XRP Lawsuit: SEC deems Ripple arguments as “hollow” in Slack data dispute PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Tožba XRP: SEC meni, da so argumenti Ripple "votli" v sporu o podatkih Slack

SEC neprestano strelja po Rippleu po dolgotrajnem molku v tožbi XRP. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in vrednostne papirje je vložila dodaten odgovor v podporo svojemu zahtevku, da prisili tožečo stranko Ripple Labs, Inc., da odkrije ustrezna sporočila Slack do ali od 22 ključnih zaposlenih v Rippleu.

Družba SEC je trdila, da je stališče družbe Ripple proti odkritju podatkov Slack v zadevi neveljavno, namesto da bi vrednost tožbe kot sodni spor z visokim deležem. Tožnik trdi, da se toženci sami strinjajo, da so komunikacije Slack bolj "spontane" in manj "formalne" v primerjavi z e -poštnimi sporočili, ki so predložena kot dokazi. Vendar toženci zaradi časovnih in denarnih omejitev zavračajo predložitev zahtevanih podatkov.

“Ripple’s arguments might make sense in the context of a routine contract dispute, the types of cases Ripple cites in its Opposition. But these arguments should ring hollow in this case, “an incredibly high-stakes, high-value litigation.” D.E. 283-15 at 52. Indeed, “requiring review and production of Slack messages…is generally comparable to requiring search and production of emails.”…The Court should grant the SEC’s Motion.”, SEC piše to Judge Netburn.

Ripple je v sporu o podatkih Slack odstranil skoraj 50% zaposlenih, ki jih je SEC odložil

The SEC mentioned that Ripple does not dispute that it had formerly agreed to search all Slack messages for the 33 employees. Furthermore, the commission revealed that Ripple itself selected 31 out of the 33 that could’ve been deposed by the SEC. However, after reporting the data collection error on July 30, Ripple recommended searching Slack messages for only 9 of these 33 employees. The SEC argued that Ripple’s recommendation was backed by its aim to “focus on more significant custodians with high Slack usage.”. Yet, Ripple’s proposal excluded nearly Half of the employees that the SEC deposed or could have deposed.

SEC vloži ugovor proti Ripplejevemu predlogu za pečat

The SEC has also filed an opozicija to Ripple’s Motion to seal exhibits. It has asserted that the defendant’s Motion to Seal fails to meet the criteria set forth by the Lugosch v. Pyramid Co. of Onondaga. The criteria require sealing of “judicial documents” to be “narrowly tailored”. However, Ripple is demanding a “blanket seal” from public presumption, regardless of the high level of public interest in the case.


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XRP Lawsuit: SEC deems Ripple arguments as “hollow” in Slack data dispute PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
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Vir: https://coingape.com/xrp-lawsuit-sec-deems-ripple-arguments-as-hollow-in-slack-data-dispute/

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