SEC lahko od Stevena Seagala pobere neplačane globe za promocijo ICO, pravi sodnik

SEC can collect unpaid ICO promotion fines from Steven Seagal, says judge SEC PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.


Igralec Steven Seagal dolguje ameriški komisiji za vrednostne papirje in borzo neplačane globe, ki izhajajo iz poravnave, povezane s promocijo prve ponudbe kovancev - in ameriški sodnik je agencijo pooblastil za zbiranje.

Glede na Bloomberg, Seagal owes more than $200,000. As previously reported, Seagal settled with the agency after being accused of not disclosing payments related to his endorsement of the Bitcoiin ICO. As part of the deal, he was ordered to pay more than $300,000.

Per the report, Seagal has paid the SEC just $75,000. The agency previously went before a court to detail its payment struggles with Seagal. 

Zdaj lahko SEC "poskusi zbrati preko Seagalovega poslovodje," pravi Bloomberg.

SEC has gone after other promoters involved in Bitcoiin, which was accused of being a Ponzi scheme. John DeMarr pled to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud in July and faces sentencing in January.

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