Oblasti Združenega kraljestva so zasegle 9.5 milijona dolarjev vreden Ethereum, ki so ga našli v ključkih USB PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Britanske oblasti zasežejo 9.5 milijona dolarjev vrednega Ethereuma, najdenega na USB ključih

Policijska enota Velike Britanije za boj proti gospodarskemu kriminalu je izvedla zaseg okoli 22.25 milijona dolarjev, potem ko so obveščevalne službe odkrile ključke USB s precejšnjimi količinami Ethereuma (ETH). Glede na objavo uradnikov so preiskovalci našli ETH v vrednosti 9.5 milijona dolarjev, pri čemer navajajo, da so pozneje našli 12.7 milijona dolarjev, ne da bi navedli, za katere vrste kriptovalut gre.

The operation was made in the context of a crackdown of a crypto-related scam that operated fake savings and trading service, whose victims were based in the UK, United States, Europe, China, Australia and Hong Kong, the police said. The fraudsters told victims that they were relying on Binance Smart Chain to handle all the transactions.

“The scammers operating the service waited until a significant amount of money had been deposited before shutting down their website and transferring the funds into their own accounts. Unfortunately for them, the scammers did not disappear without a trace. Specialist officers received intelligence that those running the scheme had been in Manchester for a limited time and tracked them down, recovering an encrypted USB stick containing $9.5 million of stolen Ethereum,” the Economic Crime Unit commented.

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That said, Greater Manchester Police arrested a 23-year-old male and a 25-year female for fraud and money laundering offences. However, they were released as the investigation is underway. Now, the police are facing a challenge, as they are searching for the victims to return the recovered funds.

»Naše življenje se vse bolj premika po spletu ali na naših telefonih, valute, kot sta Bitcoin in Ethereum, pa se pogosto obravnavata kot prihodnost, ko gre za denar in trgovanje. S tem prihaja nova vrsta kriminala in opažamo porast oportunističnih kriminalcev, ki želijo izkoristiti te trende, pa tudi vse vrzeli v tehnologiji, s katerimi je mogoče manipulirati, "je dejal Joe Harrop, glavni inšpektor gospodarskega kriminala policije v Manchesteru. Enota, je poudaril.

Recently, in June, detectives from the UK Metropolitan Police’s Economic Crime Command conducted the largest cryptocurrency seizure in the country, and it is believed to be one of the largest globally. Specifically, the authorities seized £114 million ($158.8 million) worth in digital assets, reportedly related to a money laundering case.

Vir: https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/uk-authorities-seize-9-5-million-worth-of-ethereum-found-in-usb-sticks/

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