ZenFinex imenuje Matthewa Wrighta za izvršnega direktorja skupine PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

ZenFinex imenuje Matthewa Wrighta za izvršnega direktorja skupine

Sedež v Združenem kraljestvu ZenFinex, which calls itself a ‘boutique brokerage’, has appointed Matthew Wright as the new Group Chief Executive Officer. Wright has already joined the broker at the apex position, according to his Linkedin profile.

"Prevzel sem vlogo izvršnega direktorja skupine z nalogo, da sodelujem z ustanovitelji, da to razburljivo zagonsko podjetje popeljem na naslednjo stopnjo," je povedal Wright Magneti za finance. "Imamo razburljive načrte in komaj čakam, da vidim, kam lahko gremo."

He has replaced ZenFinex’s founder Nick Cooke, who previously held the position of Group CEO. Cooke will continue to sit at the board of the broker and will now focus on strategic vision and executing strategy across global entities.

Wright comes with extensive experience in the trading industry. He held several other leadership roles and is skilled in handling risk management, proprietary trading, foreign exchange (FX) options, and options.

Before joining ZenFinex, Wright was the CEO at the London-based CFDs and financial spread betting broker, Capital Index for almost four years. He resigned from that post last July that has been recently filled by its previous Head of Operations, Trevor Barwell.

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Additionally, Wright was the CEO at Destek Markets UK for a brief 12 months period. His most prominent experience was at GAIN Capital’s Forex.com, where he spent almost nine long years as the Chief Operating Officer for the EMEA region.

“We are delighted that Matt has joined our team as Group CEO,” Cooke told Magneti za finance. “Matt’s excellent reputation and industry experience speaks for itself and I am sure that he will be a fantastic addition as we head into our next phase of growth. His vision very much aligns with the Board and I look forward to working closely with him to execute our plan.”

Čas za širitev

His appointment at ZenFinex’s apex position came at a crucial time when the broker is planning for mednarodne širitve.

Earlier, Nick Cooke, the Founder of ZenFinex, revealed the brokerage’s plan to enter markets in Asia and the Middle East. It has already applied for regulatory licenses from multiple jurisdictions.

Meanwhile, the broker is investing heavily in technology and infrastructure as it wants to run on a ‘personal technology systems and process designs’ model. Last year in August, the FCA-regulated broker zbrala 5 milijonov funtov v krogu financiranja serije A.

Vir: https://www.financemagnates.com/executives/moves/zenfinex-appoints-matthew-wright-as-group-ceo/

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