Santander UK začasno ustavi maloprodajna plačila za Binance PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Santander UK začasno ustavi plačila na drobno družbi Binance

Santander UK, a British bank owned by the Spanish Santander Group, has decided to block all retail payments to Binance, a major cryptocurrency exchange, joining Barclays in the campaign to prevent customers from sending money to the firm. The maneuver comes in the wake of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) ban on the crypto company to operate within the British territory.

V email sent to customers on Thursday, Santander UK said: “Keeping our customers safe is a top priority, so we have decided to prevent payments to Binance following the FCA’s warning to consumers. In recent months we have seen a large increase in UK customers becoming the victims of cryptocurrency fraud.” Still, the bank will allow customers to withdraw money from the exchange without issues so far. According to Financial Times, Binance expressed its disappointment on the Santander UK’s decision, as it argued that the firm takes compliance measures with its users “very seriously.”

V začetku tega tedna je družba Barclays svojim strankam poslala SMS-obvestilo o odločitvi, da začasno ustavi vse transakcije s karticami, ki gredo družbi Binance iz Velike Britanije. »Ker ste letos izvedli plačilo družbi Binance, smo vas želeli obvestiti, da do nadaljnjega zaustavljamo plačila s kreditno / debetno kartico. To vam bo pomagalo, da bo vaš denar varen, «je opozorilo. Poleg tega je tiskovni predstavnik britanske banke pojasnil: "To dejanje ne vpliva na zmožnost strank, da dvignejo sredstva iz Binancea."

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NatWest tudi blokira plačila, poslana v Binance

Tudi NatWest je bilo drugo podjetje, ki je prejšnji teden sporočilo, da se je odločilo blokirati plačila "majhnemu številu" kripto borz. Vendar Binance ni izrecno imenoval niti razkril celotnega seznama podjetij, ki jih je ukrep prizadel. Toda kupci družbe Binance so za Financial Times povedali, da plačil na borzo po času tiska ne morejo pošiljati.

Recently, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF) issued a warning about Binance, noting that as Binance Markets Limited is a cryptocurrencies exchange, such a market “is neither regulated nor subject to supervision” in the country.


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