Kriptopodjetja SEC so se odločila umreti. PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Pod kritiko SEC se kripto podjetja odločijo za trdo smrt

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Ko je izvršni direktor Coinbase Brian Armstrong tweeted on Tuesday night that the SEC grozil s tožbo if the company launches its high-yield Lend product, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse was swift to respond. Just 90 minutes after Armstrong’s tweet, Garlinghouse tweeted meme iz "Die Hard" z Bruceom Willisom, ki pravi: "Dobrodošel na zabavi, kolega."

The implied message: Ripple has been fighting the SEC for over a year, and now Coinbase is part of the fight, like it or not. Mark Cuban also had a message for Armstrong: “You have to go on the offensive.” Cuban declined to expand for Dešifriraj on what that might look like (“It’s up to them”), but one can argue Armstrong is already playing offense with the tone of his tweets. He accused the agency of “intimidation tactics za zaprtimi vrati” and concluded sarcastically, “It’s nice if you actually enforce [guidance] evenly across the industry equally.”

Kaj se bo zgodilo, ne bodo določili tviti. Vodilna podjetja kripto industrije so pod napadom in začela so se boriti - zahtevajo pošten in dosleden sklop pravil, ki pojasnjujejo, kaj je zakonito in kaj ne.

They have a point. Ripple’s grda bitka with the SEC is over whether its sale of XRP tokens were unregistered securities offerings. Why did the SEC wait so long—Ripple has been selling XRP for eight years—before suing, and why does the agency appear to be applying one legal test to Ripple and another to Ethereum? As for Coinbase, it says it went out of its way to consult the SEC on how to make its proposed Lend product as secure and safe for investors as possible. According to Armstrong, the agency would not talk to them.

Then there is the decentralized exchange Odklopite, one of the most transparent companies in the fast-and-furious Sektor DeFi. But the SEC has chosen it as a target of investigation, overlooking, as crypto lawyer Opozoril je Jake Chervinsky, other “overt frauds,” rug pulls, and pump-and-dumps in DeFi.

Ni čudno, da so Armstrong, Garlinghouse in drugi imeli dovolj in sklenili, da bi bilo morda bolje, da se kocke zvrnejo na sodišču, namesto da se še naprej poskušajo držati trenutne nepregledne politike kriptovalut in strogih uveljavljanj.

All of this is a surprising turn given that just a few months ago, when new SEC Chair Gary Gensler prevzel krmilo, the industry was hailing him as pro-crypto because he taught a course on blockchain at M.I.T. Not only has Gensler so far not been the advocate that crypto people domnevajo (don’t hold your breath on that U.S. Bitcoin ETF approval), he looks downright hostile. Now the question of what the Gensler regime will do next hangs over all the companies, traders, rudarji, and investors in cryptoland.

Lahko le ugibamo. Morda se Gensler sooča s pritiskom ljudi v Beli hiši in na ministrstvu za finance, ki kripto vidijo kot grožnjo ameriškemu dolarju. Ali pa res misli, da SID ščiti vlagatelje. Mnogi od teh istih vlagateljev ga verjetno preklinjajo, ker blokira nove načine zaslužka več kot 5% obresti na varčevalnih računih namesto 0.5% ali manj, ki jih banke plačujejo.

Whatever the reason for the conflict, crypto’s big companies are in a dog fight, and what they do next will determine the future of the industry. Battling the federal government is a daunting task, but unlike the infighting of the recent past, big names in crypto are standing together like never before.

That was evident this week when Kraken izvršni direktor Jesse Powell, a longtime ideological and commercial rival to Armstrong, came out with močne besede podpore za Coinbase. Če lahko Kraken in Coinbase zdržijo skupaj, lahko tvorijo tudi enotno fronto z Uniswap, Ripple in vsakim drugim kripto podjetjem, ki je oblegano od SEC. Takšno zavezništvo bi industriji omogočilo vzpostavitev skupne pravne strategije.

Seveda ni nobenega zagotovila, da bo delovalo. Zvezna vlada je v preteklosti ubila druge nastajajoče industrije, vključno s spletnim pokerjem. Toda glede na to, da je SEC zdaj videti odkrito proti kripto, je pravi čas, da vodilna podjetja zapolnijo John McClane.

To je Roberts na kripto, kolumna ob koncu tedna glavnega urednika Decrypt Daniel Roberts in Decrypt izvršni urednik Jeff John Roberts. Prijavite se za Decrypt Debrief e-poštno glasilo da ga boste v prihodnosti prejemali v nabiralnik. In preberite rubriko prejšnji vikend: Altcoins Moon, Bitcoin ostane na Zemlji.


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