XRP lawsuit: Here’s what the SEC has that Ripple doesn’t PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

XRP tožba: Evo, kaj ima SEC, česar Ripple nima

XRP lawsuit: Here’s what the SEC has that Ripple doesn’t PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

SEC proti. Ripple lawsuit has been going on since December last year and both the plaintiffs and defendants have been trying to convince the court of their side of the story. Vsaka sodba, ki je bila sprejeta od takrat, je imela velik vpliv ne samo na vpletene strani, ampak tudi na usodo primera. 

Until recently, the court had a host of motions pending on its table. However, the judge ultimately decided to grant the regulatory agency dodatni čas for discovery, despite Ripple’s opposition. With this ruling, the case is undoubtedly set to be prolonged further, and now, the discovery phase will conclude itself only by 16 October. 

The aforementioned court ruling has undoubtedly stalled the momentum that the defendants had until a few weeks ago. Commenting on similar lines, popular attorney Jeremy Hogan je dejal, 

»Čas NI na strani Ripplea in vsakič, ko SEC reče, da želijo to hitro končati, laže. [SEC] želi ZMAGATI in vsak teden, ki mine, ji pomaga. "

Unsurprisingly, the SEC wants to dig further and now has the permission to make additional deponents testify. The regulatory agency is seemingly not in any rush to finish this case. After all, the outcome of this case would serve as a precedent for future lawsuits. Hogan added, 

"Več časa mineva, boljše je za položaj poravnave SEC." 

Tu pa velja omeniti, da v nasprotju s splošnim dojemanjem Hogan meni, da je bila hitrost primera precej impresivna.  

"Verjeli ali ne, ta primer se tudi s 60-dnevnim zamikom hitro premika za primer takšne velikosti."

Verjetnosti poravnave na tej stopnji ni mogoče popolnoma izbrisati. Vendar je treba opozoriti, da bi se poravnava zgodila šele po zaključku odkritja dejstva, katerega rok je bil že podaljšan. Po mnenju nekaterih, kot je Stefan W. Huber, morda poravnava kljub vsemu ne bi bila slaba ponudba. 

Poleg tega with the change of administration in the U.S., people from the XRP community do have hopes that the new Chairman of the SEC, Gary Gensler, would personally get involved in the case. According to Hogan, that is not going to happen. 

"Očitno maja ni prišlo do poravnave in resnično verjamem, da se novi predsednik Gensler ne bo vpletel."

Še več, predloge za skrajšano sodbo je treba vložiti v 30 dneh po zaključku odkritja. Sodnik, ki je odkritje potisnil za 60 dni, spremeni časovne okvire. Odvetnik pa meni, da je 60 dni le "trenutek očesa na kamen". Ko je pogledal trenutni scenarij, je nadaljeval z

"Ampak potem, ko dodate odgovore in odgovore na odgovore, nato pa morda Sur-odgovore ... verjetno ne, vendar nikoli ne veste - ne vidim primera, o katerem bi se odločalo po kratki sodbi do začetka leta 2022 - morda januarja."

Naročite se na naše Novice

Vir: https://ambcrypto.com/xrp-lawsuit-heres-what-the-sec-has-that-ripple-doesnt/

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