, kjer člani glasujejo o tem, katere dobrodelne organizacije naj prejemajo donacije in v kakšnih razmerjih.

Možnost ponovnega ugriza z MUNCH

Zaenkrat je projekt osredotočen na dobrodelne organizacije, ki poskušajo odpraviti lakoto, boj proti koronavirusu, tiste, ki skrbijo za otroke, ženske in vse druge ogrožene populacije, in tiste, ki se borijo za človekove pravice.

MUNCH je po zagonu pred manj kot dvema mesecema že prispeval dva dobrodelna projekta v višini več kot 3 milijone dolarjev. Med upravičenci je projekt rumene opeke, katerega cilj je raziskati in ozdraviti tiste, na katere vpliva HNRNPH2.

Z izbiro imena MUNCH projekt sledi hype projektom DeFi s hrano in jih uporabniki zlahka povežejo. Zato projekt trdi, da uporabnikom ponuja možnost, da z MUNCH ponovno ugriznejo revščino in druga globalna vprašanja.

Altcoin News, Blockchain novice, Novice o kripto valuti, Novice

Julija Sakovič
Avtor: Andrej Sergeenkov

Ustanovitelj in urednik pri BTC PEERS. Andrey piše o finančnih poskusih, DeFi-ju, kriptovalutah in verigi blokov.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/coinspeaker/~3/ZTAJXcg6SnM/

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