UATP združuje moči z BitPay in prinaša kriptovalute članom svojih letalskih družb PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

UATP združuje moči z BitPayom in prinaša kripto svojim članom letalske družbe

UATP združuje moči z BitPay in prinaša kriptovalute članom svojih letalskih družb PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Svetovno plačilno omrežje UATP se je povezalo s podjetjem za obdelavo kriptovalutnih plačil BitPay, da bi razširil doseg UATP na širšo bazo strank po vsem svetu, tako da strankam omogoča plačilo potovanja s kriptovaluto. 


BitPay in UATP sta združila moči

UATP has partnered with the largest provider of Bitcoin and crypto payment services, Atlanta-based BitPay.  UATP is a global payment network owned by the world’s airlines, and is accepted by merchants for air, rail, and agency payments.  Considering that travel and leisure are among the top 5 items purchased with cryptocurrency, according to a survey done by, UATP is allowing Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and six other cryptos, through its partnership with BitPay, to be used for payments.  Travel is a high-value purchase, and because cryptocurrency has been growing into a safe and trusted payment option, more people are coming on board, according to Stephen Pair, BitPay’s co-founder and CEO.  Litecoin was the most recent Poleg tega to BitPay in Q3 2021.  BitPay supports all crypto wallets, which will enable many customers globally to pay with crypto, and has the potential to increase UATP’s client-base significantly.


Tekma v nebesih

UATP povezuje letalske družbe z alternativnimi plačilnimi sredstvi, kar povečuje doseg v svetovni prodaji. Z izkušnjami UATP pri plačilih letalskih prevoznikov in izkušnjami BitPay pri plačilih s kriptovalutami se možnosti partnerstva spreminjajo, če parafraziramo Ralpha Kaiserja, predsednika in izvršnega direktorja UTP.

Številke ne lažejo

BitPay’s impact in the crypto payment space has been undeniable, having processed over $5B dollars in blockchain transactions since 2011, although it’s public image has been somewhat marred by two incidents.  The first, being a blockage of crypto donations to the Hong Kong Free Press last year, and the second, bouncing a $100000 donation to the Amazon rainforest fire relief fund.  Nevertheless, it has seen successful partnering with numerous merchants, which have increased its profile in the crypto payments space.  Among merchants that use BitPay are Kessler Hotels, and e-commerce company Newegg. This isn’t BitPay’s first foray into the travel industry; they are partners with, which is an online travel-booking service.   Travala accepts up to 30 different crypto tokens via BitPay, in exchange for a Travala gift card, which can be used to purchase over three million Travala products. 

Zavrnitev odgovornosti

Vse informacije na našem spletnem mestu so objavljene v dobri veri in zgolj za splošne informacije. Vsako dejanje, ki ga bralec izvede na podlagi informacij na naši spletni strani, je izključno na lastno odgovornost.

Delite članek

Ryan je strokovnjak za Fintech, ki je navdušen nad kriptovalutami in sprejemanjem verig blokov. Trden trgovec in vlagatelj na trgu od leta 2016, uživa v koraku z najnovejšim razvojem v industriji, medtem ko najde naslednjih 100-krat altcoin.

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