Robert Broberg, gostujoči učenjak na Univerzi v Pennsylvaniji, je govornik IQT The Hague 2024 - Inside Quantum Technology

Robert Broberg, gostujoči učenjak na Univerzi v Pennsylvaniji, je govornik IQT The Hague 2024 – Inside Quantum Technology

Dr. Robert Broberg, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, will speak at IQT The Hague in April 2024 in the Netherlands.

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry objavljeno 29. februarja 2024

Aprila 2024, Robert Broberg, a Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, whose extensive 38-year career in the industry has left a significant mark on the development of the internet across all layers of the TCP/IP model, will speak at the IQT The Hague Conference. Broberg’s tenure at Cisco, where he spearheaded the development and deployment of the first internet optical transport links integrated into the existing telecommunications infrastructure, stands out as a testament to his pioneering contributions to the field of internet technology.

Broberg’s work at the University of Pennsylvania has been instrumental in bridging the gap between academic research and industrial application, leading to innovations that have underpinned the growth of multi-billion-dollar businesses. His portfolio of numerous patents and a wealth of published papers reflects a career dedicated to advancing technology and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in Internet communications.

In addition to his technical contributions, Broberg has led three academic-industrial research programs at the University of Pennsylvania, fostering collaboration between the academic and industrial sectors to drive forward innovations that have profoundly impacted the internet as we know it today. His leadership in these initiatives highlights his commitment to nurturing the next generation of technologies and the ecosystems that support their development.

At the IQT The Hague conference, Broberg is expected to share insights from his vast experience in developing internet technologies, particularly focusing on integrating optical transport links into telecommunications infrastructure. His presentation will likely delve into the challenges and opportunities that emerged during the early days of the internet’s expansion, the importance of academic-industrial collaborations in fostering technological breakthroughs (such as those at the University of Pennsylvania), and the potential future directions for internet technology in the quantum era.

IQT Haag 2024 je nizozemska peta globalna konferenca in razstava. Haag je dogodek kvantne tehnologije, ki se osredotoča na kvantno mreženje in kvantno varnost. Deset vertikalnih tem, ki zajemajo več kot 40 panelnih pogovorov več kot 100 govornikov, bo udeležencem zagotovilo globoko razumevanje najsodobnejšega razvoja prihodnjega kvantnega interneta in trenutnega vpliva kvantno varnih tehnologij na kibernetsko varnost in kvantne računalnike.

Konferenca združuje vodstvo podjetij, podjetnike, končne uporabnike, ponudnike tehnologije, infrastrukturne partnerje, raziskovalce in investitorje, ki delajo na trenutnem razvoju. IQT The Haag organizira 3DR Holdings, IQT raziskave, QuTech, QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance) in Quantum Delta NL, ki bodo na tem pomembnem dogodku združili vodilne organizacije in strokovnjake. Aprilska konferenca je "osebna", da se zagotovi maksimalno mreženje in razprava v hotelu in kongresnem centru Postillion v Haagu.

Konferenca, omrežij, kvantno računalništvo

IQT Haag, Robert Broberg, Univerza v Pensilvaniji

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Časovni žig: Marec 13, 2024