Wild West Crypto Show predstavlja inovativne rešitve 2B3D za veterane in več podatkovne inteligence PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Wild West Crypto Show predstavlja inovativne rešitve 2B3D za veterane in druge

Conservative alt-coin podcast hosts Drew Taylor and Brent Bates recently welcomed guests and the audience to another episode of their wildly popular Wild West Crypto Show. Special guests to the program included CryptoCurrencyWire’s Jonathan Keim, who shared the three hottest stories in cryptos. The show also shined the spotlight on interviews with some of the attendees of the recent NFT Conference held in Las Vegas. “2B3D is synonymous for metaverse… Over 31,000 veterans have killed themselves since 9/11. It’s a major, major problem… Studies show that if you can get to somebody within five to fifteen minutes of that thought process, it’s a 90% success rate… So, what we’ve done is, using our company and our innovative tech, we’ve built a metaverse room where somebody can put goggles on and immediately ‘be in a crisis center,’ where they can talk to somebody. We use very lifelike, real tech, so it looks like you’re in a doctor’s office. They’ll also be able to connect with therapists and get the help that they need immediately,” said Robert Bell, CEO of 2B3D, speaking of the company’s flagship solution. He went on to say that 2B3D has partnered with the non-profit Forge Forward project in order to leverage virtual reality solutions for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (“PTSD”). Speaking of gamification having shown significant positive results, he indicated that the collaborators’ next-gen treatments are now in sponsor-funded clinical trials and designed to help not only the veteran, but the community, including the wife, business owner, co-worker, friend, and family.

Najnovejšo epizodo si oglejte na https://ccw.fm/PvZKe

O kripto šovu Wild West

Kripto Show Wild West se na televiziji pojavlja na številnih trgih po državi, pa tudi na spletu kot šaljiv in izobraževalni forum za zagotavljanje informacij z namenom, da bi zmanjšali nekaj pozornosti potrošnikov glede nadomestne valute. Za več informacij o oddaji in ogled zadnje epizode, ki vključuje tekoči segment CryptoCurrencyWire z najnovejšimi novicami z vsega sveta, obiščite www.WildWestCryptoShow.com.

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