Wells Fargo Files to Launch a Bitcoin Fund PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Wells Fargo datoteke za ustanovitev Bitcoin sklada

Wells Fargo Files to Launch a Bitcoin Fund PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Nekaj ​​mesecev po tem, ko se je zamislil, da bi prišel na kripto valuto, je Wells Fargo pri ameriški komisiji za vrednostne papirje in borzo vložil dokumente za ustanovitev imenovanega sklada za bitcoin.

  • Glede na vložitev with the Commission, the US financial institution has partnered with FS Investments and New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG) for the initiative.
  • The name of the product will be FS NYDIG Bitcoin Fund I, LP. While previous speculations indicated that Wells Fargo might be following the JPMorgan route, meaning launching an actively managed fund, it seems that the one filed with the SEC now would be passive.
  • Back in May this year, the President of the bank, Darrell Cronk, gave an intervju suggesting that the institution might be the next Wall Street behemoth to look into the digital asset industry.
  • Takrat pa Cronk ni posredoval dodatnih podrobnosti o potencialnem novem izdelku, razen da je rekel, da je v zadnji fazi razvoja.
  • Vložitev Wells Farga pri SEC ponovno potrjuje naraščajočo stopnjo posvojitev ameriških bančnih organizacij.
  • Številni drugi so že predstavili naraščajoče povpraševanje institucionalnih strank.
  • The former outspoken critique, Goldman Sachs, reactivated its crypto trading desk and even vložena for a Bitcoin ETF.
  • BNY Mellon je svojim strankam omogočil skrbništvo nad digitalnimi sredstvi, kar so kasneje posnemale druge banke.
  • Morgan Stanley enabled its clients to access BTC through three funds and also vložena to receive a bitcoin exposure for a dozen of its own funds.
POSEBNA PONUDBA (Sponzorirano)

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Vir: https://cryptopotato.com/wells-fargo-files-to-launch-a-bitcoin-fund/

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