Why Do You Need a Digital Wallet? (Tatsiana Kuchminskaya) PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Zakaj potrebujete digitalno denarnico? (Tatsiana Kuchminskaya)

The new digital reality is rapidly and irrevocably changing our lives. The impact of digital technology on civilization can only be compared with the appearance of fire when it became clear from the first spark that the world would never be the same. A similar
thing has happened again when people can study, work, relax, shop and manage their finances with the help of nanotechnology. The last two years have shown that we are gradually abandoning another obsolete thing – a leather wallet with paper money, preferring
an electronic counterpart. What prompted users to make such a decision and what awaits digital payments soon?

Kaj je digitalna denarnica?

Zagotovo ste že navajeni na udoben in hiter postopek brezstičnega plačevanja blaga v trgovini. Čeprav močno pohitri in olajša plačevanje, si morate zapomniti kode PIN in imeti pri sebi vse bančne kartice in kartice za popuste.

A digital wallet allows you to place all physical money and documents in a mobile application. You need to install such a program on a smartphone or PC, save all the details of payment cards to the wallet, and pay for any services directly in the store or
online. In the same way, you can store your passport, tickets, boarding passes, hotel room keys, gift certificates and coupons, and so on.

Poleg tega aplikacije digitalne denarnice uporabnikom zagotavljajo posebne ugodnosti: nagrade, popuste in vračila denarja pri določenih plačilih in komunalnih storitvah. To je še en dober razlog, zakaj so uporabniki pozorni na digitalne dvojnike tradicionalne denarnice.

There are a lot of companies that deal with digital wallets: Due, ApplePay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Venmo, AliPay, and so on. For example, with the pre-existing Google Wallet service, users could “store” cash on their phones. With the help of short-range
wireless communication, the owners of devices paid for purchases in any organization that cooperated with this payment system. If a company was not a Google Wallet partner, users could get a physical wallet card linked to Bank of Google.

V 2018, Google
the two main payment streams – Android Pay and Google Wallet – into a single service called Google Pay. The combined system has the same features and allows you to view your purchase history, and receive bonuses and personal offers.

Digitalna denarnica se običajno imenuje tudi kripto denarnica in denarnica za shranjevanje elektronskega denarja. V tem članku bomo govorili o digitalnih denarnicah za denar, ki ga morda imate na plastični bančni kartici ali računu.

Zakaj so digitalne denarnice priljubljene v svetu?

Over the past 5 years of the evolution of electronic wallets, the number of digital payments has almost doubled. In 2020 alone, the world’s population made 779 billion digital payments. Statista

da se bo to število v naslednjih letih povečalo še za 13 %.

Coronavirus gave impetus to the accelerated growth of electronic payments because during quarantine and self-isolation people tried to avoid public places and pay online. Digital payments increased even in cash-first countries and even among older shoppers.
People are so accustomed to these conveniences that by 2025, according to experts from
Mordorska inteligenca, bodo gotovino nadomestile digitalne denarnice.

According to experts, the most popular mobile applications for electronic payments have an audience of 39 million to more than 1 billion users per day. With the Baby Boomers gradually retiring and being replaced by more tech-savvy Generation Z, it is expected
that there will be even more digital wallet owners. 

Unfortunately, not all countries are involved in the global digitalization of payments yet. The maximum coverage is observed in China, where about 47% of the population uses smartphone payments. Residents of Norway, Great Britain, Japan, Australia, Columbia,
the USA, Singapore, and Canada are interested in digital wallets. Austria closes the top ten, where 16% of the population prefers e-wallets.

However, sooner or later other countries will adopt electronic wallets. The only question is the time and technical literacy of people. Apart from the rise in popularity, what else can you expect from digital wallets?


Pogled v digitalno denarnico: tehnološki trendi za naslednjih nekaj let

Biometrična overitev

Since 2020 (the cyber pandemic year) people have become wary of online payments. At that time, only the UAE recorded an increase in online fraud by at least 250%. The FBI saw that people were 400 times more likely to complain about hacks. In 2022, the situation
is slightly simpler: in the first quarter, 18 million data leaks
so bili zabeleženi
. However, security remains a top priority and one of the biggest reasons why people are afraid to trust digital wallets.

Biometrična avtentikacija je tehnologija, ki zmanjšuje grožnjo zasebnosti. Navsezadnje se preverjanje in prepoznavanje podatkov o osebi zgodi zaradi njenih edinstvenih bioloških lastnosti: prstnih odtisov, mrežnice ali šarenice, glasov, obrazov in podobno.

Initially, the owner of a smartphone sets these characteristics so that in the future the system determines that the data matches. Only then will it allow a user to perform the necessary actions: unlock the phone, pay for goods using a digital wallet, open
the door of a rented car, and so on. For example, all new Apple smartphones have long been using Face ID – an infrared 3D facial recognition system – instead of Touch ID.

Biometrična avtentikacija najbolj enostavno in razumljivo zagotavlja bolj zanesljivo preverjanje identitete uporabnikov, ki pa goljufom ni na voljo. Ljudje zaupajo tej tehnologiji, zato
Gartner je prepričan, da bodo do leta 2023 točke za preverjanje identitete nadomestile platforme za preverjanje pristnosti v več kot 50 % velikih korporacij.

Od kartic do QR kod

Previously, a bank account number could be found by a combination of unique numbers written on the card. Since this approach was unsafe, it was replaced by the more reliable international EMV standard, which provides for the presence of a chip and codes
na kartici.

A chip can run applications and exchange commands with POS terminals, and when paying, the owner must specify a PIN. The information on the chip is protected, and it is technically more difficult to steal it than from a magnetic strip. But this technology
has its drawbacks because EMV cards also have a magnetic strip, information from which can be copied by fraudsters using special devices – skimmers.

QR codes promise to make our lives easier and safer. Stored on a smartphone, this unique 2D pattern is enough to show to another person to scan and, for example, transfer money. It contains much more data than a barcode and can be read on both screen and
paper. In addition, information can be read from a QR code, even if it is damaged.

When a buyer scans a code, they transfer the money to the seller’s bank account. In physical stores, the code can be displayed at the checkout to allow customers to pay for items without physical wallets. Customers just need to open an application, point
the phone camera at the “black and white” square, scan it in a couple of seconds, and go home happy with their purchases. Android users often opt for the NeoReader or QR Reader program, while iPhone owners prefer the Camera app.

When paying online, a user also needs to open a program and scan a code. Since the payment details are already stored in the system, a transaction will be quickly processed and approved.

A QR code is a promising technology. It is safe, inexpensive, convenient, and can be easily used to pay for goods, travel, utilities, food, and so on. This technology will fundamentally change the way retail outlets work because with a QR code, a seller
does not need electricity or an Internet connection, they only need a buyer with a smartphone.


Pojav mobilnih prodajnih mest

Digital wallets could revolutionize the way brick and mortar stores operate by eliminating the need to purchase expensive hardware. Experts predict the spread of mobile cash registers – mPOS. This is a smartphone or tablet that is used instead of a cash
register or an electronic cash terminal to pay for goods or services.

A standard POS terminal includes a desktop computer, cash drawer, receipt printer, credit card machine, and scanner. An mPOS dispenses with this bulky hardware. A mobile checkout only needs a network connection, a bank card reader, and a transaction app.
A user can download the POS app and connect the reader to their smartphone.

mPOS technology will make trading more mobile, allowing you to accept payments on the go from any place where there is an Internet connection. Juniper Research

a great future for it, estimating that by 2023 the number of mobile transactions will almost triple compared to 2018 and amount to 87 billion.

Plačilo s pametnimi zvočniki

Smart home assistants in the form of ordinary speakers can not only communicate with their owners, turn on music or report the weather forecast. Experts believe that smart speakers will revolutionize the financial sector. More and more users trust these
devices to order food at home or call a taxi. What’s more, people
se začenjajo
za spletno nakupovanje gospodinjskih predmetov, živil in celo oblačil.

To dejstvo
je potrjeno
by the figures given by the consulting company OC&C Strategy Consultants. It has recorded rapid growth in voice payments and predicts that their volume will be $40 billion by the end of 2022. So far, only 28% of the population trusts online
voice transfers, so the rest are not yet sure how safe this procedure is.

Tudi kljub tej oviri je prihodnost pametnih zvočnikov videti obetavna. Statista

da se na napravah po vsem svetu uporablja več kot 4.2 milijarde digitalnih glasovnih pomočnikov, do leta 2024 pa se bo to število podvojilo.

Varnost na osnovi AI

Ta točka izhaja iz prejšnje. Ker ljudi skrbi zanesljivost spletnega plačevanja, jim je treba zagotoviti vrhunsko varnost.

Banks own billions of customer data: contact information, personal information, payment details, and so on. This information must be able to be protected so that fraudsters do not have the opportunity to use it for their purposes.

To do this as efficiently as possible, financial institutions have come to rely on the help of technologies based on AI and machine learning. Such a security system can detect suspicious transactions in real time and report them to the bank account holder.
The warning may come in the form of an SMS notification from the bank asking if the user made the payment. Thus, a financial company will respond to illegal actions in time and prevent a serious accident, when not only the client’s money but also the company’s
reputation is at stake.

Različne banke se že zanimajo za AI in ML in nameravajo v te tehnologije vložiti milijarde dolarjev. Avtomatizirani zaščitni sistemi, ki temeljijo na AI in ML, postopoma postajajo standard v boju proti kibernetskim kriminalcem.

Michael Kaplan, glavni uradnik za prihodke in generalni direktor PayNearMe,
people’s caution about digital wallets. He said that some of us are already paying for groceries or shopping online with our Google or Apple Pay accounts. When consumers start paying bills through a digital wallet, they fully appreciate its tremendous
ease and the time savings it gives them. The specialist is sure that all fintech companies should look for ways to enable digital wallets to take advantage of this important trend.

Velika odvisnost od oblaka

Oblak je primarno sredstvo za ustvarjanje digitalnih denarnic. Ima vgrajeno varnost, je sposoben skalabilnosti in izvaja intenzivne računske procese. Oblak izboljšuje digitalne denarnice in tako:

Although a payer’s personal information is already encrypted in an app, digital wallets hosted in the cloud have additional protection. It is guaranteed by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which is used in the financial services

The speed of payment processing directly affects the convenience of customers. Even though plastic bank cards have significantly accelerated the payment process, they still need time to authenticate and verify on payment devices. With cloud digital wallets,
this procedure can be carried out even faster, in a split second.

The cloud allows you to securely store payment information in a central virtual repository, regardless of the device. You can pay for goods using smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. If these devices are lost or stolen, an unauthorized person will not
be able to use them thanks to strong biometric authentication.

Oblak ustvarja idealno okolje za povezovanje denarnic z novimi tehnologijami, kot je blockchain.
Singapore Airlines (SIA) has launched a mile-based digital wallet, KrisPay. Program members can earn miles through everyday spending or convert their miles into KrisPay tokens, which can then be spent
at multiple retail stores. In this way, the company seeks to increase customer loyalty, attract more users and strengthen its brand awareness.

Digitalne denarnice vplivajo na poslovni uspeh

A digital wallet also benefits businesses in the sense that customers get what is very important to them – a quick and convenient checkout option. According to a VoCUL

, this condition is important for 40% of buyers and is an important factor in achieving loyalty to a particular seller.

Online merchants are also positive about the new technology and most of them are convinced that it will not hurt their business. In the US, over 60% of eCommerce merchants

vsaj eno integrirano možnost digitalne denarnice.

By offering digital wallet options at checkout, a company can achieve business goals faster and increase the bottom line. Participants in the same VoCUL survey said that the adoption of this technology helps speed up the checkout process and increase the
number of visits. HotelTonight, for example, claims that Google Pay users are 65% more likely to complete a booking process and have a 2x higher conversion rate than card-based shoppers.

Juniper study author Alexandria Sadler emphasized that merchants not only need to base their payment strategies on wallet acceptance to support a targeted market with digital participation. They also need to identify the right wallets for targeting or they
will be burdened with increased costs and limited benefits.


Vse zgoraj
trends play
an important role in the transition from paper money to digital money. 2020-2022 showed that people are used to paying for goods in a contactless way. A digital wallet securely stores payer information in a compact form. You can pay for goods
and transfer money even to other countries easily and quickly. With e-wallets, shoppers manage their spending better by getting account information instantly. It can be said that a digital wallet gives people more freedom and businesses more options to grow
and improve.

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