Bo Bidnov izvršni ukaz pomagal ali škodoval bitcoinu? Strokovnjaki pretehtajo podatkovno inteligenco PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Bo Bidnov izvršni ukaz pomagal ali škodoval bitcoinu? Strokovnjaki pretehtajo

Ali bo izvršilni ukaz ameriškega predsednika Joeja Bidna, ki poziva k regulativnim smernicam v zvezi z Bitcoinom, tehnologiji pomagal ali škodoval?

Ameriški predsednik Joe Biden podpisal izvršilni nalog (E.O.) yesterday outlining federal efforts to research and develop specific guidelines for the use of bitcoin, alternative cryptocurrencies and a possible Federal Reserve central bank digital currency (CBDC) as the country seeks to remain at the core of the global financial system.

„V zvezi z digitalnimi sredstvi si bo moja uprava prizadevala zagotoviti spoštovanje naših temeljnih demokratičnih vrednot; potrošniki, vlagatelji in podjetja so zaščiteni; ohranjena ustrezna povezljivost globalnega finančnega sistema ter interoperabilnost platform in arhitekture; ter ohranjata varnost in trdnost svetovnega finančnega sistema in mednarodnega monetarnega sistema,« se glasi naročilo.

Is Biden Trying To Kill Bitcoin?

Odredba poudarja, kakšne koristi imajo ZDA od trenutnega svetovnega monetarnega reda in kako je njihov najboljši interes, da ohranijo ta vzvod. Bidenova administracija vidi ameriško CBDC kot možen katalizator za močnejšo državo - kar bi ji lahko pomagalo prekašati napreden globalni razvoj digitalnih plačil s Kitajske — while it poses questions regarding alleged “risks” that more “private” cryptocurrencies like bitcoin could pose to the same efforts.

“There clearly is a faction that feels urgency to push a CBDC,” national security fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute (BPI), Matthew Pines, told Bitcoin Magazine. "Na Fed in Kongres bodo naleteli na velik odpor."

Biden’s E.O. calls for an overhaul policy mechanism through a collaborative task force between several regulatory agencies as it seeks to determine and adapt to what his administration sees as risks posed by Bitcoin to national security objectives of the United States.

"Rast decentraliziranih finančnih ekosistemov, plačilne dejavnosti enakovrednih in prikritih knjig blockchain brez kontrol za ublažitev nezakonitega financiranja bi lahko v prihodnosti predstavljale tudi dodatna tržna in nacionalno varnostna tveganja," je navedeno v izvršilnem ukazu.

Bitcoin advocate Senator Cynthia Lummis argued in a Wednesday Izjava čeprav se strinja s predsednikovim prizadevanjem za boj proti pranju denarja in zaščito potreb nacionalne varnosti v državi, meni, da "njegov izvršilni ukaz pogreša dejstvo, da velika večina uporabnikov digitalnih sredstev spoštuje zakone in poskuša izboljšati naš finančni sistem .”

Chainalysis je prejšnji mesec objavil a poročilo highlighting a current downtrend in the criminal use of Bitcoin. According to the blockchain analysis company’s research data, “illicit activity’s share of cryptocurrency transaction volume has never been lower.”

Kongresnik Minnesote Tom Emmer je v sredo ponovil Lummisove komentarje Cvrkutati Twitter.

"EO ne omeni decentralizacije enkrat," je zapisal. »Glede na to regulativno držo administratorja do kripto skupnosti, nimamo razloga za domnevo, da bodo direktive v EO prinesle rezultate, ki ustrezno priznavajo pomen vodenja w. politike digitalnih sredstev, ki dajejo prednost odprti, nedovoljeni in zasebni tehnologiji."

Could Regulation Help Bitcoin Thrive In The U.S.?

Kristin Smith, the executive director of the Blockchain Association, a Washington D.C.-based trade association representing prominent cryptocurrency organizations, sees the Biden executive order in a positive light, as she argues it opens the door for dialogue and responsible devising of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency regulation.

"To je neverjetno pozitivna izjava," je dejala v sredo Prostor Twitter. “We’ve basically had the President of the United States [say] that U.S. competitiveness in the digital asset arena is important and that we should create policies that foster this. This is quite a big change from the last administration where you had Trump tweeting bad things about Bitcoin.”

Smith je poudaril tudi "premišljen in metodičen postopek", ki ga izvršni ukaz določa za ocenjevanje tega trga, namesto da bi prehitro sklepal brez ustrezne študije.

"To je pravzaprav res dober način za oblikovanje politike," je dejala.

Po zasnovi izvršilni ukaz trenutno ne prispeva veliko k doseganju posebnih rezultatov glede zakonodaje o bitcoinih in kriptovalutah. Namesto tega želi vzpostaviti bolj formalen in usklajen pogovor med regulativnimi agencijami in zveznimi organi za oceno tveganj in priložnosti na trgu ter od njih zahtevati, da poročajo s svojimi ugotovitvami.

Bo Bidnov izvršni ukaz pomagal ali škodoval bitcoinu? Strokovnjaki pretehtajo podatkovno inteligenco PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Biden’s executive order requested dutiful research from several federal agencies as it seeks to establish a comprehensive and unified stance on Bitcoin and the broader digital assets space. Image source: NYDIG.

"[Izvršni ukaz] bi moral začeti obdobje dialoga med zainteresiranimi stranmi in zveznimi agencijami, ko gledajo na ta prostor, in ne prejudicira, kakšna bi morala biti politična rešitev," je dodal Smith.

Energetika je eno od področij, ki jih je Biden od agencij zahteval skrbno raziskavo. Administracijo zanima politika, ki "zmanjšuje negativne podnebne vplive in onesnaževanje okolja, kar je lahko posledica rudarjenja nekaterih kriptovalut."

Poziv k globlji študiji rudarjenja je pomemben, saj je večina ameriških zakonodajalcev pokazala pomanjkanje zadostnega znanja o dokazovanju dela (PoW). Januarja je Predstavniški dom ZDA je imel zaslišanje on the bitcoin mining industry and its possible effects on the environment. However, out of the five witnesses who joined to testify and aid lawmakers in developing a better understanding of the industry, only two demonstrated a good understanding of Bitcoin’s PoW consensus mechanism and its importance.

Mehanizmi soglasja, ki niso PoW, "ponovno uvajajo centraliziran koncept zaupanja," je povedala priča John Belizaire, izvršni direktor Soluna Computing. Bitcoin Magazine na razgovoru po zaslišanju.

“On the one hand you say [bitcoin mining] uses all of this energy, but it could be the catalyst for renewable energy… there are billions of dollars being stored in it every day, and… it’s launching all of this ecosystem and financial services,” Belizaire added.

How The Bitcoin Community Can Guide U.S. Policy

In fact, the dividing line between Bitcoin’s innovation, PoW, and other cryptocurrency consensus mechanisms like proof of stake (PoS) is an area that should be covered by those with whom the federal agencies talk. By bundling Bitcoin with PoS cryptocurrencies into the same basket, much of the debate’s quality can be lost as intrinsic differences between the two get blurred in an overarching “crypto” or “digital assets” discourse.

Such a narrative could lead some regulators to believe that PoW isn’t necessary and its energy consumption isn’t justifiable, something also evidenced in January’s bitcoin mining hearing in the House, when lawmakers suggested that Bitcoin could switch to PoS for climate change’s sake.

Bitcoin “can’t take the risk to shift” to PoS, a consensus mechanism that “may actually undermine what has given [Bitcoin] its strength and growth,” Belizaire told Bitcoin Magazine ob uri.

In this sense, Pines’ call for the Bitcoin community to unite and help shed light on the importance of PoW and how it solves the issues inherent in a trust-based financial system may be more important than ever.

"Poskušajo razumeti, kakšni so podnebni vplivi in ​​ali so pozitivni učinki večji od negativnih," je v sredo povedala Margot Paez, prav tako sodelavka na BPI. Prostor Twitter.

While most lawmakers and mainstream media reports have focused on the alleged negatives of bitcoin mining’s energy consumption, Brian Brooks, CEO of bitcoin miner Bitfury and former acting comptroller of the currency, provided examples in his January testimony in the House for how Bitcoin can actually help the energy economy of the United States.

“Bitcoin… is like an energy derivative, it provides real-time price signals to the market about the most valuable use of energy in a given place,” Brooks said at the time. “The vast majority of industrial-scale bitcoin miners are the price transmission belt for all of the energy globally.”

Biden’s order acknowledges this reality as it calls for deeper research into the possibilities enabled by having a baseload energy consumer like Bitcoin in the U.S. energy grids. The president requested a report from competent agencies to address, among other things, “implications for energy policy, including as it relates to grid management and reliability, energy efficiency incentives and standards, and sources of energy supply.”

Paez je povedal Bitcoin Magazine da ni jasno, v katero smer bodo ubrali Biden in zvezne agencije, ko bodo zaključili svoje raziskave in začeli pripravljati politike o tej zadevi, ter ali bodo ZDA še naprej dobrodošlo mesto za industrijo.

"Težko je reči, ker politiki, ki iščejo politično zmago, ki se spremeni v glasove, lahko temeljijo ne na dejstvih, ampak na čustvih," je dejala. "Glede na to EO vsaj priznava, da bi lahko prinesla koristi od vključevanja PoW v omrežje, kar pomeni, da je več odprtosti."

Paez je dodal, da bo bolj razvit in integriran rudarski ekosistem težje prepovedati, če bo Bidenova administracija ubrala malo verjetno pot.

"Bolj kot je integrirano rudarjenje v omrežju in ima bistveno vlogo, težje ga bo prepovedati," je dejala.

Issues could arise from a unilateral move by the U.S. government that drifts favorably toward a CBDC and negatively toward Bitcoin and its decentralized foundations. It is still unclear whether that would be the case, but broader efforts in the Bitcoin community have the potential to turn the tide of such an event.

"To je izhodiščna pištola za veliko ljudi, ki poskušajo oblikovati, kaj pravijo ta različna poročila, in ti boji se bodo dogajali v jarkih znotraj različnih agencij, z zunanjimi lobisti, kongresnim pritiskom," je dejal Pines. Bitcoin Magazine. “[The] Bitcoin community needs to get more sophisticated in our understanding of the policy process and ensure accurate facts (about energy/climate, national security, CBDC risks, etc.) are presented to the right people.”

Pines je dodal, da BPI namerava še naprej objavljati poročila, uvodnike in raziskovalne članke, da bi osvetlili dejanske informacije, ki bi lahko pomagale pri dobri politiki, čeprav ni lobistična skupina.

“The government really lacks deep expertise in this area and will need to turn to trusted sources of information to guide their work,” Pines said. “Bitcoin is disadvantaged in this regard as we don’t have a CEO to call, or a PR shop with a lobbying arm. But we have plebs. That broad energy is important to generate political juice, but we also need to provide objective data and analysis.”

Pines je tudi svetovalec za upravljanje z več kot desetletnimi izkušnjami, ki svetuje vladi ZDA in zasebnemu sektorju o kritičnih izzivih varnosti in odpornosti. Objavil je an obsežno poročilo on Tuesday outlining how, contrary to the U.S. government’s potential view, Bitcoin can actually empower the country to achieve its national security objectives.

“The U.S. is exceptionally well-poised to take unique advantage of the opportunity presented by the emergence of Bitcoin and use it to help promote a more abundant and resilient future,” he wrote in the report. “A world where Bitcoin fails is a world where U.S. retrenchment and decline is more likely.”

Biden’s initial move could be a net positive for Bitcoin as it legitimizes the market to the eyes of the skeptical U.S. citizen by bringing it to the forefront of national policy. However, the end result might depend largely on the effectiveness of industry players and the Bitcoin community in combating mainstream fear mongering and misconceptions about energy usage of mining and the network’s peer-to-peer and decentralized nature.

"Boj bo v jarkih pri stvareh, kot so učinek PoW na energijo/podnebje, stabilni coin v primerjavi s CBDC in SEC [Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo ZDA] proti organom CFTC [Commodity Futures Trading Commission]," je dejal Pines. "Odgovarjanje na pripombe javnosti ali zagotavljanje informativnih listov ali drugih informiranih prispevkov je način, kako bomo zagotovili, da bo vladna politika dobro oblikovana."

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