Gnosis lansira popolnoma decentralizirano plačilno omrežje in debetno kartico

Gnosis lansira popolnoma decentralizirano plačilno omrežje in debetno kartico

Gnosis Launches Fully Decentralized Payment Network and Debit Card PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
  • Sprva se bo tržil v Veliki Britaniji, Evropski uniji in Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru.
  • Gnosis Pay je rezultat partnerstva med Gnosisom in plačilnim procesorjem SaltPay.

Blockchain industry frontrunner Gnosis has introduced Gnosis Pay and Gnosis Card, the first fully decentralized payment network and self-custodial debit card. This was announced during the biggest annual European Ethereum 04-days event, The Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC).

Z uporabo potrošniške debetne kartice s certifikatom Visa, povezane z denarnico za samostojno skrbništvo v verigi, stranska veriga Gnosis, ki temelji na Ethereumu, ponuja Gnosis Pay in Gnosis Card, prvo v integraciji decentraliziranih plačilnih omrežij z običajnimi procesorji.

Spodbujanje sprejemanja kriptovalut

Sprva se bo tržil v Združenem kraljestvu, Evropski uniji in Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru. Združene države, Brazilija, Mehika, Singapur in Hongkong so vsi na seznamu ciljnih trgov za širitev v četrtem četrtletju. Ta nova storitev izstopa od podobnih plačilnih kartic Web4 in naj bi spodbudila sprejetje kriptovalut.

These novel services allow customers to utilize stablecoins and the Visa payment system to make transactions online. Working as a layer 2 solution on the chain, Gnosis Pay is the result of a partnership between Gnosis and the payment processor SaltPay.

The Gnosis Card will support EURe, a stabilno tied to the Euro, upon launch. The developers behind Gnosis Pay are hard at work adding support for MakerDAO’s decentralized stablecoin, DAI. Gnosis Pay will first provide a physical card and a web application; a mobile app is in development.  The $30 EURe registration fee ushers in a new age of cryptocurrency transactions, thus boosting adoption.

Despite Gnosis’s separation from Safe in July, the two companies remain closely connected, as seen by the inclusion of Safe wallets in Gnosis’s most recent product offerings.

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