IMF poziva El Salvador, naj zavrne Bitcoin Forever PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

IMF od Salvadorja zahteva, da za vedno zavrne Bitcoin

IMF poziva El Salvador, naj zavrne Bitcoin Forever PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is telling El Salvador to forget about bitcoin for good and to forgo any further plans involving the world’s number one digital currency by market cap. The financial giant is saying that bitcoin is too volatile and risky to be used as legal tender, and it is asking the Central American nation to revert to the old ways of using the U.S. dollar.

IMF želi, da se Salvador znebi BTC

El Salvador made history last year when it announced plans to narediti bitcoin zakonito plačilno sredstvo. People could walk into any store or business and pay for services or items with bitcoin the way they could with USD, which was the fiat currency the country had long been dependent on. The goal was to make things easier for people and try to wean the nation of off foreign assets.

Many agencies throughout the world scowled at this idea, vključno s Svetovno banko. The agency stated that it was not going to be helping El Salvador in any way when it came to implementing its bitcoin agenda given that the asset was too vulnerable to price swings, and thus using it as a legal currency was likely going to backfire in some way.

Zdaj je videti, da se IMF pridruži vrstam Svetovne banke in opozarja Salvador, da lahko nadaljevanje sedanje poti vodi le v težave in obup. V poročilu je denarno podjetje pojasnilo, da uporaba bitcoina ustvarja okolje z velikim tveganjem. Povedalo je tudi, da uporaba bitcoina postavlja pod vprašaj državno "tržno celovitost, finančno stabilnost in varstvo potrošnikov". Dokument se zaključi z navedbo:

Prav tako lahko ustvari pogojne obveznosti.

IMF tudi zahteva, da se uvede stroga regulativna taktika za spremljanje državnega sistema denarnic El Chivo, ki hrani vse bitcoine, ki jih uporabljajo prebivalci države.

Valuta je padla

One of the reasons that El Salvador has been taking a lot of flak for using bitcoin as of late is because the crypto market has seemingly dropped tenfold in a rather short period. The entire space lost as much as $130 billion in just the last few days alone, and several leading assets are now experiencing heavy price drops including bitcoin, which briefly fell below $33,000 earlier in the week. However, at the time of writing, the currency is trading for just shy of $38,000, suggesting the currency is now on a path to recovery.

Ni jasno, ali bo El Salvador prisluhnil kritikam IMF, čeprav je glede na nedavni neprijazen odgovor, ki ga je na Twitterju izdal njegov predsednik Nayib Bukele, mogoče trditi, da bo država verjetno nadaljevala s svojo sedanjo kripto agendo. brez zamude.

Tags: Bitcoin, El Salvador, IMF Vir:

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