Najbolj priljubljeni programski jeziki, ki jih banke uporabljajo danes in pred 10 leti

Najbolj priljubljeni programski jeziki, ki jih banke uporabljajo danes in pred 10 leti

Top Programming Languages Employed By The Banks Today And 10 Years Ago PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Dobrodošli v dinamičnem svetu financ, kjer sta pomembna vsako tiktakanje ure in natančnost poslovanja. V tej nenehno razvijajoči se pokrajini imajo programski jeziki osrednjo vlogo pri oblikovanju tehnološke hrbtenice bančnih institucij. 

Over the last ten years, we’ve witnessed a fascinating transformation in the languages that power the robust and efficient applications driving the financial sector. Let’s take a stroll through time, comparing the programming languages banks relied on a decade ago to those making waves today.

Pred desetletjem: Scena leta 2013

Cast your mind back to 2013, where banks were leaning on a set of tried-and-true programming languages. Java, C++, and Python stood out as the go-to choices for developing financial applications, each offering unique strengths tailored to the banking industry’s needs.

Java, with its mantra of “write once, run anywhere,” found widespread use in crafting cross-platform applications. Its object-oriented nature and the backing of a robust community made it an ideal pick for large-scale banking systems. Meanwhile, C++, celebrated for its high performance, took the spotlight in applications where speed was of the essence—think algorithmic trading systems. Python, with its readability and seamless integration capabilities, became a favorite for various financial applications.

Medtem ko so bili ti jeziki veljaki za bančništvo, so bile spremembe na obzorju, ki so jih poganjale nastajajoče tehnologije in povpraševanje po bolj agilnih razvojnih procesih.

Sedanjost: najboljši programski jeziki v bančništvu

Ko obeležujemo enoletni mejnik tega članka, raziščimo, kako se je krajina programskih jezikov v bančništvu spremenila. Na sceno so vstopili novi jeziki, obstoječi pa so se prilagodili vedno večjim zahtevam industrije.


A decade later, Java stands strong in the banking sector. Its platform independence, scalability, and extensive ecosystem make it the preferred choice for developing large-scale, mission-critical applications. In an industry where robustness and reliability are non-negotiable, Java’s features align seamlessly with these requirements. 

Predvsem glede na Bravotech, the demand for Java experts in the banking industry has soared, as their expertise becomes increasingly vital for maintaining and advancing the sector’s technological backbone. Java’s versatility and stability have turned skilled professionals in this language into sought-after assets for banks navigating the complexities of modern finance.

C + +

C++ hasn’t lost its charm and remains a trusted language for performance-critical banking applications. Its efficiency and knack for directly manipulating hardware resources make it indispensable, especially in high-frequency trading scenarios, where microseconds can make or break a deal.


Python je v zadnjem desetletju le narasel v priljubljenosti in utrdil svoj položaj v bančni industriji. Python, ki je bil ljubljen zaradi svoje berljivosti in vsestranskosti, je postal

analize podatkov, strojnega učenja in aplikacij umetne inteligence. Banke zdaj uporabljajo Python za naloge, kot so obvladovanje tveganja, odkrivanje goljufij in druge podatkovno intenzivne operacije.


C# has stepped into the limelight, particularly in the development of desktop and web applications for banking. With the advent of .NET Core, C# has become more cross-platform, allowing developers to create applications seamlessly running on different operating systems. Its integration with Microsoft technologies adds another layer of appeal for certain banking applications.

JavaScript (Node.js)

The rise of web-based applications in banking has propelled JavaScript, especially when paired with Node.js for server-side development. As financial institutions emphasize the importance of user-friendly interfaces and smooth online interactions, JavaScript assumes a crucial role in the development of responsive and dynamic web applications.


Scala has established itself by adeptly integrating object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. Within the banking sector, Scala frequently collaborates with Apache Spark for the purposes of big data processing and analytics. Its succinct syntax and interoperability with Java libraries contribute to making it an appealing option for particular financial applications.


Enter Kotlin, developed by JetBrains, emerging as a modern alternative to Java. With its interoperability, concise syntax, and enhanced safety features, Kotlin is now a tempting option for building secure and efficient banking applications, particularly on the Android platform.


Rust’s focus on memory safety without sacrificing performance has caught the banking industry’s attention, especially in scenarios demanding low-level system programming. Its popularity is increasing for endeavors demanding an elevated degree of authority over system resources.

Pojdi (Golang)

Go si je prislužil svoje oznake za preprostost, podporo za sočasnost in učinkovito delovanje. Banke raziskujejo Go for development

mikro storitve
in porazdeljene sisteme, kjer njegova lahka narava in hitro prevajanje prispevata k izgradnji razširljivih in prožnih aplikacij.


Swift, initially developed by Apple for iOS app development, has seamlessly transitioned into the banking sector, particularly for mobile banking applications. Due to its contemporary syntax, safety features, and seamless integration with Objective-C, it is a favored option for constructing secure and user-friendly mobile banking interfaces.

Povzetek: Naslov: Desetletje jezikovnih premikov in prihodnjih meja

In the span of a decade, the programming language landscape in banking has undergone a fascinating transformation. While the old guard like Java and C++ continues to hold sway, new players such as Kotlin, Rust, and Swift have stepped onto the stage, addressing the evolving needs of the industry. The increasing emphasis on data analytics, machine learning, and web-based applications has propelled languages like Python and JavaScript into the forefront of banking development.

As we reflect on the past decade, it’s clear that the banking sector’s reliance on programming languages is far from static. The industry will keep adapting to technological advancements, and developers will keep exploring innovative languages and frameworks to meet the ever-changing demands of the financial landscape. The next decade promises further evolution, with programming languages playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of banking technology.

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