Upheaval sodeluje z Naturally Chiropractic za implementacijo Proof-of-Concept poslovne tehnologije veriženja blokov Weave PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Nadzorni partnerji z naravno hiropraktiko za dokončno izvedbo koncepta tehnologije Weave Enterprise blockchain

LAKE STEVENS, WA: Upheaval LLC, innovators of patent-pending blockchain technology the Weave, today announced a strategic partnership with Chiropractic clinic Naturally Chiropractic Family Wellness Center. With the partnership, Upheaval will create a Proof-of-Concept implementation of the Weave, and demonstrate how its unique blockchain technology can secure and streamline healthcare processes for the clinic, their billing processes and reporting, and for their patients.

»Načrtujemo in gradimo Weave za velik svetovni obseg. To se začne s poslušanjem strank, ki ga bodo uporabljale vsak dan, in jasnim razumevanjem, kako bo izboljšalo njihova življenja,« je povedal David Iseminger, izvršni direktor podjetja Upheaval. »S tesnim partnerstvom s strankami v teh zgodnjih fazah načrtovanja in razvoja lahko hitro ponovimo, da zagotovimo implementacijo, osredotočeno na stranke. Omogoča nam, da smo izjemno agilni in odzivni ter vodimo naše stranke tja, kamor želijo biti – na boljše mesto, z inovativno tehnologijo, ki pomaga njihovim podjetjem, da postanejo učinkovitejša in uspevajo.”

Del strateškega partnerstva vključuje izboljšanje ročne aplikacije za paciente, ki zagotavlja boljši vpogled v njihovo oskrbo na načine, ki so jim bolj dostopni in prenosljivi. »Želimo, da imajo bolniki in ljudje dostop do svoje zdravstvene anamneze in nadzor nad njo. Ko se preselijo, bi se morali njihovi zapisi zlahka premakniti z njimi.« 

“We’re excited about the partnership,” said Dr. Nicole Morin, co-owner of Naturally Chiropractic. “There’s a whole host of benefits that the Weave’s blockchain software could bring, including securing and streamlining paperwork. I spend as much as 20% of my time in administrative work, even with the software systems we currently have. That time would be better spent with patients.” Dr. Dan Morin, also co-owner, added, “Patients would really benefit from having access to the services we’ve provided, and what they can do at home to enhance their health and healing. Connecting our services with an app that patients could securely access would help the partnership between patient and provider, and the results that come from that successful partnership.” 

»Verjamemo, da lahko Weave izpolni obljubo blockchain for healthcare, with a solution that’s secure yet accessible, immensely scalable, and high performing,” said David Iseminger, Upheaval’s CEO. “By understanding in-the-moment patient and doctor interactions, insurance billing, government oversight, and how patients would best use our app for their records, we ensure that scalability to large offices and corporations is grounded in real customer needs, in real-life activities.” 

With the partnership, Upheaval and Naturally Chiropractic will partner to deliver a blockchain solution that integrates with their existing systems, streamlines their processes, elevates their patients’ wellness, and delivers big data analytics. As the Weave scales to other clinics, large providers, and global healthcare solutions, subscribers to the Weave will realize a better healthcare experience, for their organization and for their patients. 

O naravno kiropraktiki

Naturally Chiropractic je družinski wellness center, ki se nahaja v jezeru Stevens, WA. Dr. Dan Morin in dr. Nicole Morin verjameta, da si vsakdo zasluži biti zdrav vse življenje – zakaj bi vi in ​​vaša družina živeli s čim manj? Njihov cilj je sprostiti možnosti, eno prilagoditev naenkrat, in že dve desetletji služijo jezeru Stevens in okoliškim skupnostim. 

Izvedite več o Naturally Chiropractic, obiščite – http://www.naturallychiropractic.net/

O preobratu

Upheaval ustvarja inovativne programske rešitve, vključno s patentom Weave blockchain okolje, ki dviguje in preoblikuje industrije. S Weaveom organizacije povezujejo interakcije v resničnem svetu v realnem času in ustvarjajo omrežne učinke, ki opolnomočijo vsakega udeleženca. 

Če želite izvedeti več o Upheaval in Weave, obiščite: http://theweave.io


Source: https://blockchainhealthcarereview.com/upheaval-partners-naturally-chiropractic-proof-concept-implementation-weave-enterprise-blockchain-technology/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=upheaval-partners-naturally-chiropractic-proof-concept-implementation-weave-enterprise-blockchain-technology

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