Vrednotenje omrežja Bitcoin namesto sredstev PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Vrednotenje omrežja Bitcoin namesto sredstev

This is an opinion editorial and transcript by Will Schoellkopf, host of the “It’s So Early!” Bitcoin podcast.

Bitcoin Magazine contributor Stephen Chow transcribed a Bitcoin podcast episode of “It’s So Early!” between host Will Schoellkopf and fellow Bitcoin Magazine contributor Mark Maraia. They introduce their nova skupina Telegram where they’ve created a market for Bitcoiners to include in their transactions with each other a satoshi value for not only the product/service they are buying, but also a satoshi value to each other acknowledging the privilege of transacting over the Bitcoin network. The following transcript has been edited for brevity.

Will Schoellkopf: Naša skupina se imenuje #250satsperdollar in Mark, ti ​​si imel čast dati prvih nekaj sporočil v skupini Telegram. Prosim, če lahko na glas preberete, kaj ste napisali v skupini, da bodo ljudje imeli občutek za kanal Telegram?

Marka Maraja: I’d be happy to. So it says, “Welcome to this group!” Anyone in this group agrees that the Bitcoin network and protocol is worth 250 sats per dollar — that’s sort of the intro. The other thing that I think you and I have talked about is that we’re going to all agree in this chat — that’s just you and I right now — that the unit of account is sats, not bitcoin. And anyone is welcome to post any transaction that they have done where the parties have valued the Bitcoin network and protocol at the amount of 250 sats per dollar. You’re also welcome to make an offer for either products or services for that valuation as well. And the reason, by the way, why sats is our unit of account is: sats reduces the confusion between small-b bitcoin and capital-B Bitcoin, which is the network. It also allows you and I to unilaterally — because it’s a permissionless network — value the Bitcoin network at whatever we agree to as a meeting of the minds. I also think it allows the well-informed and the best-informed Bitcoiners to actually establish a market where they all agree that the Bitcoin network equals or has a 250 sats per dollar value. So we can do that, whether it’s just you and I for the next five years, or if 50 people want to join us this month, I don’t care. I think it’s a market that’s now sitting on our phone and we’ll see where it goes from there. I think it’ll be fun. I appreciate you helping me set it up.

Will Schoellkopf: Torej imate na primer ponudbo za eno 2' x 3' repliko Deklaracija o monetarni neodvisnosti (DoMI) naprodaj.

Marka Maraja: So that’s something that actually cost me $30 to print. I actually printed off a bunch of them. They’re nice and thick, they’re really high quality, they look like colonial style writing. They’re exact replicas of the 9’ x 12′ version that was signed by thousands of Bitcoiners pri Konferenca Bitcoin 2022 v Miamiju, zato dajem enega od teh na voljo po 7500 satih, tako da sem pripravljen dati svoj sat, kamor so moja usta, tako da izpustim – ločim se od – ene od teh natančnih replik za ta znesek sat.

Will Schoellkopf: 30 $ krat 250 (sat na dolar) je 7500 sat.

Marka Maraja: Pravilno.

Will Schoellkopf: So that’s where the price comes from. So the question that I have is: let’s say five years from now we’re at the Bitcoin 2027 conference, you do the 2’ x 3’ foot DoMI poster again, but this time, because the printer store still doesn’t take satoshis, this time the printer store says the same poster will cost forty dollars to print instead of thirty dollars to print. Five years from now is the price you would ask for in this Telegram group 10,000 satoshis instead of 7500 satoshis?

Marka Maraja: Asking me what I’m gonna do five years from now is tricky because the price of Bitcoin will have changed. I think at some point the market will more fairly value the Bitcoin network and protocol. The whole point of this chat is that you need a meeting of the minds. I was a practicing lawyer for about seven years, and what you learn in law school is: you have no agreements until there’s a meeting of the minds. All right, so you and I did the first 250 sats for valuing the Bitcoin network and protocol with your book, torej nisi dobil nič za knjigo, ampak si bil plačan za omrežje. Jutri lahko izvedemo transakcijo za vašo knjigo, ki bi lahko bila drugačna od te ali čez eno leto ali čez pet let.

Marka Maraja: Ponovno se lahko kateri koli dve stranki strinjata z vrednostjo omrežja in lahko celo ustanovita lasten kanal Telegram za to vrednotenje. In bolj kot je vsaka posamezna valuta na svetu v tekmi proti ničli, večja je verjetnost, da se bo sredstvo dvignilo do višjih številk.

Will Schoellkopf: To je ločeno od vrednotenja omrežja, kajne?

Marka Maraja: To je povsem ločeno vprašanje.

Will Schoellkopf: So the big thing that’s interesting to me is people say “bear markets are for builders,” so even as satoshis (the asset) goes down in price, the network is only getting bigger and stronger. I’m pursuing not only having a Bitcoin Core or a Bitcoin full node but also a Lightning node, so that’s being bullish on the network getting bigger, stronger and more decentralized, even as the asset goes down in price. So really associating a value for the network more than just the asset.

Marka Maraja: Nočem, da se število satoshi dvigne glede na dolar - želim, da se zniža. To začne ljudem spržiti možgane, ker smo navajeni razmišljati o naložbah. ne! To je kupna moč! To je varčevanje! Želim si, da bi imel današnji satoshi večjo kupno moč čez eno leto ali 10 let ali pet let, in zelo sem prepričan – če bom svoje satoshije držal pet ali 10 let – sem zelo prepričan, da bo obdržal svojo vrednost boljša od katere koli druge valute na planetu. V to sem zelo prepričan.

Will Schoellkopf: Zelo kul. Če nekdo želi kopijo vašega podpisanega plakata, mora imeti srečanje, mora ceniti omrežje tako kot vi, če želi imeti ta plakat.

Marka Maraja: Točno, za to ceno.

Marka Maraja: I believe — and I think you agree with me — that the best way to maintain and preserve purchasing power is through satoshis and the network that it runs on that’s run 13 years almost perfectly with no downtime and has never been hacked is the Bitcoin network and protocol. Well that includes the developers. What we’re saying to those developers, what we’re saying to every volunteer who’s running a node, who’s mining — there are some miners who are probably not earning any block rewards, they literally aren’t part of a pool, but they’re still securing the network. I want to send the message, to the World Economic Forum, to every central banker on the planet, to the Bank of International Settlements: Hey look, I value this network at this amount.

Will Schoellkopf: Ni podjetja na svetu, ki bi to lahko naredilo. Celo Western Union ne more premikati vrednosti na takšen način – to hitro, enostavno, varno in brez dovoljenja – zato je seveda popolnoma podcenjen.

Will Schoellkopf: What would you say to anyone who thinks it’s too late to get started in Bitcoin?

Marka Maraja: Tako zgodaj je. Ker nihče ne razume — sem napisal an article for Bitcoin Magazine and I quoted Jameson Lopp: “Nobody Understands Bitcoin And That’s Okay.” So right now there’s a beautiful arbitrage moment for anybody having the courage to do the homework and get into Bitcoin. And if you do and you have a willingness to hold on to it for at least five years against any currency — all of which are going to zero — you are going to be well rewarded as long as you don’t need to live on it and you don’t use leverage to get it.

Will Schoellkopf: V redu, slišiš, kaj pravi Mark Maraia? Tako zgodaj je! Hvala Marku, da si prišel v oddajo.

Marka Maraja: Več kot dobrodošli, bilo je zelo zabavno. Upajmo, da bomo to ponovili.

To je gostujoča objava Marka Maraie. Izražena mnenja so povsem njihova in ne odražajo nujno mnenj BTC Inc. oz Bitcoin Magazine.

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