Napoved cene bitcoina 2024: Cena BTC bi lahko dosegla to raven v prihodnjem letu, napoveduje Gareth Soloway

Napoved cene bitcoina 2024: Cena BTC bi lahko dosegla to raven v prihodnjem letu, napoveduje Gareth Soloway

Bitcoin Price Prediction 2024: BTC Price Might Hit This Level in Coming Year, Predicts Gareth Soloway PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Bitcoin, the world’s premier cryptocurrency, has been a hot topic of discussion at the recent Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami. One of the voices making waves at this conference is Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist at

Solowayjeva tržna napoved in Bitcoin Outlook

Gareth’s perspective on the market is interesting, as he predlaga that investors might have mispriced the market. He stresses that the market might be anticipating a pause in the Federal Reserve’s approach to interest rates, but the expert asserts that a pause does not necessarily indicate an imminent rate cut. This cautionary view reflects his bearish stance on the equity markets.

Omembe vredno je njegovo prepričanje, da bo inflacija v bližnji prihodnosti ostala visoka in da Federal Reserve ne bo znižala obrestnih mer, če se inflacija občutno ne zniža. Vztraja, da takšni dejavniki prispevajo k njegovi napovedi kratkoročnih obetov stagflacije.

Gareth’s view on Bitcoin is equally intriguing. He explains that despite potential short-term positive impact in case of a default, Bitcoin’s role is still not well-defined, hence his belief that Bitcoin’s bottom hasn’t been reached yet. He even postulates a drop to as low as $9,000 into 2024.

Poleg tega Soloway poudarja, da se morajo trgovci in vlagatelji zavedati tekočih težav z zgornjo mejo dolga v Washingtonu DC. Trdi, da čeprav je rešitev verjetna, bi lahko naraščajoče napetosti z vsakim ciklom povzročile večjo nestanovitnost in potencialno neplačilo, kar bi posledično lahko ustvarilo znatne donose, če bi se vlagalo v prave instrumente.

Preberite tudi: DeSantis za zaščito Bitcoina pred grožnjami

Napovedovanje prihodnjih trendov bitcoinov

Gareth’s outlook on Bitcoin is thought-provoking. He sees Bitcoin as a risk asset and its recent behavior as a sign of a market top, rather than bottom. He anticipates that a market reevaluation could potentially drive Bitcoin’s value further down, which contrasts with the commonly held belief that Bitcoin will continually increase in value.

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